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왕좌의 게임 영어 대본(시즌 2x05) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 2x05 - The Ghost Of Harrenhal

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02x05 - The Ghost Of Harrenhal.docx

02x05 - The Ghost Of Harrenhal

The wolf pup has gone south.

The North is ripe for the taking.

You'll take a ship to raid the fishing villages on the Stony Shore

I'm to fight fishermen?

Be careful of their nets.

Lovely boy.

What do you want?

You're called Arry?

A boy could make a friend.

This man has the honor to be Jaqen H'ghar.

Every night it's the same.

I'm running through the Godswood howling.

These are dreams, nothing more.

My dreams are different. Mine are true.

I saw something take that child.

Wildlings serve crueler Gods than you or I.

Ready my horse. We leave at dawn.

Did Cersei have you knighted before or after she took you into her bed?

Nothing to say?

Mercy! Mercy, My Lord!

I want to know what Cersei is doing and you will tell me.

Yes, My Lord, I will.

Sweet boy! Help us!

Round up any survivors.

We'll take them back to Harrenhal.

This one's a girl dressed as a boy.

Get these prisoners to work. Bring the girl.

I need a new cupbearer.

I will give you this one night to reconsider.

Otherwise I shall destroy you.

Look to your sins, Lord Renly.

The night is dark and full of terrors.

I will vouch for her, her people and her dragons.

Be it on your head.

Welcome to Qarth, My Lady.

Trust you've not forgotten your smuggler's tricks.

What am I bringing ashore?

The red woman.

No one must know what you do and we'll not speak of this again.

♪ Game of Thrones 2x05 ♪ The Ghost of Harrenhal Original Air Date on April 29, 2012 ♪

You swear it?

By the mother.

My son has no interest in the Iron Throne.

Then I see no reason for hostility between us.

Your son can go on calling himself King in the North, the Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty.

And the wording of this oath?

The same Ned Stark swore to Robert 18 years ago.

Cat, their friendship held the kingdoms together.

And in return for my son's loyalty?

In the morning I'll destroy my brother's army.

When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together, as they have done many times before.

Our two houses have always been close, which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle.

Negotiate a peace with your brother.

Negotiate with Stannis?

You heard him out there.

I'd have better luck debating the wind.

Please bring my terms to your son.

I believe we are natural allies.

I hope he feels the same.

Together we could end this war in a fortnight.

No. Follow me!

You'll die for this.

No, wait, it wasn't her!


No, wa-

We've got to leave.

They'll hang you for this.

- Inside the King's tent, go!

I won't leave him.

You can't avenge him if you're dead.

Over there, go!

Not that way.

We need to go home.


My Lord, My Lady.

Get out.

Stannis will be here in an hour.

When he arrives, Renly's bannermen will flock to him.

Your former companions will fight for the privilege of selling you to their new king.

And you want that privilege for yourself.

You will note that I am standing here talking to you, not Stannis.

There's no time for this.

Ride back to Highgarden, sister.

I'm not running from Stannis.

Brienne of Tarth murdered Renly.

I don't believe that. You don't believe that.

Who gained the most from our king's death?


I will put a sword through his righteous face.

You can't stay here.

He would have been a true king, a good king.

Tell me, Ser Loras, what do you desire most in this world?


I have always found that to be the purest of motivations, but you won't have a chance to put your sword through Stannis, not today.

You'll be cut to pieces before he sets foot on solid ground.

If it is justice that you want, be smart about it.

You can't avenge him from the grave.

Bring the horses.


He was very handsome.

He was, Your Grace.

"Your Grace."

Calling yourself king doesn't make you one.

And if Renly wasn't a king, I wasn't a queen.

Do you want to be a queen?

I want to be the queen.

Killed? By whom?

Accounts differ.

Most seem to implicate Catelyn Stark in some way.

Really? Who'd have thought?

Some say it was one of his own Kingsguard, while still others say it was Stannis himself who did it after negotiations went sour.

Whomever did it, I say well done.

It's not what Varys says.

He says Renly's army is flocking to support Stannis, which would give Stannis superiority over us on both land and sea.

Littlefinger says we can outspend him three to one.

And I say father raised you to have too much respect for money.

Stannis Baratheon is coming for us, sooner rather than later.

Aren't there other things you should be doing, like sealing my daughter in a crate so you can ship her away?

She'll be safer in Dorne.

Yes, I know how concerned you are for her safety.

It so happens that I am.

Myrcella is a sweet, innocent girl and I don't blame her at all for you.

So clever.

Aren't you always so clever with your schemes and your plots?

Schemes and plots are the same thing.

They are going to attack us.

We need to be ready.

No need to concern yourself over it.

The King is taking personal charge of siege preparations.

May I ask specifically what the King has in mind?

You may specifically or you may ask vaguely.

The answer will be the same.

It's important that we talk about this.

It's the King's royal prerogative to withhold sensitive information from his councilors.

It's wildfire.


You wouldn't lie to me, would you, cousin?

That's a lie right there.

It is not a lie. Why would I lie?

Tell me, if the vile allegations against my brother and sister are true, do you think it will make Jaime more likely to kill you or less likely?

When I tell him you're f*cking her, I mean.

I'm telling you the truth.

The smart money would be on more likely.

She's making wildfire.

But then perhaps his own unnatural urges will give him sympathy for yours.

The alchemists' guild is being commissioned.

I suppose there's only one way to find out.

They have thousands of pots already stored in their vaults.

They are planning to launch them from the city walls into Stannis's ships and armies.


When did she tell you this?

I heard her talking with the Pyromancer.

And the other night after I left her, she went to meet him.

I swear to you.

Swear to me on what?

On my life.

But I don't care about your life.

In the Light of the Seven, by all that is holy and right, I, Lancel Lannister, do solemnly vow ...

All right, all right. Enough.

Even torturing you is boring.

Just get out.

Oh, Lancel, tell my friend Bronn to please kill you if anything should happen to me.

Please kill me if anything should happen to Lord Tyrion.

It will be my pleasure.

Your Grace.

What is it?

Your Grace.

I'm sorry about your brother, Your Grace.

I wanted to let you know that people grieve for him.

Your Grace.

Fools love a fool.

Your Grace.

I grieve for him as well ... for the boy he was, not the man he grew to be.

I need to speak to you about what I saw in that cave.

I thought I made it clear to you there'd be no need to speak to me on this matter.

Your Grace, I ...

I've never known you to need to hear a thing twice.

And I've never known you to hide from the truth.

You've come to lecture me on truth?

I've come to tell you that what I saw ...

All my brother's bannermen have come to my side.

Except the Tyrells, who fled like cowards.

They won't be able to resist us now.

Soon I shall be sitting on the Iron Throne.

Nothing is worth what this will cost you, not even the Iron ...

I'll hear no more about it.

Take a company of men, secure the perimeter.

When do we sail for King's Landing?

As soon as I've consolidated my troops.

We'll make short work of the Lannisters' fleet.

Once Blackwater Bay is cleared, we'll deliver our troops to their doorstep and take the city.

And will you bring Lady Melisandre with you?

That's not your concern.

If you take King's Landing with her by your side, the victory will be hers.

I never thought I'd have reason to doubt your loyalty. Was I wrong?

Loyal service means telling hard truths.

Oh, truth again.

All right, what's the truth?

The hard truth?

She's a foreigner preaching her foreign religion.

Some believe she whispers orders in your ear and you obey.

What do you believe?

You won those bannermen from Renly.

Don't lose them to her.

We set out for King's Landing without Lady Melisandre.

And you lead the fleet into Blackwater Bay.

Your Grace, I'm honored, but my time on the sea was spent evading ships, not attacking them.

The other lords won't be happy.

Most of those lords should consider themselves lucky I don't hang them for treason.

Hard truths cut both ways, Ser Davos.

I've got it!

I've got it!

So it's that one there at the top, on the right.

Buy my fruit, My Lord. Fresh fruit.

Stannis has more infantry, more ships, more horses.

What do we have?

There's that mind of yours you keep going on about.

Well, I've never actually been able to kill people with it.

Good thing. I'd be out of a job.

What about your father?

He hasn't sent a raven in weeks.

He's very busy.

Being repeatedly humiliated by Robb Stark is time-consuming.

We won't be able to hold the city against Stannis, not the way Joffrey's planning on holding it.

Corruption, yes.

We are swollen, bloated, foul.

Brother fornicates with sister in the bed of Kings and we're surprised when the fruit of their incest is rotten?

Yes, a rotten king.

It's hard to argue with his assessment.

Not after what he did to your birthday present.

The King is a lost cause.

It's the rest of us I'm worried about now.

A dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls to the tune of a twisted demon monkey.

You have to admire his imagination.

He's talking about you.


Demon monkey?

People think you're pulling the King's strings.

They blame you for the city's ills.

Blame me? I'm trying to save them.

You don't need to convince me.

Demon monkey.

( Seagulls screeching

Yeah, come on.

You're the crew of the sea bitch?

I'm your commander. Welcome.



Your Captain commands you to stop.

Where are we heading, Captain?

The Stony Shore to raid their villages.

There'll be spoils in it for you, and women, if you do your jobs well.

And who decides if we've done our jobs well?

Your Captain.

I have been reaving and raping since before you left Balon's balls, Captain.

Don't reckon I've got much use for your ideas on how to do it.

Don't reckon I've got much use for a captain at all.

I'm thinking I can do the job of captain real well myself.

All I need is a ship.

You wouldn't know where I could find myself a ship now, would you?

You could do that, take the ship, head out on your own.

And I will hunt you down, drag you back here in chains, and hang you for a traitor.

Stop. We yield.

Congratulations on your first command.

Thank you. Kind of you to come see me off.

Oh, I'm not here for you.

I was just on my way to Red Harbor.

I've got 30 ships. There's nowhere to put them here.

Too narrow.

You'd better get out there.

Wouldn't want them to set sail without you.

That would never happen.

My crew would wait on deck for a year if I asked them to.

This lot, though...

Enjoy the Stony Shore.

Come on, I'll take you out.

Who are you?

Dagmer, your first mate.

Why aren't you with the rest of them?

Or did they send you to row me out and dump me halfway in the sea?

That would be good for a laugh.

They're not gonna respect you until you prove yourself.

And how am I supposed to prove myself by pillaging piss-poor fishing villages?

You're not.

And yet that's the task my father has given me to prove that I'm a true Iron Islander.

They're all Iron Islanders.

Do they do as they're told or do they do as they like?

The Stony Shore's not far from Torrhen's Square.

The seat of the House of Tallhart ... a more impressive prize than a few fishermen's daughters.

What, you don't think we could take it?

No, we could.

We could never hold it for more than a few days.

As soon as Winterfell got word that we'd taken Torrhen's Square, the Starks would send their men to take it back.

And then ... take me to my ship.

The Starks have overextended their lines.

Now that summer's over, they'll have a hard time keeping their men and horses fed.

The Starks understand winter better than we ever will.

The cold won't beat them.

Our spies report growing discontent among the northern lords.

They want to return home and gather the harvest before the crops turn.

And I'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments, they would report growing discontent amongst the southern lords.

This is war; No one's content.

We've underestimated the Stark boy for too long.

He has a good mind for warfare, his men worship him.

And as long as he keeps winning battles, they'll keep believing he is King in the North.

You've been waiting for him to fail.

He is not going to fail, not without our help.

So how do we stop him?

We've worked through the night, My Lord.

Perhaps we'd profit from some sleep.

As I think you would, Reginald.

And because you're my cousin, I might even let you wake from that sleep.

Go, I'm sure your wife must miss you.

My wife's in Lannisport.

Well, then you'd better start riding.

Go before I change my mind and send her your head.

If your name wasn't Lannister, you'd be scrubbing out pots in the cook's tent. Go!

Not wine, water.

We'll be here for some time.


Where are you from?

Maidenpool, My Lord.

And who are the Lords of Maidenpool?

Remind me.

House Mooton, My Lord.

And what is their Sigil?

A red salmon.

I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that.

You're a northerner, aren't you?

Good. One more time, where are you from?

Barrowton, My Lord. House Dustin.

Two crossed longaxes beneath a black crown.

And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North?

They call him the young wolf.

They say he rides into battle on the back of a giant Direwolf.

They say he can turn into a wolf himself when he wants.

They say he can't be killed.

And do you believe them?

No, My Lord.

Anyone can be killed.

Fetch that water.

A girl says nothing.

A girl keeps her mouth closed.

No one hears, and friends may talk in secret, yes?

A boy becomes a girl.

I was always a girl.

And I was always aware.

But the girl keeps secrets.

It is not for a man to spoil them.

You're one of them now.

I should have let you burn.

And you fetch water for one of them now.

Why is this right for you and wrong for me?

I didn't have a choice.

You did. I did.

And here we are.

A man pays his debts.

A man owes three.

Three what?

The Red God takes what is his, lovely girl.

And only death may pay for life.

You saved me and the two I was with.

You stole three deaths from the Red God.

We have to give them back.

Speak three names and the man will do the rest.

Three lives I will give you ... no more, no less, and we're done.

I can name anyone and you'll kill him?

A man has said.

The one who tortures everyone.

A man needs a name.

I don't know his name.

They call him the Tickler.

That is enough.

Go now, girl. Your master is thirsty.

He's not here yet.

He'd have seen us, blown the horn.

When will he come?

The Halfhand does things in his own time.

My uncle told me stories about him.

Most of them are true.

I heard the Halfhand spent half of last winter beyond the wall.

The whole winter.

He was north of the Skirling Pass when the snows came.

Had to wait for the thaw.

So it is possible for someone to survive out here on their own.

Well, possible for the Halfhand.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Gilly would love it here.

There's nothing more sickening than a man in love.

About time you did something.

At least you'll keep warm.

The fist of the First Men.

Think of how old this place is ... before the Targaryens defeated the Hendals, before the Andals took Westeros from the First Men.

Before I die, please, stop talking.

Thousands and thousands of years ago, the First Men stood here where we're standing all through the long night.

What do you think they were like, the First Men?


Smart people don't find themselves in places like this.

I think they were afraid.

I think they came here to get away from something.

And I don't think it worked.


One blast is for rangers returning.

Wildlings is two blasts.

So you got to stand there waiting, wondering.

One blast for friends, two for foes.

And three for White Walkers.

It's been 1,000 years, but that's the only time they blow the horn three times.

But if it's been 1,000 years, how do you know?


I read it in a book.


It's Qhorin Halfhand.

Aye, we'll live another day.


Take care, My Lord.

I remember reading an old sailor's proverb ...

"piss on wildfire and your cock burns off."

Oh, I have not conducted this experiment.

It could well be true.

The substance burns so hot, it melts wood, stone, even steel, and, of course, flesh.

The substance burns so hot, it melts flesh like tallow.

After the dragons died, wildfire was the key to the Targaryen power.

My companion takes issue.

If I could tell you how many crazy old men I've seen pushing carts around army camps making grand claims about jars full of pig sh1t...

No offense meant.

Our order does not deal in pig sh1t.

The substance is fire given form.

And we have been perfecting it since the days of Maegor.

To do what?

The jars are put in catapults and flung at the enemy.

How much do you have?

If you could get real soldiers to man the catapults, then maybe you'd hit your target one time in 10, but all the real soldiers are in the Riverlands with your father.

My Lord, this man is insulting.

I don't know if you've ever seen a battle, old man, but things can get a bit messy.

'Cause when we're flinging things at Stannis, he's flinging them right back at us.

Men die, men sh1t themselves, men run, which means pots falling, which means fire inside the walls, which means the poor c**ts trying to defend the city end up burning it down.

My friend remains unconvinced.

He would not dare insult my order whilst Aerys Targaryen lived.

Well, he's not living anymore.

And all his pots of wildfire didn't help him, did they?

Men win wars, not magic tricks.

We have been working tirelessly day and night ever since your royal sister commanded us to do so.

Our present count stands at 7,811, enough to burn Stannis Baratheon's fleet and armies both.

This is a sh1t idea.

I'm afraid I have to concur with my advisor, wisdom Hallyne.

The contents of this room could lay King's Landing low.

You won't be making wildfire for my sister any longer.

You'll be making it for me.



He'll be able to feed himself from now on.

Let him sleep, Doreah.

Yes, Khaleesi.

He loves you.

Thank you, my friend.

Did you see the dress Xaro had made for you?

They say he's the wealthiest man in Qarth.

It is known.

And if Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos ...

The last time a rich man gave me a dress, he was selling me to Khal Drogo.

Xaro is our host, but we know nothing about him.

Men like to talk about other men when they're happy.

You would look like a real princess in Xaro's ...

She's not a princess. She's a Khaleesi.

You should wear it, Khaleesi.

You are their guest.

It would be rude not to.

And you must visit the night market.

The Qartheen night market is like no night market you've ever seen.

It sounds wonderful.

The Meereens think they have a night market.

I will take you there myself.

Please excuse me for a moment.

What are they doing?

Malakko says the statue is too heavy to carry.

Kovarro says that Malakko is an idiot.

They can pry out the gems, the rest is pure gold.

Very soft. He can chop off as much as we can carry.

My brother used to say the only thing the Dothraki knew how to do was steal things better men have built.

It's not the only thing.

They're quite good at killing the better men.

That's not the kind of queen I'm going to be.

Mother of Dragons.

On behalf of the warlocks of Qarth, I welcome you.

A demonstration?

Take this gem. Look at it.

Into its depths.

So many facets.

Look closely enough and you can see yourself in them.

Often more than once.

Should you grow tired of Xaro's baubles and trinkets, it would be an honor to host you at the House of the Undying.

You're always welcome, Mother of Dragons.

My apologies.

Pyat Pree is one of the Thirteen.

It was customary for me to extend him an invitation.

Customs die slow deaths in Qarth.

What is the House of the Undying?

It is where the warlocks go to squint at dusty books and drink shade of the evening.

It turns their lips blue and their minds soft ... so soft, they actually believe their parlor tricks are magic.

You watch over her.

Do I know you?

I know you.

Jorah Mormont of Bear Island.

Who are you?

I'm no one.

But she is the Mother of Dragons.

She needs true protectors now more than ever.

They shall come day and night to see the wonder born into the world again.

And when they see, they shall lust, for dragons are fire made flesh.

And fire is power.

It looked like Stannis.

To me it just looked like...

A shadow in the shape of a man.

In the shape of Stannis.

We should reach my son's camp tomorrow.

Will you stay there long, My Lady?

Only long enough to tell Robb what I have seen.

After that, I will leave for Winterfell.

My two youngest need me.

I've been away from them for far too long.

I never knew my mother.

I'm sorry.

My own mother died on the birthing bed when I was very young.

It's a bloody business.

What comes after is even harder.

Once you're safely back amongst your own people, will you give me leave to go, My Lady?

You mean to kill Stannis.

I swore a vow.

But Stannis has a great army around him.

His own guards are sworn to keep him safe.

I'm as good as any of them.

I should never have fled.

Renly's death was no fault of yours.

You served him bravely.

I only held him that once as he was dying.

He's gone, Brienne.

You serve nothing and no one by following him into the earth.

Renly's enemies are Robb's enemies as well.

I do not know your son, My Lady... but I could serve you if you would have me.

You have courage.

Not battle courage, perhaps, but, I don't know, a woman's kind of courage.

And I think that when the time comes, you will not hold me back.

Promise me that you will not hold me back from Stannis.

When the time comes, I will not hold you back.

Then I am yours, My Lady.

I will shield your back and give my life for yours if it comes to that.

I swear it by the Old Gods and the new.

I vow that you shall always have a place in my home and at my table and that I shall ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor.

I swear it by the Old Gods and the new.

And it's not just thieves, My Lord.

There's wolves in them hills now, more than I've ever seen.

They come down in the night and they kill my sheep.

My three sons is away fighting for your brother, My Lord.

They'll fight, keep fighting till they're told to go home.

I have no one to man my flock now. Only me.

I can't keep watch all day and all night.

We can send two orphan boys from Winterstown home with you to help watch over your flock if you can give them room and board.

My wife always prayed for more children.

We'll look after them. Thank you, My Lord.

And may the Gods bless you and yours.

Stop it.

If that's everyone, I'm going to go for a ride before dark.



Hodor. Bran ... Lord Stark.

Torrhen's Square is under siege.

Torrhen's Square is barely 40 leagues from here.

How can the Lannisters strike so far north?

Might be a raiding party led by the Mountain.

Might be Sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister.

We have to help them.

Most of the fighting men are away with Robb, but I can gather

200 decent men.

Do you need so many?

If we can't protect our own bannermen, why should they protect us?

Go, Ser Rodrik. Take the men you need.

Won't take long, My Lord.

Southerners don't do well up here.

So, what does it mean?

Ask your Maester Luwin.

He's the one studying books all the time.

I did ask him. He'd never heard of a three-eyed raven.

Must not mean anything, then

You're lying.

You might be a little lord, but don't you call me a liar.

You know what it means.

I never said I didn't.

You didn't give me an honest answer.

That's not the same as being a liar.

Well, it's not far off.

So, you've been dreaming of a three-eyed raven again?

In the Godswood, you told me you didn't dream.

Now who's a liar?

What did you see in your dream?

Something bad?

Tell me, boy.

I dreamt that the sea came to Winterfell.

I saw waves crashing against the gates and the water came flowing over the walls... flooded the castle.

Drowned men were floating here in the yard.

Ser Rodrik was one of them.

The sea is hundreds of miles away.

I know.

It's just a stupid dream.

I've got to get these potatoes to the kitchen.

Otherwise they'll put me in chains again.


The three-eyed raven, what do they say about it north of the wall?

They say all sorts of crazy things north of the wall.



On that Mountain.

I don't see very well.

A fire.

There's a fire.

The people sitting around it have better eyes than yours or mine.

When they see us coming, that fire becomes a signal.

Gives Mance Rayder plenty of time. to throw a party in our honor.

How many wildlings have joined him?

From what we can tell, all of them.

Mance has gathered them all like deer against the wolves.

They're almost ready to make their move.


Somewhere safe.

Somewhere south.

Can't just march into their midst.

And we can't wait for them here with nothing but a pile of stones to protect us.

You saying we should fall back to the Wall?

Mance was one of us once.

Now he's one of them.

He's gonna teach them our way of doing things.

They'll hit us in force.

And they won't run away when we hit back.

They're gonna be more organized than before, more disciplined more like us.

So we need to be more like them, do things their way.

Sneak in, kill Mance, and scatter them to the winds before they can march on the Wall.

And to do that...

We need to get rid of those lookouts.

It's not a job for 400 men.

I need to move fast and silent.

Harker, Stonesnake, Borba.

Lord Commander, I'd like to join Lord Qhorin.

I've been called lots of things, but that might be my first Lord Qhorin.

You're a steward, Snow, not a ranger.

I've fought and killed a Wight.

How many rangers can say that?

He's the one?

Aye. You killed a Wight.

You also let an old man beat you bloody and take your sword.


In the boy's defense, that's a tough old goat.

I could take up Jon's duties while he's gone, My Lord.

It would be no trouble.

Well, I hope you make a better ranger than you do a steward.

Go on.

So, tell me, how long has your manservant been in love with you?

He's not my manservant and he's not in love with me.

He's my advisor, my friend.


I can almost always tell what a man wants.

And what about what a woman wants?

Much more complicated.

You, for example, what do you want?

To cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne.

Because I promised my Khalasar I'd protect them and find them a safe home.

You want to conquer the Seven Kingdoms?

I want them because they're mine by right.

The Iron Throne is mine and I will take it.

Ah, a conqueror.

And how did you get all of this?

Did someone give it to you?

I come from nothing.

I hit the docks like a piece of cargo, except someone normally cares what happens to cargo.

So you wanted more than you had and you took it.

You're a conqueror, too. you're just less ambitious.

What do you want, Xaro Zhoan Daxos?

At the gates of the city, you bled for me.

I will show you why.

The door and the vault is made of Valyrian stone.

The hardest steel does not make a mark.

I offered the greatest locksmiths in Qarth their weight in gold if they could break into it.

I made the same offer to the greatest thieves.

They all went home empty-handed.

The only thing that can open this door is this key.

And behind the door?

And it can all be mine?

Let us say half.

More than enough to buy horses, ships, armies ... enough to go home.

All I have to do?

Is marry me.

That was a romantic proposal.

I've already married once for love, but the Gods stole her from me.

I come from nothing.

My mother and father never owned a pair of shoes.

But marry me and I will give you the Seven Kingdoms and our children will be Princes and Princesses.

I have more ambition than you thought.

The time is right, Daenerys Targaryen, first of your name.

Robert Baratheon is dead.

If you cross the sea with an army you bought ...

The Seven Kingdoms are at war with one another.

Four false kings destroying the country.

To win Westeros, you need support from Westeros.

The usurper is dead.

The Starks fight the Lannisters, and Baratheons fight each other.

According to your new friend who earned your trust by cutting his hand?

The time to strike is now. We need to find ships and an army or we'll spend the rest of our lives rotting away at the edge of the world.

Rich men do not become rich by giving more than they get.

They'll give you ships and soldiers and they'll own you forever.

Moving carefully is the hard way, but it's the right way.

And if I'd listened to that advice outside the gates of Qarth, we'd all be dead by now.

I know the opportunity before you seems like the last you'll ever have, but you must ...

Do not speak to me like I'm a child.

I only want ...

What do you want?

Tell me.

To see you on the Iron Throne.

You have a good claim.

A title. A birthright.

But you have something more than that.

You may cover it up and deny it, but you have a gentle heart.

You would not only be respected and feared, you would be loved.

Someone who can rule and should rule.

Centuries come and go without a person like that coming into the world.

There are times when I look at you and still can't believe you're real.

So what would you have me do as my advisor?

Make your own way.

Find your own ship. You only need one.

The allies we need are in Westeros, not Qarth.

And how do I get the ship?

I'll find it for you.

A sound ship with a good captain.

I look forward to meeting him.


You should stand sideface.



Smaller target.

Am I fighting someone?

You're practicing for a fight.

You should practice right.



Did you see anything?

Go up there. Go and see where he fell from.

Go up the back.

That is strange.

Move away.

Stand back.

He's dead.


왕좌의 게임 영어 대본(시즌 2x04) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 2x04 - Garden of Bones

** 파일 : 

02x04 - Garden of Bones.docx

02x04 - Garden of Bones

Does it ever end?

This is further east than I've ever been.

( Dany speaking Dothraki )

May I present my wife Margaery of House Tyrell?

You are very welcome here, Lady Stark.

If Robb Stark wants a pact with us, he should come himself.

My son is fighting a war, not playing at one.

I cannot defeat my brother in the field.

You must give yourself to the Lord of Light.

I've said the words, damn you.

( Whispers ) I will give you a son.

We've come to a dangerous place.

My sister wants to hurt me. She can't know about you.

Who are you?

I'm Shae, My Lady. Your new handmaiden.

I didn't know I needed a new handmaiden.

Catelyn: You fought bravely today, Lady Brienne.

I fought for my king. Soon I'll fight for him on the battlefield.

Die for him if I must.

( Flies buzz )

You told the Queen about my plans to send Myrcella to Dorne.


Throw him in one of the black cells.

Cersei: Myrcella is my only daughter.

Do you really think I'll let you sell her like a common whore?

It's done, Cersei.

You cannot stop it.

Not tonight.

There's another Tyrell who requires your attention.

I'm sorry.

Do you want my brother to come in and help?

I don't know what you're talking about.

There's no need for us to play games. Save your lies for court.

You're going to need a lot of them.

My brother Jaime rots in a northern stockade.

Robb Stark will never release the Kingslayer.

But his mother might.

How would you like to see your beloved Cat again?

Man: Outside!

Jaqen: Come here, boy!

Sweet boy, help us. Give it to me.

( Blades ring )

( Groans )

( Hilt thuds, Arya grunts )

Amory: Round up any survivors.

We'll take them back to Harrenhal.

We're looking for a b*st*rd named Gendry.

You want Gendry? You already got him.

( Theme music playing )

♪ Game of Thrones 2x04 ♪ Garden of Bones Original Air Date on April 22, 2012 ♪

( Thunder rumbling )

( Horse neighs )

It's got to be the Mountain. He's the biggest.

He's the strongest.

Bulls are bigger than lions.

Doesn't mean I'd pick a bull in a fight.

If the bull had fangs and claws, I would.

Right, the Mountain or our man Jaime.

If he ever gets out.

( Thunderclap )

Loras Tyrell?

Loras Tyrell. He's prettier than the queen.

I don't care about pretty.

He's better with a sword than any of them.

How good could he be?

He's been stabbing Renly Baratheon for years, and Renly ain't dead.

( Laughs )

( Horse whinnies )

The horses seem a little spooked to you?

They're horses.

They get spooked by their own shadows.

( Horse snorting )

Do you hear that?

There's something out there.

( Neighing )

( Farts )

( Gasps )

( Laughing )

Oh, you're a right little prick.

You should see your face.

I swear you pissed yourself.

"Oh, who goes there? Ahh!"

( Laughs )

There is something out there.

Yeah, don't even try me.

( Horse neighs )


Do you think I'm an idiot?


( Screams )

( Rennick screaming )

( Horses neighing )

Man: King in the North!

Men: The King in the North!

( Water running )

( Man groans )

( Flies buzzing )

( Man #2 screaming )

( Horse neighing )

( Man #3 shouting )

Bolton: Five Lannisters dead for every one of ours.

They're dead. Take everything they've got.

Bolton: We've nowhere to keep all these prisoners.

Barely enough food to feed our own.

We're not executing prisoners, Lord Bolton.

Of course, Your Grace.

The officers will be useful.

Some of them may be privy to Tywin Lannister's plans.

I doubt it.

Bolton: Well, we'll learn soon enough.

In my family we say, "A naked man has few secrets.

A flayed man none."

My father outlawed flaying in the North.

We're not in the North.

We're not torturing them.

The high road's very pretty, but you'll have a hard time marching your army down it.

The Lannisters hold prisoners of their own.

I won't give them an excuse to abuse my sisters.

Man: No, no, don't! Don't!

Woman: Shh, shh. Please!

( Flies buzzing )

The rot's set in.

No, don't! No, don't!

Please, don't!

It'll get better. It doesn't even hurt.

The rot will spread. If we don't take the foot now ...

No, you can't!

Ser! Please, Ser.

I can't lose ...

You'll die if she does it.

I don't want to be a cripple, please.

Surely one of our men needs your attention more than this cub.

Your men are not my men, My Lord.

Put this in your mouth and lie down. You don't want to watch.

No! You can't!

Bite on it.

It's better than biting your own tongue, believe me.

( Muffled screaming )

( Sawing )

What's your name?


Your last name?

You want to know what side my family fights on?

You know my family name. You have me at a disadvantage.

That boy lost his foot on your orders.

They killed my father.

That boy did?

The family he fights for.

Do you think he's friends with King Joffrey?

He's a fisherman's son that grew up near Lannisport.

He probably never held a spear before they shoved one in his hands a few months ago.

I have no hatred for the lad.

( Sighs )

That should help his foot grow back.

You'd have us surrender, end all this bloodshed.

I understand. The country would be at peace and life would be just under the righteous hand of good King Joffrey.

You're going to kill Joffrey?

If the Gods give me strength.

And then what?

I don't know.

We'll go back to Winterfell.

I have no desire to sit on the Iron Throne.

So who will?

I don't know.

You're fighting to overthrow a king, and yet you have no plan for what comes after?

First we have to win the war.

You never told me where you're from.



You're far from home.

The boy was lucky you were here.

He was unlucky that you were.

You're here to answer for your brother's latest treasons.

Your Grace, whatever my traitor brother has done, I had no part.

You know that. I beg you ...

Ser Lancel, tell her of this outrage.

Lancel: Using some vile sorcery, your brother fell on Stafford Lannister with an army of wolves.

( Crowd murmuring )

Thousands of good men were butchered.

After the slaughter, the northmen feasted on the flesh of the slain.

( Crowd gasping, murmuring )

Killing you would send your brother a message.

( Crying )

But my mother insists on keeping you alive.


So we'll have to send your brother a message some other way.


Leave her face.

I like her pretty.

( Blow lands )

( Sansa gasps )

( Groans )

Meryn, My Lady is overdressed.

Unburden her.

If you want Robb Stark to hear us, we're going to have to speak louder.

( Sobbing )

Tyrion: What is the meaning of this?

What kind of knight beats a helpless girl?

The kind who serves his king, Imp.

Careful, now. We don't want to get blood all over your pretty white cloak.

Tyrion: Someone get the girl something to cover herself with.

She is to be your queen.

Have you no regard for her honor?

Joffrey: I'm punishing her.

Tyrion: For what crimes?

She did not fight her brother's battle, you half-wit.

You can't talk to me like that. The king can do as he likes!

The Mad King did as he liked.

Has your Uncle Jaime ever told you what happened to him?

No one threatens His Grace in the presence of the Kingsguard.

I'm not threatening the King, Ser.

I am educating my nephew.

Bronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him.

That was a threat. See the difference?

( Crowd whispering )

Tyrion: I apologize for my nephew's behavior.

( Crowd murmuring )

Tell me the truth.

Do you want an end to this engagement?

I am loyal to King Joffrey, my one true love.

Lady Stark, you may survive us yet.

The little king's backed up.

Clogged from balls to brains.

You think dipping his wick will cure what ails him?

There's no cure for being a c**t.

But the boy's at that age.

And he's got nothing to do all day but pick wings off flies.

Couldn't hurt to get some of the poison out.

What are you doing here, dog?

Your uncle left your nameday present and asked me to see that you got it.

What is it?

Look inside, Your Grace.

Your Grace.

Happy nameday, Your Grace.

My nameday has passed.

We won't tell if you won't.

Touch her.

( Women giggle )

( Breathing heavily )

Could you hit her?

( Laughs )

My uncle sent you?

Yes, Your Grace.

He chose us himself.

( Slapping )

( Laughing )

Use this.


( Whimpers )

I said harder.

He'd want me to get his money's worth.

( Crying )

( Screaming )

( Whimpering, crying )

Your Grace, too much pain will spoil the pleasure.

( Woman whimpering )

Please, please, please, Your Grace.

Your Grace, if your uncle finds out ...

Oh, I want him to find out.

You will bring her to his chambers when you're finished and show him what you've done.

Or the same thing will happen to you.


( Thuds )

( Screams )


( Horse whinnies )

Well, if it isn't my favorite whoremonger.

Pray I haven't kept you waiting long.

Your Grace.

Now you do the Lannisters' bidding, is that it?

Tell me, was my brother's body even cold before you secured your newest patron?

I'm a practical man.

Just not a loyal one.

And who would you have me be loyal to?

Your brother's corpse?

( Chuckles )

I don't like you, Lord Baelish.

I don't like your face.

I don't like the words that come oozing out of your mouth.

I don't want you in my tent one minute more than necessary.

So tell me, why are you here?

Renly: You can trust Brienne.

Her loyalty comes without charge.

You still have many friends at court, Your Grace, many who believe Ned Stark erred by not supporting your claim.

Now I understand.

You know I have the numbers.

You know I'm marching on King's Landing.

When I take the throne, you hope to retain your position.

And your head.

I would give priority to my head.

I understand that you don't like me, and while that saddens me greatly, I did not come here today seeking your affection.

When you march on King's Landing, you may find yourself facing a protracted siege or... open gates.

Your Grace.

Lord Baelish.

All of these tents look the same to me.

Would you be so kind ...

It would be my pleasure.

It took me weeks to learn way around the camp.

Twice I walked in on officers in stages of undress.

And the moment I learn which tent is mine, we're on the move again.

Your tent?

Not our tent?

The King snores, perhaps?

Or simply prefers solitude?

Pressures of command, no doubt.

Four kings vying for the throne.

I am not tutored in warfare, but basic arithmetic favors the side with the greater numbers.

If war were arithmetic, the mathematicians would rule the world.

But I did notice your brother entering His Grace's tent the just now.

The place of a Kingsguard is by the King's side.

And on the night of the your wedding, who was by the King's side then?

You seem quite interested in our marriage.

Your marriage is quite interesting...

Not only to me, but to the realm.

The marriage of a wealthy girl always breeds interest, if nothing else.

You've never married, have you?

I've been unlucky in my affections, sadly.

That is sad.

Though perhaps it's for the best.

The whole notion of marriage seems to confuse you, so allow me to explain.

My husband is my King, and my King is my husband.

Here is your tent, Lord Baelish. Good night.

( Hoofbeats )

( Horse whinnies )

( Speaking Dothraki )

What do you know of this place?

Only that the desert around their walls is called the Garden of Nes.

Every time the Qartheen shut their gates on a traveler, the garden grows.

( Man coughing )

( Man #2 groans )

Man #3: Go on!

Man #4: You, keep moving!

( Woman crying )

( Screams )

Man: Bring her about!

What kind of fire melts stone?

Dragon fire.

There's dragons here?

No, all the dragons are dead.

What's that smell?

Dead people.


Man: Please, please, no, no!

( Screaming )

( Screaming )

( Sobbing )


( Screaming )

( Screaming stops )

( Chains rattle )

( Heavy thud )

Woman: He's dead.

He was my son.

My sister was three days ago.

My husband, the day before that.

They take someone every day?

Does anyone live?

( Thunder rumbling )

Arya: Joffrey.


Ilyn Payne.

The Hound.



Ilyn Payne.

The Hound.

Joffrey. Cersei.

Ilyn Payne. The Hound.

How dare you?

You may have heard false reports.

You betrayed Ned.


I wanted him to serve as Protector of the Realm.

I begged him to seize the moment.

I trusted you. My husband trusted you.

And you repaid our faith with treachery.

No, My Lady.

Get out!

Cat, I've ...

I've loved you since I was a boy.

It seems to me that fate has given us this chance ...

Have you lost your mind? Get out!

Do you want to see your girls again?

Sansa, more beautiful than ever.

And Arya, just as wild as ever.

You have Arya, too?

Both girls are healthy and safe... for now.

But you know the Queen and you know Joffrey.

I fear for their longevity if they remain in the capital.

( Knife clinks )

What do you want?

The Lannisters will trade your daughters for the Kingslayer.

Of course they will.

Jaime Lannister for two girls?

Robb will never agree to those terms.

I'm not bringing these terms to him.

I'm bringing them to you.

You think I'd keep secrets from my son?

Robb has surprised them all with his skills in battle, but he's not a mother.

Consider it, Cat.

You may not get another chance.

I've brought you a gift.

I don't want your gifts.

A token of Tyrion Lannister's goodwill.

He wants you to understand that this exchange of prisoners is offered in good faith.

Good faith?

What's this?

Your husband was an honorable man.

He should rest beside his family in the crypts beneath Winterfell.

You may not believe ...

Get out.

( Groans )

( Men shouting )

Man: Get up, you dogs!

( Wood banging )

That's him, the one who picks.

The Mountain.

What are you doing?

He told me he stares at him every day.

That's why he doesn't get picked.

Man: Move, boy!


( Liquid trickling )

Tickler: Is there gold and silver in the village?

I don't know.


I didn't see any.

Where is the Brotherhood?

I don't know.

( Rats squeaking )

( Squeaking )

Tickler: Where is the Brotherhood?

I don't know. Please.

Where is the Brotherhood?

I don't know.

( Rat squeaking )

( Whimpering )

Which of the villagers aided them?

I don't know.

I never saw.

I never saw.

Please. Please, stop. Please, it's starting to ...


I didn't see anyone help him.

( Rat shrieking )

Take it off! Take it off!

Who helped him?

Ganes the butcher and his son.

That's better.

You've been very helpful.

No, stop, please!

What are you doing?

Please, stop!

Please, stop!

No! No!

I told you everything! No!

No! ( Screaming )

( Rat clattering )



Ilyn Payne. The Hound.

Woman: Please, Polliver.

Some food.

Just a crust of bread.

( Woman crying )


The Mountain.

Lady Stark, I had not thought to find you in the Stormlands.

I had not thought to be here, Lord Stannis.

Can that truly be you?

Who else might it be?

When I saw your standard, I couldn't be sure.

Whose banner is that?

My own.

I suppose if we used the same one, the battle would be terribly confusing.

Why is your stag on fire?

The King has taken for his sigil the fiery heart of the Lord of Light.

Ah, you must be this fire priestess we hear so much about.

Mm, brother, now I understand why you found religion in your old age.

Watch yourself, Renly.


No, no, I'm relieved.

I never really believed you're a fanatic.

Charmless, rigid, a bore, yes, but not a godly man.

You should kneel he's the Lord's chosen, born amidst salt and smoke.

Born amidst salt and smoke?

Is he a ham?

Stannis: That's twice I've warned you.

Listen to yourselves.

If you were sons of mine, I would knock your heads together and lock you in a bedchamber until you remembered that you were brothers.

It is strange to find you beside my brother, Lady Stark.

Your husband was a supporter of my claim.

Lord Eddard's integrity cost him his head.

And you sit beside this pretender and chastise me.

We share a common enemy.

The Iron Throne is mine by right.

All those that deny that are my foes.

The whole realm denies it, from Dorne to the Wall.

Old men deny it with their death rattle and unborn children deny it in their mother's wombs.

No one wants you for their King.

You never wanted any friends, brother.

But a man without friends is a man without power.

For the sake of the mother who bore us, I will give you this one night to reconsider.

Strike your banners, come to me before dawn, and I will grant you your old seat in the council.

I'll even name you my heir until a son is born to me.

Otherwise I shall destroy you.

Look across those fields, brother.

Can you see all those banners?

You think a few bolts of cloth will make you King?

The men holding those bolts of cloth will make me King.

We shall see, Renly.

Come the dawn, we shall see.

Look to your sins, Lord Renly.

The night is dark and full of terrors.

Would you believe I loved him once?

I thought we were welcome.

If you heard a Dothraki horde was approaching your city, you might do the same, Khaleesi.


My name is Daenerys ...

Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen.

You know me, My Lord?

Only by reputation, Khaleesi.

And I'm no lord, merely a humble merchant.

They call you the Mother of Dragons.

And what should I call you?

Oh, my name is quite long and quite impossible for foreigners to pronounce.

I am simply a trader of spices.

But we are the Thirteen, charged with the governance and protection of Qarth, the greatest city that ever was or will be.

The beauty of Quarth is legendary ...



Might we see the dragons?

My friend, we have travelled very far.

We have no food, no water.

Once I see my people fed, I would be honored ...

Forgive me, Mother of Dragons, but no man alive has seen a living dragon.

Some of my more skeptical friends refuse to believe your children even exist.

All we ask is the chance to see for ourselves.

I am not a liar.

Oh, I don't think you are.

But as I've never met you before, my opinion on the matter is of limited value.

Where I come from, guests are treated with respect, not insulted at the gates.

Then perhaps you should return to where you come from.

We wish you well.

What are you doing?

You promised to receive me.

We have received you.

Here we are, and here you are.

If you do not let us in, all of us will die.

Which we shall deeply regret.

But Qarth did not become the greatest city that ever was or will be by letting Dothraki savages through its gates.

Khaleesi, please be careful.


When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who have wronged me.

We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground.

Turn us away and we will burn you first.

You are a true Targaryen.

Only, as you said a moment ago, Retreating in fear from a little girl is unbecoming of the greatest city that ever was or will be.

The discussion is over, Xaro Xhoan Daxos.

The Thirteen have spoken.

I am one of the Thirteen and I am still speaking.

The girl threatens to burn our city to the ground and you would invite her in for a cup of wine?

She is the Mother of Dragons.

Do you expect her to watch her people starve without breathing fire?

I believe we can allow a few Dothraki through our gates without dooming our city.

After all, here I am, a savage from the Summer Isles, and Qarth still stands.

Our decision is final.

Very well.

I invoke Soumai.

I will vouch for her, her people, and her dragons in accordance with the law.

Be it on your head.

Welcome to Qarth, My Lady.

Mountain: You.

Tickler: Is there gold or silver in the village?

I'm not from the village.

Where is the Brotherhood?

I don't know what that is.

( Squeaking )

( Horses neigh )

Man: You two, take Lord Lannister's things to his quarters.

What's this?

We weren't expecting you till tomorrow, Lord Tywin.

( Chuckles ) Evidently not.

Why are these prisoners not in their cells?

Mountain: Cells are overflowing,

My Lord.

Polliver: This lot won't be here long.

Don't need no permanent place.

After we interrogate 'em, we usually just...

Are we so well-manned that we can afford to discard able young bodies and skilled laborers?

You, do you have a trade?

Gendry: Smith, My Lord.

What are you looking at? Kneel!

Kneel or I'll carve your lungs out, boy.

He'll do no such thing.

This one's a girl, you idiot, dressed as a boy.

Safer to travel, My Lord.


More than I can say for this lot.

Get these prisoners to work.

Bring the girl.

I need a new cupbearer.

Mountain: My Lord.

( Knocking on door )

Your visits are too few, cousin.

Her Grace, the Queen Regent, commands you to release Grand Maester Pycelle.

Here's your warrant.

So it is.

Will you take a cup with me?

I find that mulled wine helps me sleep.

I am here at Her Grace's behest, not to drink with you, Imp.

If my sister was so concerned for Pycelle, I would have thought she'd come herself.

Instead she sends you.

What am I to make of that?

I don't care what you make of it, so long as you release your prisoner immediately.

And you've received these instructions directly from Cersei?

As I said several times.

And you've waited this long to deliver the information?

When the Queen Regent gives me a command, I carry it out without delay.

Cersei must have great trust in you, allowing you into her chamber during the hour of the wolf.

The Queen Regent has a great many responsibilities.

She often works from dusk till dawn.

She must be very glad to have you helping her from dusk till dawn.

Ah, lavender oil.

She always loved lavender oil, even as a girl.

I am a knight!

An anointed knight, yes.

Tell me, did Cersei have you knighted before or after she took you into her bed?

What? Nothing to say?

No more warnings for me, Ser?

You will withdraw these filthy accusations.

Have you ever given any thought to what King Joffrey will have to say when he finds out you've been bedding his mother?

It's not my fault!

Did she take you against your will?

Can you not defend yourself, knight?

Your own father, Lord Tywin, when I was named the King's squire, he told me to obey her in everything.

Did he tell you to f*ck her, too?

I only meant I did as I was bid.

Hated every moment of it, is that what you'll have me believe?

A high place in court, a knighthood, my sister's legs spreading open for you at night.

Oh, yes, it must have been terrible.

Wait here. His Grace will want to hear this.

Mercy! Mercy, My Lord! I beg you.

Save it for Joffrey. He loves a good grovel.

My Lord, it was your sister's bidding ... the Queen.

I'll leave the city at once, I swear.

No, I think not.

My Lord?

You heard me.

My father told you to obey my sister.

Obey her.

Stay close to her side. Keep her trust.

Pleasure her whenever she requires.

No one ever need know as long as you keep faith with me.

I want to know what Cersei is doing, where she goes, who she sees, what they talk of ... everything.

And you will tell me.

Yes, My Lord, I will.

I swear it, as you command.

Oh, rise, rise.

Let us drink to our understanding.

Oh, you don't have a cup. Oh, well.

Smile, cousin. My sister is a beautiful woman.

And it's all for the good of the realm.

Go back and tell her that I beg her forgiveness, that I want no more conflict between us and that henceforth I shall do nothing without her consent.

But her demands.

Oh, I'll give her Pycelle.

You will?

Yes, I'll release him in the morning.

Cersei can keep him as a pet if she wants, but I will not have him on the council.

I could swear that I had not harmed a single hair on his head, but that would not, strictly speaking, be true.

( Wood creaking )

( Waves crashing )

Man: Stay within one table length.

Your Grace.

Do your knucklebones bring you luck?

Well, life's been good since you hacked them off, Your Grace.

And it's four less fingernails to clean.



Four fewer fingernails to clean.

Never understood why you had to wear them.

It reminds me of where I come from and where I am now.

It reminds me of your justice.

It was an honest punishment and you were good with the cleaver.

You were a hero and a smuggler.

A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad the good.

A lesson I've tried to teach my son.

Does he listen?

To me?

Gods, no.

But if your red woman told him to leap from the crow's nest ...

She has a name.

I trust you've not forgotten your smuggler's tricks.

I've lived within the law for 17 ...

I want you to be a smuggler this time.

Any shore, any night.

What am I bringing ashore?

The red woman.

No one must know what you do and we'll not speak of this again.

I am true to Your Grace and always will be, but surely there are other ways, cleaner ways.

Cleaner ways don't win wars.

Are you afraid, onion knight?

Someone once told me the night is dark and full of terrors.

You've carried more unpleasant cargo in your time.

Are you a good man, Ser Davos Seaworth?

I'd say my parts are mixed, My Lady ... good and bad.

If half an onion is black with rot, it's a rotten onion.

A man is good or he is evil.

And which are you?

Oh, good.

I'm a knight myself of sorts, a champion of light and life.

Well, that must be very nice for you.

Do you love your wife?

Yet you have known other women.

Don't talk about my wife.

I'm not. I'm talking about other women.

Like me, Ser Davos.

You want me.

You want to see what's beneath this robe.

And you will.

Strange that this Lord of Light asks you to work in the shadows.

Shadows cannot live in the dark, Ser Davos.

They are servants of light, the children of fire.

And the brighter the flame, the darker they are.

These weren't here before. They've barred the passage.

( Chuckles )

They can't bar our passage.

Gods protect us.

There's only one God, Ser Davos, and he only protects those who serve him.

( Gasps )

( Laughs, gasps )

( Moaning )

( Moans )

( Screaming )

( Shrieking )

( Shrieking )

( Growls )

( Theme music playing )


왕좌의 게임 영어 대본(시즌 2x03) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 2x03 - What is Dead May Never Die

** 파일 : 

02x03 - What is Dead May Never Die.docx

02x03 - What is Dead May Never Die

Robb: Tomorrow you'll ride south to the Stormlands. I need you to negotiate with Renly Baratheon.

If Renly sides with us, we'll outnumber them two to one.

I am glad your new friend was able to accompany you to the capital.

But I am very good at keeping secrets from my good friends.

Your discretion is legendary.

You in command here? I have a royal warrant for one of these gutter rats you're transporting.

We're looking for a boy named Gendry.

We'll be back with more men.

This is Gilly. She's one of Craster's daughters.

We have to take her with us when we leave.

I'm going to have a baby. If it's a boy...

If it's a boy, what?

Seeing as you betrayed the last Hand of the King, well, I just wouldn't feel safe with you lurking about.

The queen herself ...

The queen regent.

And you're a fool to believe she is your friend.

I hope you enjoy the Wall.

I have friends at court!

To the new Commander.

I need to get to Pyke.

I'm heading that way, Lord Greyjoy.

Balon: I destroy Robb Stark's enemies for him and he will make me king of the Iron Islands once again.

I will lead the attack myself.

Oh, you will?

I'm your son, who else? Yara?

So good to see you, brother.

She can't lead an attack.

She's commanded men. She's killed men.

No man gives me a crown. I will take my crown.

( Wind howling )

( Baby fussing )

( Baby crying )

( Gasps )

( Theme music playing )

♪ Game of Thrones 2x03 ♪ What Is Dead May Never Die Original Air Date on April 15, 2012 ♪

( Grunts )

Out, all of you.

b*st*rd's been meddling where he shouldn't!

I want you and your men gone.

And you will make this right.

( Spits )

Wait outside.

Lord Commander.

Lord Commander.

Leave us.

What did you do?

I followed him.

He took the baby into the woods, the newborn.

What business is that of yours?

No, you don't understand.

He's killing them, all the boys.

You know.

The wildlings serve crueler Gods than you or I.

Those boys are Craster's offerings.


He's murdering his own children. He's a monster.

Aye, many a time that monster has been the difference between life and death for our Rangers.

Your Uncle among them.

We have other wars to fight out there.

Like it or not, we need men like Craster.

I saw it.

I saw...

Something take that child.


Whatever it was, I daresay you'll see it again.

Now ready my horse.

We leave at dawn.

Don't lose it again.

( Men shouting )

( Birds squawking )

( Horse whinnies )


You're leaving.

I ... I wanted to give you something.

It belonged to my mother.

I can't take it.


I want you to.

My mother used it for sewing.

She'd let me sit with her in her chamber while she sewed and I'd read to her.

My father put a stop to it when he found out.

It's the only thing I have of hers.

She gave it to me before I left for the Wall.

You ... you shouldn't give it away.

I'm not giving it away.

I'm giving it to you.

Keep it safe for me.

Till I come back.

( Goats bleating )

( Wolf panting )



Rouse Bran, will you? It's time for his lessons.

( Gasps )

( Breathing heavily )

Bran: Every night it's the same.

I'm walking and running, but...

I'm not ... I'm not me.

I'm running through the Godswood, sniffing the dirt, tasting blood in my mouth when I've made a fresh kill, howling.

Old Nan used to tell me stories about magical people who could live inside stags, birds, wolves.

That's exactly what they are, Bran ... stories.

So she was lying?

They don't exist?

Well, they may have done.

But they're gone from the world along with much else.

These are dreams, Bran, nothing more.

No, my dreams are different.

Mine are true.

I dreamt of my father dying.

And Rickon had the same dream.

What about all the dreams you had that didn't come true?

( Clears throat )


This link is made of Valyrian steel.

Only one Maester in 100 wears it on his chain.

It signifies that I have studied the higher mysteries.

And all who study these mysteries try their hand at spells.

I was no different.

I was young.

And what boy doesn't secretly wish for hidden powers to lift him out of his dull life into a special one?

But in the end, for all my efforts, I got no more out of it than 1,000 boys before me.

( Chuckles ) Come on.

All right.

Maybe magic once was a mighty force in the world.

But not anymore.

The Dragons are gone.

The Giants are dead.

And the Children of the Forest forgotten.

( Men shouting, cheering )

( Grunting )

Loras! Highgarden!

( Grunts )

Get him!

( Gasps )

( Grunts )

Crowd: Oh!

Yield! I yield.

Well fought. Approach.

Rise. Remove your helm.

( Crowd murmuring )

You are all your father promised and more, My Lady.

I've seen Ser Loras bested once or twice, but never quite in that fashion.

Now, now, my love. My brother fought valiantly for you.

That he did, my Queen.

But there can only be one champion.

Brienne of Tarth, you may ask anything of me you desire.

If it is within my power, it is yours.

Your Grace, I ask the honor of a place in your Kingsguard.

( Crowd murmuring )


I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours, and keep you safe from all harm.


Rise, Brienne of the Kingsguard.

Your Grace, I have the honor to bring you Lady Catelyn Stark, sent as an envoy by her son Robb, Lord of Winterfell.

Lord of Winterfell and King in the North.

Lady Catelyn. I'm pleased to see you.

May I present my wife Margaery of House Tyrell?

You are very welcome here, Lady Stark.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

You are most kind.

My Lady, I swear to you I will see the Lannisters answer for your husband's murder.

When I take King's Landing, I'll bring you Joffrey's head.

( Cheering )

It will be enough to know that justice was done, My Lord.

Brienne: Your Grace.

And you should kneel when you approach the King.

There's no need for that. Lady Stark is an honored guest.

Has your son marched against Tywin Lannister yet?

I do not sit on my son's war councils.

And if I did, I would not share his strategies with you.

If Robb Stark wants a pact with us, he should come himself, not hide behind his mother's skirts.

My son is fighting a war, not playing at one.

( Men grumbling )

( Chuckles )

Don't worry, My Lady.

Our war is just beginning.

( Men shouting )

Your Grace.


How's your foot?

Better, Your Grace.

They don't know their own size is all.

Good man.

I have 100,000 men at my command.

All the might of the Stormlands and the Reach.

And all of them young and bold like your Knight of Flowers?

It's a game to you, isn't it?

I pity them.

Because it won't last.

Because they are the Knights of summer and winter is coming.

Brienne, escort Lady Catelyn to her tent.

She's tired from her journey.

At once, Your Grace.

Shall I return after?

That won't be necessary.

I would pray awhile. Alone.

If you'll follow me, My Lady.

You fought bravely today, Lady Brienne.

I fought for my King.

Soon I'll fight for him on the battlefield.

Die for him if I must.

And, if it please you, Brienne's enough.

I'm no lady.

What are you doing here?

I live here.

Are you angry with me, brother?

You lying bitch.

It's not my fault you didn't recognize me.

Recognize you? How could I?

The last time I saw you...

You looked like a fat little boy.

You were a fat little boy, too, but I recognized you.

Why didn't you tell me?

I wanted to see who you were first.

( Laughs ) And I did.

The plans are made. It's time you heard them.



The wolf pup has gone south with the entirety of the northern army at his back.

While he's tangling with the lion in the Westerlands, the north is ripe for the taking.

The Ironborn will reave and pillage as it was in the old days all along the northern coast.

We'll spread our dominion across the green lands, securing the Neck

and everything above.

Every stronghold will yield to us one by one.

Winterfell may defy us for a year, but what of it?

The rest shall be ours ... forest, field and hall.

Yara, my daughter, you'll take 30 longships to attack Deepwood Motte.

I've always wanted a castle.

And what's my role in all this?

You'll take a ship to raid the fishing villages on the Stoney Shore.

A ship?

You give her 30 and I get one?

The sea bitch. We thought she'd be perfect for you.

I'm to fight fishermen?

Be careful of their nets.

Father, I fought with Robb Stark. I know his men.

He won't give up the North so easily.

They won't even know we're there until it's too late.

What do you know of it, woman?

I'm a proven warrior.

Your brothers were warriors, both of them dead at the hands of those you seem so eager to protect.

I'm not protecting anyone.

I just wonder if it's not wiser to wait.

Why risk going against the North if they would be our allies?

Rise up against them and they could destroy us.

But if we pledge fealty to them, they'll give us Casterly Rock.

What are our words?

Our words?

"We do not sow."

"We do not sow."

We are Ironborn.

We're not subjects. We're not slaves.

We do not plow the fields or toil in the mine.

We take what is ours.

Your time with the wolves has made you weak.

You act as if I volunteered to go.

You gave me away, if you remember.

The day you bent the knee to Robert Baratheon.

After he crushed you.

Did you take what was yours then?

You gave me away!

Your boy!

Your last boy!

You gave me away like I was some dog you didn't want anymore.

And now you curse me because I've come home.

You'd have our father bow down to your other family?

I have no other family.

Don't you?

Make your choice, Theon, and do it quickly.

Our ships sail with or without you.

You won't let me leave this room.

You won't let me ...

Shh, shh, keep your voice down.

Why? You think your father can hear me?

He's 300 miles away!

( Sighs )

I don't intend for you to stay here.

I might be able to bring you into the castle kitchens.

Again, only temporary.

Every man who has tasted my cooking has told me what a good whore I am.

But you wouldn't be a cook.

You'd pose as a scullion.

Scullion? What is a scullion?

Kitchen wench.

A kitchen wench?

Yes, but ...

Cleaning pots?

Is that how my lion wants to see me?

Your lion wants to see you alive.

We've come to a dangerous place.

My sister wants to hurt me.

She'll look for any weakness she can find.

She can't know about you.

I'm the weakness?

It's a compliment, My Lady.

How is being a weakness a compliment?

Language can be a bit tricky here.

Oh, I'm too stupid to understand.

The stupid foreign girl.

I am not a kitchen wench.

When will Joffrey and Sansa be married?

Soon, darling, when the war is over.

Mother says I'll have a new gown for the ceremony and another for the feast.

But yours will be ivory since you're the bride.

The Princess just spoke to you.

Pardon, Your Grace.

I'm sure your dress will be beautiful, Myrcella.

I'm counting the days until the fighting is done and I can pledge my love to the King in sight of the Gods.

Is Joffrey going to kill Sansa's brother?

He might.

Would you like that?

No. I don't think so.

Even if he does, Sansa will do her duty.

Won't you, little dove?

( Knocking )

( Gasps ) Come in.

( Door opens )

Who are you?

I'm Shae, My Lady. Your new handmaiden.

I didn't know I needed a new handmaiden.

You're not from here.

What are you doing?

Waiting for you to tell me what to do.

I shouldn't have to tell you to do things.

You should just do them.

What things?

Change my linens, wash my clothing, scrub the floor, empty my chamber pot, brush my hair.

You said to brush ...

Not now.

Your chamber pot is empty.

Clean the table.

Have you ever been a handmaiden before?

For whom?

Lady Zuriff.

Lady Zuriff?

Lady Zuriff.

There is no Lady Zuriff in this city.

She wasn't in this city.

Well, I don't know how they did things in that city, but in this city, handmaidens wait on ladies, not the other way around.

And I don't have time to answer 1,000 questions and teach you how to do your job.

Do you want me to leave?

Just brush my hair.

Oh, thank the Gods.

I haven't had a proper sh1t in six days.

I've encountered this problem before, My Lord.

The stresses of power often have this insalubrious effect.

Two drops with water daily.

Right. I'm so grateful to have a man of your vast knowledge and wisdom on my side.


Thank you, My Lord.

I can trust you, Pycelle, can I not?

Why, yes, of course, My Lord.

These are perilous times.

And the crown must forge new alliances.

And these alliances must often be sealed in matrimony.

Matrimony, huh?

I'm trusting the council with these plans, but the queen mustn't know.

We can't have her meddling in affairs that could determine the future of the realm.

There's too much at stake.

Oh, yes, yes. Indeed, yes.

I shall be silent as the grave.

I'm brokering an alliance with House Martell of Dorne.

Princess Myrcella will wed their youngest son when she comes of age, ensuring their loyalty and their army should we need it.

Myrcella sent away to Dorne?

But remember, the queen mustn't know.

Ooh, "the queen mustn't know."

I love conversations that begin this way.

I plan to marry Princess Myrcella off to Theon Greyjoy.

Theon Greyjoy?

Forgive me, My Lord,?

He grew up a ward of Winterfell.

He fights for Robb Stark.

Precisely. Theon's father loathes the Starks and will convince the boy to come to our side.

Greyjoy can destroy the northern army from within and we can have

his father's ships.

But remember, you must tell no one.

Tell no one what?

I plan to wed Princess Myrcella to Robin Arryn of the Vale.

Lysa is not fond of me.

But perhaps the promise of a royal match will convince her to let bygones be bygones.

She imprisoned you.

She tried to execute you.

And you offer her son a princess?

For men in our position, holding grudges can be an encumbrance, don't you think?

And I suppose you want me to broker this agreement?

Who better?

Yes, I could sing this song to Lysa, if I cared to.

What's in it for me?

The gratitude of the people of Westeros for helping to end this war, the adoration of the King for bringing the Vale back into the fold... and Harrenhal.

Harrenhal is cursed.

Never took you for a superstitious man.

By all means, tear it down and rebuild.

You'll be able to afford it.

I plan to make you Lord of the Riverlands.

With a single stroke, you'd make me one of the greatest lords in the realm.

You served my family well in the matter of the succession.

So did Janos Slynt, and he was given Harrenhal, too.

Until you snatched it away.

I need you to deliver Lysa Arryn.

I didn't need Janos Slynt.

It's settled, then?


Oh, and remember ... the queen mustn't know.

( Breathing heavily )

That must hurt.

( Groans )


What is it?

( Scoffs )

A member of the Kingsguard?

As if I wasn't humiliated enough already.

( Sighs )

Brienne is a very capable warrior.

And she's devoted to me.

You're jealous.


Of Brienne the beauty?

Don't make me laugh.

I'll make it up to you.

No, Your Grace.

Not tonight.

There's another Tyrell who requires your attention.

You didn't win my father's support or his army on charm alone.

Your vassals are starting to snigger behind your back.

Brides aren't usually virgins two weeks after their wedding night.

And Margaery's a virgin?


Shall I bring her to you?

I should warn you, I've had quite a bit of wine.

As is your right. You are a King.

You look very beautiful.

Thank you, Your Grace.

It's a lovely gown.

You think so?

I can't decide how I like it better.

This way... or this way.

You certainly don't need it.

Although... some say that beauty most desired is the beauty concealed.

Must be the wine.

Here, let me.

( Shudders )

I'm sorry.

Do you want my brother to come in and help?


He could get you started.

I know he wouldn't mind.

Or I can turn over and you can pretend I'm him.

I don't know what you're talking about.

There's no need for us to play games.

Save your lies for court. You're going to need a lot of them.

Your enemies aren't happy about us.

They want to tear us apart.

And the best way to stop them is to put your baby in my belly.

We can try again later.

You decide how you want to do it ... with me, with me and Loras.

However else you like.

Whatever you need to do.

You are a King.

Cersei: You monster.

Myrcella is my only daughter.

Do you really think I'll let you sell her like a common whore?

Myrcella's a Princess.

Some would say she was born for this.

I will not let you ship her off to Dorne as I was shipped off to Robert Baratheon.

Dorne is the safest place or her.

Are you mad? The Martells loathe us.

That's why we need to seduce them.

We're going to need their support in the war your son started.

She'll be a hostage.

A guest.

You won't get away with this.

You think the piece of paper father gave you keeps you safe.

Ned Stark had a piece of paper, too.

It's done, Cersei.

You cannot stop it.

Just how safe do you think Myrcella is if this city falls?

Do you want to see her raped, butchered like the Targaryen children?

Make no mistake.

They'll mount her pretty little head on a spike right beside yours.

Get out! Get out!

Theon of the House Greyjoy, you would this day consecrate your faith to the drowned God?

I would.


Let Theon, your servant, be born again from the sea as you were.

Bless him with salt.

Bless him with stone.

Bless him with steel.

What is dead may never die.

What is dead may never die...

But rises again harder and stronger.


( Dog barking )

( Footsteps approaching )

I don't appreciate being made a fool of, dwarf.

If Myrcella marries the Martell boy, she can't very well marry Robin Arryn, can she?

No, afraid not. Sorry about that.

And Harrenhal ...

I suppose that's off the table as well.

Yes, I fear so. Sorry about that, too.

Leave me out of your next deception.

Oh, that's a shame.

You were to be the centerpiece of my next deception.

My brother Jaime rots in a Northern stockade.

I would see him released.

That's where you come in.

Robb Stark will never release the Kingslayer.

No, he won't. But his mother might.

How would you like to see your beloved Cat again?

( Footsteps approaching )

Find him?

Oh, aye.

And he has company.

Filthy old stoat. Almost hate to interrupt.

No, you don't.

No, I don't.

( Door bursts )

( Gasps )

What is the meaning of this?

No, please, please.

You disappoint me, Grand Maester.

I am your loyal servant.

So loyal that you told the Queen about my plans to send Myrcella to Dorne.

No! Never!

It's a falsehood. I swear it.

It wasn't me.

Ah, Varys.

It was Varys the spider.

See, I told Varys that I was giving the Princess to the Greyjoys.

I told Littlefinger that I planned to wed her to Robin Arryn.

I told no one that I was offering her to the Dornish.

No one but you.

The eunuch has spies everywhere.

Cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats.

No, no, no.

There are no goats, halfman.

Well, make do.

( Whimpering )

How long have you been spying for my sister?

All I did, I did for House Lannister.

Always. Your lord father, ask him.

I've always been his servant since the days of the Mad King.

I don't like his beard.


What? Oh, no. No.

( Whimpering )

How many hands have you betrayed, Pycelle?

Eddard Stark? Jon Arryn?

Lord Arryn, he knew.

( Stammering ) He knew the truth about the queen.

And, well, he planned to act, to tell King Robert.

So you poisoned him?

No. Never.

But you let him die, made sure he succumbed.

Lannister ... I always served Lannister.

Get him out of my sight. Throw him in one of the black cells.

Oh, no. No, no, no. No, please.

Don't! You can't do this to me!

For your trouble.

( Pycelle shouting )

You'll be pleased to know our mutual friend is doing quite well in Lady Sansa's service.

Good. One of my better ideas.

And it seems the Grand Maester has found his way into a black cell.

Well played, My Lord Hand.

But should I be worried?

Janos Slynt, Pycelle ... the small council grows smaller every day.

The council has a reputation for serving past Hands poorly.

I don't mean to follow Ned Stark to the grave.

Power is a curious thing, My Lord.

Are you fond of riddles?

Why, am I about to hear one?

Three great men sit in a room.

A king, a priest and a rich man.

Between them stands a common Sellsword.

Each great man bids the Sellsword kill the other two.

Who lives, who dies?

Depends on the Sellsword.

Does it? He has neither crown nor gold nor favor with the Gods.

He has a sword, the power of life and death.

But if it's swordsmen who rule, why do we pretend Kings hold all the power?

When Ned Stark lost his head, who was truly responsible?

Joffrey? The executioner?

Or something else?

I've decided I don't like riddles.

Power resides where men believe it resides.

It's a trick, a shadow on the wall.

And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.

( Crickets chirping )

( Horse whinnies )

( Snoring )

( Door opens )

You should be sleeping.

Tomorrow's a long march.

30 miles if it don't piss on us.

I can't sleep.

I don't like the taste.

( Chuckles )


You don't drink it for the flavor, to be honest.


How do you sleep?

Same as most men, I think.

But you've seen things, horrible things.

I've seen some pretty things, too, but not nearly so many.

How do you sleep when you ... when you have those things in your head?

You didn't see that.

I made damn sure.

I close my eyes and I see them up there.

All of them standing there ...

Joffrey, the Queen, and ... and my sister.

You know, we've got something in common, me and you.

You know that?

I must have been a couple of years older than you.

I saw my brother stabbed through the heart right on our doorstep.

He weren't much of a villain what skewered him.

Willem, the lad's name was.

He ran off before anyone could spit.

And I just stood there, watching my brother die.

But here's the funny part.

I can't picture my brother's face anymore.

But Willem ... oh, he was a nice-looking boy.

He had good white teeth, blue eyes, one of those dimpled chins all the girls like.

I would think about him when I was working, when I was drinking, when I was having a sh1t.

It got to the point where I would say his name every night before I went to bed.

Willem. Willem.


A prayer almost.

Well, one day...

Willem came riding back into town.

I buried an ax so deep into Willem's skull, they had to bury him with it.

Willem's horse got me to the Wall and I've been wearing black ever since.

Well... that'll help you sleep, eh?

( Horn sounds )

( Men shouting )

Get up, you lazy sons of whores!

Arm yourselves.

Gendry: Get up.

Arya: Get up.

Keep out of sight, both of you.

No, I'm not afraid.

I can fight.

Keep out of sight.

If things go wrong, you run.

Do you hear me?

You run along North and don't look back.

Hey, there's men out there who want to f*ck your corpses.

Outside, now!

Man: Come on, move, move!

( Horse whinnies )

Gold Cloaks!

( Shouting )

Everyone out!

( Shouting )

Hey, you! Open the damn cage!

Where's the b*st*rd, Crow?

Got more than a few bastards here. Who's asking?

Ser Amory Lorch, sworn Bannerman to Lord Tywin Lannister.

These men from the capital requested our assistance.

Drop your weapons in the name of the King.

Now, which King would that be?

This is your last chance.

In the name of King Joffrey, drop your weapons.

( Spits ) I don't think I will.

So be it.

( Grunts )

I always hated crossbows. Take too long to load.

( Groans )

( Gurgles )

Jaqen: Boy, come here. Boy!

Sweet boy, help us.

Come back here!

Help us, boy!

( Shouting )

A man can fight! Free us!

Quick, give it to me.

Give me the ax. Give me that.

Soldier: Put 'em on the wagon!

There's more here.

Come on.

( Grunts )

( Chuckles )

What do we have here?

That's a fine little blade.

Maybe I'll pick my teeth with it.

I yield! I yield!

Amory: Round up any survivors.

We'll take them back to Harrenhal.

You heard him. You're coming with us.

I yield!

( Whimpering )


Help me!

Something wrong with your leg, boy?

Look at it.

Can you walk?

No. You got to carry me.

All right.

( Coughing )

Carry him, he says.

( Laughs )

We're looking for a b*st*rd named Gendry.

Give him up or I'll start taking eyeballs.

You want Gendry?

You already got him.

He loved that helmet.

( Theme music playing )


왕좌의 게임 영어 대본(시즌 2x02) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 2x02 - The Night Lands

** 파일 : 

02x02 - The Night Lands.docx

02x02 - The Night Lands

Cersei: What are you doing here?

Varys: Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead.

You brought this on yourself.

I've done nothing.

Do you understand we're losing the war?

Does it ever end?

Jorah: Everything ends, even the Red Waste.

( Daenerys speaking Dothraki )

Dolorus Edd: All the other wildlings for 100 leagues have disappeared. Craster's still here.

Any man lays a hand on one of my wives, he loses the hand.

Dolorus Edd: He marries his daughters and they give him more daughters.

What happens to the boys? What does he do with his sons?

Matthos: "My brother Robert left no trueborn heirs, the boy Joffrey being born of incest between Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime Lannister.

By right of birth and blood,

I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros."

Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm.

Robb: I'm sending one of your cousins down to King's

Landing with my peace terms.

You think my father's going to negotiate with you?

You don't know him very well.

We won't beat them until you take King's Landing.

And we can't take King's Landing without ships.

My father has ships and men who know how to sail.

Men who fought my father.

I'm his only living son. He'll listen to me.

You don't want Balon Greyjoy for an ally.

I need his ships.

He is not trustworthy.

I heard a disgusting lie about Uncle Jaime and you.

Father had other children.

What are you asking?

Joffrey: How many bastards does he have running around?

( Screaming )

Where is the b*st*rd?

The Night's Watch! Heading north!

( Theme music playing )

♪ Game of Thrones 2x02 ♪ The Night Lands Original Air Date on April 8, 2012 ♪

( Urinating )

( Birds chittering )

( Rustling )

( Urinating stops )

( Men chattering )

( Horse neighs )

Man: Gotta be ready before nightfall.

Man #2: Okay, keep moving.

Man: Put a watch on the Ridge and the tree lines.

Man #3: Boy.

Lovely boy.

What do you want?

A man has a thirst.

A man does not drink for a day and a night.

A boy could make a friend.

I have friends.

( Clangs )

Give us beer before I skin you.

A man does not choose his companions.

These two, they have no courtesy.

A man must ask forgiveness.

You're called Arry?

This man has the honor to be Jaqen H'ghar, once of the free city of ...

Beer, you little sh1t.

Get us beer!

You should have asked nicely.

Come closer and I'll shove that stick up your bunghole and f*ck you bloody.

A boy has more courage than sense.

Come here!

Yoren said none of us were to go near those three.

Come here!

They don't scare me.

Hmm? Then you're stupid.

They scare me.

( Horse neighs )

What are Gold Cloaks doing so far from King's Landing?

What are you doing?

They're looking for me.

You in command here?

You're a long way from home.

I asked you a question.

Aye, you did.

You asked without manners and I chose not to answer.

I have a royal warrant for one of these gutter rats you're transporting.

Well, the thing is...

These gutter rats belong to the Night's Watch.

Now, that puts them beyond the reach of Kings and Queens.

Does it?

It's a funny thing ... people worry so much about their throats that they forget about what's down low.

Now I sharpened this blade before breakfast.

I could shave a spider's arse if I wanted to or I could nick this artery in your leg.

And once it's nicked, there's no one around here who knows how to unnick it.

We'll just keep that.

Good steel is always needed on the Wall.

Seems you have a choice ... you can die here at this crossroads a long way from home, or you can go back to your city and tell your Masters you didn't find what you were looking for.

We're looking for a boy named Gendry.

He carries a bull's head helmet.

Anyone turning him over will earn the King's reward.

We'll be back with more men and I'll be taking your head home along with that b*st*rd boy.

( Horse neighs )

( Men murmuring )

( Whistling )

( Distant seagulls screeching )

( Bells pealing )

( Whistling ) ( Distant seagulls

( Shae laughing )

My Lord.

You make me wait a long time, but your friend keeps me company.

We were just speaking of your bravery in the victory against the Stark auxiliary forces.

It was quite a battle.

I heard you suffered a terrible head wound.

The northerners are such fearsome warriors.

And I tell him the story of how we meet.

To find so lovely a creature working in your father's kitchens ... it almost beggars belief.

Strange things do happen.

You should taste her fish pie.

I don't think Lord Varys likes fish pie.

How can you tell?

I can always tell.

Tyrion: Men like Lord Varys and I can't let our disadvantages get the best of us.

We'll make a fisherman of him yet.

I am glad your new friend was able to accompany you to the capital.

Friends are such an important part of life.

Unfortunate that your father didn't want her to come.

But rest easy, My Lord.

I am very good at keeping secrets for my good friends.

Your discretion is legendary... where your friends are concerned.

How unspeakable of me to go on and on when all you want to do is rest.

I will leave you.

Welcome to King's Landing, my dear.

This city is made brighter by your presence.

We have a council meeting, My Lord.

I don't like threats.

Who threatened you?

I'm not Ned Stark.

I understand the way this game is played.

Ned Stark was a man of honor.

And I am not.

Threaten me again and I'll have you thrown into the sea.

You might be disappointed in the results.

Storms come and go, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling.

Come, My Lord.

We shouldn't keep the queen waiting.

Cersei: "From this time until the end of time, we are not part

of your realm, but a free and independent kingdom of the North."

He has more spirit than his father, I'll give him that.

You've perfected the art of tearing up papers.

We can give him his father's bones back at least as a gesture of good faith.

You'll give the Starks our reply, cousin?

I will, Your Grace.

Did you see my brother when you were the Starks' guest?

Alton: I did.

They have not broken his spirit, Your Grace.

If you speak with him, tell him he's not been forgotten.

Alton: I will, Your Grace.

Safe travels, cousin.

You have a deft hand with diplomacy.

If that's everything...

A ... a raven flew in this morning from Castle Black.

Trouble with the wildlings.

That's why they're called "wildlings."

Somewhat less wild these days.

Seems they've stopped killing each other and started following this King-Beyond-the-Wall.

Another king? How many is that now, five?

( Laughs ) I've lost count.

The Lord Commander asks that we send more men to man the Wall.

Perhaps he's forgotten we're fighting a war.

We have no men to spare.

"The cold winds are rising and the dead rise with them."

The northerners are a superstitious people.

According to the Commander, one of these dead men attacked him in his chambers.

Mormont doesn't lie.

Varys: How do you kill a dead man?

Apparently you burn him.

One trip to the Wall and you come back believing in grumpkins and snarks.

I don't know what I believe, but here's a fact for you ... the Night's Watch is the only thing that separates us from what lies beyond the Wall.

I have every confidence that the brave men of the Night's Watch will protect us all.

Dolorous Edd: And I said,

"if the Gods wanted us to have dignity, they wouldn't make us fart when we died."

Grenn: We fart when we die?

Dolorous Edd: My blessed mother ...

I was holding her hand when she left this world.

She farted so hard, the whole bed shook.

( Blowing raspberry )

Seems a bit greedy for one man to have so many wives.

Wouldn't two or three be enough for him?

We were having a serious discussion.

Would you look at that?

Nothing like the sight of a woman walking away.

I prefer watching them come towards me.

I'm sure that's nice, too.

Yeah, well, there was a milkmaid named Violet on the next farm over from where I grew up.

We were wrestling together from the time we were six years old.

And then we got older and the wrestling, uh...


Sam: You were with her?

How many times?

Well, as many times as I could.

I wish I grew up on a farm.

We need more potatoes.

Get another sack from the sledge.

Get the turnips, too.

( Dog barking )

( Woman screams )

No. Ghost, no.


Ghost, away. Shoo, shoo!

You all right?

Did he frighten you?

You ... you shouldn't touch me.

Oh. Oh, right.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt.

You're very brave.

What are you doing?

This is Gilly.

She's one of Craster's... daughters.

Hello, Gilly. What are you doing?

Sam said you could help.

I'm sorry, but Sam knows we're not supposed ...

She's pregnant.

Have to take her with us when we leave.


What would that ...

Sam: I know it sounds a bit mad.

No, it doesn't sound a bit mad, it's impossible.

The Lord Commander ordered us to ...

We are sworn to protect.

Sam, we can't take ... please, ser, please.

I can still run if I have to.

It's just not possible.

I'm going to have a baby.

If it's a boy...

If it's a boy, what?

You want us to risk our lives for you and you won't even tell us why?

Why'd you do that?

Do what? Ask her a question?

You were cruel.


Sam, are you in such a hurry to lose a hand?

I didn't touch her.

No, you just want to steal her.

What do you think Craster cuts off for that?

I can't steal her.

She's a person, not a goat.

We're heading deeper and deeper into wildling territory.

We can't take a girl with us. Mormont wouldn't have it.

And even if he would, what would we do with her?

Who's going to deliver a baby, you?

I could try.

What? I've read about it.

A bit.

I'm sorry, Sam.

We can't help her.

( Sighs )

( Insects chittering,

buzzing )

( Sighs )

( Hoofbeats approaching )


( Horse neighs )

( Breathing heavily )

( Flies buzzing )

You don't need to see this.

He is blood of my blood.

Who did this?

Khal Pono, perhaps.

Khal Jhaqo.

They don't like the idea of a woman leading a Khalasar.

They will like it far less when I am done with them.

( Weeping )

( Speaking Dothraki )

( Sobbing )

( Irri wailing )

( Seagulls screeching )

Is it as you remember, My Lord?

It looks smaller.

Everything looks bigger when you're a child.

I remember my father's cabin felt like a palace when I was little.

Now look at it.

( Giggles )

They'll be waiting for me on the docks.

Who will?

Anyone who matters.

This is a big day for them.

They haven't had much to get excited about since I left.

It's a hard place, the Iron Islands.

Always has been.

It's cold and it's wet.

Oh, I love the cold and wet.

They say hard places breed hard men.

And hard men rule the world.

Then you'll be king before long.

Try smiling with your lips closed.


My father doesn't trust you Iron islanders.

I don't blame him.

He says that you're all reavers and rapers and that no matter how many women you have, you'll never be sat ... uh!

( Grunts )

Quit talking about your father.

( Moans )

But he's right about us.

Our wives from the Iron Islands, they're for breeding.

That's not enough for us.

That's why we take salt wives ... the women we capture.

Capture me.

Take me with you when you go ashore.

Make me your salt wife.

Your place is on this ship.

Not after you leave.

Father will punish me.

He'll call me a whore.

I haven't paid you.

( Both grunting )

( Moaning ) Oh, yeah.

( Jewelry jangling )

( Door opens )

Man: I paid good money...

( Door slams )

( Man grumbling )

I'm not going to stand for this.

( Woman crying )

I barely touched her.

Now, you charge twice as much as every other brothel and this is what I get ... crying.

One moment, my friend. A moment.

( Snaps fingers )

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Aremca will take good care of you.

( Crying continues )

I'm sorry, My Lord.

Shh, shh.

Did he hurt you?

No, My Lord.

( Sniffles ) It's Mhaegen.

She works for you.

She's the one ... the Gold Cloaks, they killed her baby.

Ah, yes.

That was... poorly handled.

Sometimes those with the most power have the least grace.

I can't stop thinking about it.

I can't sleep.

That poor little baby.

You know, you remind me of another girl, a lovely thing I once acquired from a Lysene pleasure house ... beautiful, like yourself, and intelligent, like yourself.

But she wasn't happy.

She cried often.

I asked her why, but we didn't have the kind of rapport that you and I have.

Yes, it was quite sad.

Girls from the Lysene pleasure houses are expensive, extremely expensive.

And this one wasn't making me any money.

I hate bad investments.

Really, I ... I do.

They haunt me.

I had no idea how to make her happy, no idea how to mitigate my losses.

A very wealthy patron, he offered me a tremendous amount of money to let him transform this lovely, sad girl.

To use her in ways that...

Would never occur to most men.

And you know what occurs to most men.

I would not say he succeeded in making her happy, but my losses were definitely mitigated.

Take tonight off to mourn Mhaegen's child.

I'll see you tomorrow.

And you'll be happy?

That makes me happy.

( Distant hoofbeats )

( People chattering )

( Crying )


More wine?

Janos: Damn it, boy!

Apologies, My Lord.

Leave us, Podrick. I believe we know how to pour our own wine.

That's your new squire?

I could've found you a proper lad.

Myself, I prefer the improper ones.

Mm, that's a good red. Dornish?

You know your wines, My Lord.

That I do.

( Sighs ) A fine dinner, My Lord.

Call me Tyrion, please.

I'm sure you're getting used to fine dinners, now that you're a lord.

Maybe I'll hire this cook of yours.

Wars have been started for less.

( Both laugh )

I heard there was some trouble in Littlefinger's brothel the other night.

Mm, nasty business.

Had to be done.

Yes, of course.

The City Watch must keep the peace, only I hadn't realized peace depended on killing babies.

Orders are orders.

Quite right.

Especially the queen's orders.

I never said they were the queen's orders.

No, but who else would want to murder King Robert's bastards?

She's always been a jealous woman.

You know your sister better than I do.

You've heard the awful rumors about my brother and sister?

I don't listen to filth.

That's good of you, but you have heard them.

I suppose people who do believe that filth consider Robert's bastards to be better claimants to the throne than Cersei's children.

Joffrey is my king. The rest doesn't interest me.

I appreciate your loyalty.

Tell me, when your men slaughtered Ned Stark's men in the throne room, did you give the order?

I did.

And I would again.

The man was a traitor.

He tried to buy my loyalty.

The fool.

He had no idea you were already bought.

Are you drunk?

I'll not have my honor questioned by an Imp!

I'm not questioning Your Honor, Lord Janos.

I'm denying its existence.

If you think I'll stand here and take this from you, dwarf ...

Dwarf? Mm, you should have stopped at Imp.

And, yes, you will stand here and take it from me, unless you'd like to take it from my friend here.

I intend to serve as Hand of the King until my father returns from the war.

And seeing as you betrayed the last Hand of the King, well, I just wouldn't feel safe with you lurking about.

What are you t ... my friends at court will not allow this!

The queen herself has granted ...

The queen regent.

And you're a fool to believe she is your friend.

We shall hear what Joffrey has to say about this.

No, we shan't.

( Footsteps approach )

( Doors open )

There's a ship leaving for Eastwatch-by-the-Sea tonight.

From there I'm afraid it's rather a long walk to Castle Black.

I hope you enjoy the Wall.

I found it surprisingly beautiful...

In a brutal, horribly uncomfortable sort of way.

The lads will escort you.

The streets aren't safe at night, My Lord.

These men are under my command!

I command you to arrest this cutthroat.

His name is Bronn and he is the new commander of the City Watch.


( Janos grunting ) I have friends at court, powerful friends!

The king himself made me a lord!

To the new Commander.

If I told you to murder an infant girl, say, still at her mother's breast, would you do it without question?

Without question? No.

I'd ask, "how much?"

( Chatter )

( Horse neighs )

If they come back, I say we yield.

Gendry's the one they want.

Don't want to get caught in the middle of a battle.

I ain't afraid of no battles.

If you got within a mile of a battle, you'd fill your pants.

I've seen lots of battles.

I saw ...


I saw a man kill another man just outside a tavern in Flea Bottom.

Stabbed him right in the neck.

Two men fighting isn't a battle.

They had armor on.

So, if they've got armor on, it's a battle.

No, it isn't.

What does a dyer's apprentice know about battles anyway?

Gendry's an armorer's apprentice.

Hot pie, tell Gendry what makes a fight into a battle.

It's, um, when they've got armor on.

Gendry: Who told you that?

A knight.

How'd you know he was a knight?

Well, it was 'cause he got armor on.

You don't have to be a knight to have armor.

Any idiot can buy armor.

Hot pie: How do you know?

'Cause I sold armor.

What do the Gold Cloaks want with you?

No idea.

You're a liar.

You know, you shouldn't insult people that are bigger than you.

Then I wouldn't get to insult anyone.

I don't care what any of them want.

No good's ever come of their questions.

No good's ever come?

Who asked questions before?

How can someone so small be such a huge pain in my ass?

Who asked questions?

The Hand of the King.

Hands of the King.

Lord Arryn came first a few weeks before he died, and then Lord Stark came a few weeks before he died.

Lord Stark?

See? Asking me questions is bad luck.

You'll probably be dead soon.

What did they ask about?

My mom.

Who's your mom?

Just my mom ... worked in a tavern, died when I was little.

And who was your father?

Could've been one of those gold-hatted bastards, for all I know.

What about you anyway?

You thought they were after you.

Did you kill someone or is it just because you're a girl?

I'm not a girl.

Yes, you are.

Do you think I'm as stupid as the rest of them?


The Night's Watch doesn't take girls, everyone knows that.

Yeah, that's true, but you're still a girl.

I am not!

Yeah? Well, pull your cock out and take a piss, then.

I don't need to take a piss.

Lommy and hot pie can't know.

No one can know.

Well, they won't, not from me.

My name's not Arry.

It's Arya... of House Stark.

Yoren is taking me home to Winterfell.

He was your father ... the Hand, the traitor.

He was never a traitor.

Joffrey is a liar.

So you're a highborn, then. You're a lady.

No. I mean, yes.

My mother was a lady and my sister ...

Yeah, but you were a lord's daughter and you lived in a castle and you ... look, all that about cocks, I should never have said ... and I've been pissing in front of you and everything.

I ... I should be calling you "My Lady."

Do not call me "My Lady."

As My Lady commands.

Well, that was unladylike.

( Laughs )

( Seagulls screeching )

( Chatter )

( Hammers banging )

What's she carrying?

Myrish oranges, wine from the Arbor...

And the heir to Pyke and the Iron Islands.

The only living son of Balon Greyjoy.

I don't like wine.

Woman's drink.

I need to get to Pyke.

I'll find you a horse.

I'm heading that way. I can take you there.

I bet you can.

Have you been at sea long?

Or were there just no women where you came from?

None like you.

You don't know what I'm like.

Maybe you don't know what you're like.

Maybe you need someone to teach you.

Do you know who I am?

You think I offer free rides to every man in jewelry, Lord Greyjoy?

Have my things sent up to the castle.

You should give me the reins.

I'm a better rider than you.

I've been on horseback for the past nine years.

Nine years?

Do you still know your way around a ship?

Have these hands ever touched a rope?

Don't you worry about my hands.

The sea is in my blood.

Your blood will be in the sea if I don't watch where I'm going.

I have a proposal for my father, one that will make him king again, and me after him.

You may get to stay in a castle tonight if you're lucky.

Is that an offer from my future king?

An order from your future king.

You can tell your grandchildren about this night.

Woman: I don't imagine it will be a story fit for children.

( Footsteps approaching )

Theon: Father.

Nine years, is it?

They took a frightened boy.

What have they given back?

A man.

Your blood and your heir.

We shall see.

Stark had you longer than I did.

Lord Stark is gone.

And how do you feel about that?

What's done is done.

I've brought you a proposal from Robb Stark.

Who gave you those clothes?

Was it Ned Stark's pleasure to make you his daughter?

If my clothes offend you, I will change them.

You will.

That bauble

'round your neck ... did you pay the iron price for it or the gold?

I asked a question.

Did you pull it from the neck of a corpse you made or did you buy it to match your fine clothes?

Iron or gold?


I'll not have my son dressed as a whore.

( Necklace clinks )

My fears have come true ... the Starks have made you theirs.

My blood is salt and iron.

Yet the Stark boy sends you to me like a trained raven clutching his message.

The offer he makes is one I proposed.

He heeds your counsel?

I've lived with him, hunted with him, fought at his side.

He thinks of me as a brother.

No, not here, not in my hearing.

You will not name him brother, this son of the man who put your true brothers to the sword.

Or have you forgotten your own blood?

I forget nothing.

I remember my brothers.

And I remember when my father was a king.

I see.

I destroy Robb Stark's enemies for him and he will make me king of the Iron Islands once again.

I will lead the attack myself.

Oh, you will?

I'm your son, your only living heir.

Who else?

( Door opens )

I told you to wait outside.

How did you get past the guards?

Anything with a cock is easy to fool.

My dear.


So good to see you, brother.

This is a homecoming I'll tell my grandchildren about.

She can't lead an attack!

Balon: And why not?

You're a woman!

You're the one in skirts.

This isn't Winterfell, boy.

Your sister took over command of your eldest brother's ship after your new father killed him.

All: What's dead may never die.

The only nights she's spent off these islands have been spent on the sea.

She's commanded men.

She's killed men.

She knows who she is.

No man gives me a crown.

I pay the iron price.

I will take my crown, for that is who I am.

That is who we have always been.

You won't stand a chance against the Lannisters on your own.

Who said anything about the Lannisters?

Davos: You'll have your gold when we take the treasury at King's Landing.

Salladhor: All these kings fighting for the throne, and this Stannis has the smallest army.

Why would I bet on the man with the worst chance?

Because you're a smart gambler.

Stannis has proved himself in war twice.

His baby brother has never set foot on a battlefield.

Neither has the false King Joffrey.

And yet they both have larger armies.

Stannis has just begun the fight.

His Bannermen will rally to his cause.

There's no man in the Seven Kingdoms more honorable than Stannis Baratheon or more worthy of loyalty.

What is the world coming to when smugglers must vouch for the honor of kings?

Mind your words, pirate.


You think I'm insulted?

am a pirate. I'm an excellent pirate.

I don't sail for promises.

Of course you do.

Every time you leave harbor, you're leaving on a promise ... a promise that somewhere on the sea, somebody's got some gold and you can take it from him.

That's a promise that always comes true.

As is mine.

You're not a young man, Salladhor.

And correct me if I'm wrong ... most pirates don't grow old.

Only the clever ones.

You want to spend your last few years on the sea stealing from Pentoshi cheesemongers and Meereenese silk merchants?

Then go. They're out there waiting for you.

That's easy.

What I'm offering you is hard.

Come with me and plunder the greatest city in Westeros.

You'll be the richest man in Lys and the most famous.

They'll be singing songs about you as long as men have voices to sing.

"Salladhor Saan" is a good name for songs.

It is.

One thing ... I want the queen.

The queen?

Cersei ... I want her.

I'll sail with your fleet, all 30 of my ships.

And if we don't drown at the bottom of Blackwater Bay, I will f*ck this blonde queen and I'll f*ck her well.

This war isn't about you.

We're not attacking King's Landing so that you can rape the queen.

I'm not going to rape her. I'm going to f*ck her.

As if she would just let you.

You don't know how persuasive I am.

I've never tried to f*ck you.

Stannis is the rightful king and the Lord of Light, the one true God ...

( Groans )

I've been all over the world, my boy, and everywhere I go, people tell me about the true Gods.

They all think they found the right one.

The one true God is what's between a woman's legs, and better yet, a queen's legs.

I never thought you'd have a true believer for a son.

Eh, he's young yet.

I promise you the gold. I promise you the glory.

I cannot promise you the queen.

You believe your king can win?

He is the one true king.

You Westerosi are funny people.

A man chops off your fingers and you fall in love with him.

( Laughs )

I'll sail with you, Davos Seaworth.

You're the most honest smuggler I ever met.

Make me rich.

Get me to the gates of King's Landing and I will.

Matthos: When will the king have us sail?

As soon as his God wills it.

He's my God, too, and yours, but you are too blind to see.

Let me teach you how to read.

Oh, you and your mother.

It won't take long. You already know the letters.

The holy books are much more persuasive than I can be.

I wish I had a God, truly.

I'm not mocking you, but I've seen men pray to every God there is ... pray for wind, pray for rain, pray for home.

None of it works.

But you always came home.

I wasn't praying.

No, but I was.

Every night that you were at sea, I lit a candle and I prayed for you.

You want me to have a God?

Fine. King Stannis is my God.

He raised me up and blessed me with his trust.

He gave you a future I could never have imagined.

You know how to read. You'll be a knight someday.

You think a fire God commanded all that?

It was Stannis, only Stannis.

Stannis is my king, but he's only a man.

Don't tell him that.

( Laughs )

Cersei: Lord Janos Slynt was commander of the City Watch.

You had no right to exile him.

I have every right. I am the King's Hand.

You're serving as the King's Hand till father gets here.

I am Queen Regent.

Listen to me, Queen Regent.

You're losing the people.

Do you hear me?

( Laughs ) The people.

You think I care?

You might find it difficult to rule over millions who want you dead.

Half the city will starve when winter comes.

The other half will plot to overthrow you.

And your gold-plated thugs

just gave them their rallying cry ...

"The Queen slaughters babies."

You don't even have the decency to deny it.

It wasn't you who gave the order, was it?

Joffrey didn't even tell you.

Did he tell you?

I imagine that would be even worse.

He did what needed to be done.

You want to be Hand of the King? You want to rule?

This is what ruling is ... lying on a bed of weeds, ripping them out by the root, one by one, before they strangle you in your sleep.

I'm no king, but I think there's more to ruling than that.

I don't care what you think!

You've never taken it seriously.

You haven't, Jaime hasn't.

It's all fallen on me.

As has Jaime repeatedly, according to Stannis Baratheon.

You're funny.

You've always been funny...

But none of your jokes will ever match the first one, will they?

You remember?

Back when you ripped my mother open on your way out of her and she bled to death?

She was my mother, too.

Mother gone...

For the sake of you.

There's no bigger joke in the world than that.

( Waves crashing,

seagulls screeching )

( Door opens )

Your Grace.

Your Grace.

Stannis: How did you fare with your pirate?

Salladhor Saan will join our fleet ... 30 ships.

His men know how to fight.

In my experience, pirates prefer fighting unarmed men.

It does seem the wiser choice.

There won't be a choice this time.

Do you trust him?

Salladhor Saan is an old friend.

I've known him 30 years.

I've never trusted him, but once he gets the smell of gold, he never stops.

Well, if he does his job, he'll have his share.

Leave us.

At once, Your Grace.

The Lord of Light shines through you, young warrior.

( Whispering )


( Doors close )

What did you say to him?

I told him death by fire is the purest death.

Because it is true.

You're troubled, my king.


These armies are toys for the Lord of Light.

Tell your lord to burn them, then.

I tell him nothing.

I pray for his commands and I obey.

My little brother has 100,000 men according to the scouts, men whose allegiance rightly belongs to me.

You must have faith.


In a real war, the side with the greater number wins nine times out of 10.

Then we must be the 10th.

I cannot defeat my brother in the field.

And I can't take King's Landing without the men he's stolen.

I have seen the path to victory in the flames.

But first, you must give yourself to the Lord of Light.

I've said the words, damn you.

I burnt the idols.

You must give all of yourself.

I have a wife.

I took a vow.

She's sickly, weak...

Shut away in a tower.

She disgusts you.

And she's given you nothing ... no sons, only stillborns, only death.

I will give you a son, my king.

A son?

( Gasps )

( Grunting )

( Wind howling )

( Footsteps )

( Baby cooing )

( Bird warbling )

( Bird screeching, wings flapping )

( Crow caws )

( Scraping, jangling )

( Rustling )

( Wood scraping )

( Twigs snapping )

( Snarls )

( Gasps )

( Clicking )

( Baby crying )

( Creature chittering )

( Creature snarling )

( Baby continues crying )

( Crying )

( Guttural clicking )

( Gasps )

( Theme music playing )


왕좌의 게임 영어 대본(시즌 2x01) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 2x01 - The North Remembers

** 파일 : 

02x01 - The North Remembers.docx

02x01 - The North Remembers

I would name you the Hand of the King.

I have a son, you have a daughter, we'll join our houses.

May I present Viserys of House Targaryen and his sister Daenerys?

I give him a queen and he gives me an army.

Maester says the boy may live.

My dear brother, there are times you make me wonder whose side you're on.

You know how much I love my family.

There's great honor serving in the Night's Watch.

The Starks have manned the wall for thousands of years.

And you are a Stark.

King Robert's bastards ... Jon Arryn tracked them all down. Why?

The King has no trueborn sons.

Do you love your children?

With all my heart.

No more than I love mine.

And they're all Jaime's.

When the King returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth.

I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me.

No! No!

A crown for a king.

He was no dragon.

Fire cannot kill the dragon.

Jon Snow, Lord Commander Mormont has requested you

for his personal steward.

He wants to groom you for command.

Ned! We were hunting.

By the time Robert dies, it will be too late for the both of us.

What about Stannis? He's your older brother.

This isn't about the bloody line of succession.

He's not a king. I am.

We have a new king now.

Your son has no claim to the throne.

Kill him! Kill all of them! I command it!

You're summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new king.

Joffrey puts my father in chains; Now he wants his ass kissed?

I'll go to King's Landing, but not alone.

Call the Banners.

Kill him, Robb.

He's more use to us alive than dead.

So long as I am your king, treason shall never go unpunished.

No! No!

Stop, my son.

You will go to King's Landing and serve as Hand of the King in my stead.

You'll bring that boy king to heel, and his mother, too, if needs be.

Please let me go home.

Mother says I'm still to marry you, so you'll stay here and obey.

My sword is yours in victory and defeat.

The King in the North! The King in the North!

What's your name?


Arry the orphan boy.

It's 1,000 leagues from here to the Wall.

We ride out beyond the Wall tomorrow.

The Night's Watch will ride in force against the wildlings,

the White Walkers, and whatever else is out there.

He will die tonight, Khaleesi.

Drogo will have no use for dragon eggs in the Night Lands.

You don't understand.

Blood of my blood.

♪ Game of Thrones 2x01 ♪ The North Remembers Original Air Date on April 1, 2012

Well struck.

Well struck, Dog.

Did you like that?

It was well struck, Your Grace.

I already said it was well struck.

Yes, Your Grace.

Who's next?

Lothor Brune, freerider in the service of Lord Baelish.

Ser Dontos the Red of House Hollard.

Ser Dontos the Red of House Hollard!

Here I am.

Here I am.

Sorry, Your Grace.

My deepest apologies.

Are you drunk?

Uh, no. No, Your Grace.

I had two cups of wine.

Two cups?

That's not much at all.

Please, have another cup.

Are you sure, Your Grace?

Yes. To celebrate my name day.

Have two. Have as much as you like.

I would be honored, Your Grace.

Ser Meryn, help Ser Dontos celebrate my name day.

See that he drinks his fill.

You can't.

What did you say?

Did you say I can't?

I only meant it would be bad luck to kill a man on your name day.

What kind of stupid peasant's superstition...

The girl is right.

What a man sows on his name day he reaps all year.

Take him away.

I'll have him killed tomorrow, the fool.

He is.

A fool ... you're so clever to see it.

He'll make a much better fool than a knight.

He doesn't deserve the mercy of a quick death.

Did you hear My Lady, Ser Dontos?

From this day, you'll be my new fool.

Thank you, Your Grace.

And you, My Lady, thank you.

Beloved nephew.

We looked for you on the battlefield.

You were nowhere to be found.

I've been here, ruling the kingdoms.

What a fine job you've done.

Look at you.

More beautiful than ever.

And you! You ... you're going to be bigger than the hound, but much better looking.

This one doesn't like me.

Can't imagine why.

We heard you were dead.

I'm glad you're not dead.

Me, too, dear.

Death is so boring, especially now with so much excitement in the world.

My Lady, I'm sorry for your loss.

Her loss?

Her father was a confessed traitor.

But still her father.

Surely having so recently lost your own beloved father you can sympathize.

My father was a traitor.

My mother and brother are traitors, too.

I am loyal to my beloved Joffrey.

Of course you are.

Well, enjoy your name day, Your Grace.

Wish I could stay and celebrate, but there is work to be done.

What work?

Why are you here?

The raven arrived from the Citadel this morning, Your Grace.

The conclave has met, considered reports from Maesters all over the Seven Kingdoms, and declared this great summer done at last.

The longest summer in living memory.

The peasants say, a long summer means

an even longer winter.

A common superstition.

We have enough wheat for a five-year winter.

If it lasts any longer, we'll have fewer peasants.

The city's drowning in refugees, Your Grace, fleeing the war.

We have nowhere to house them.

And with winter coming, it'll only get worse.

You command the City Watch, do you not, Lord Slynt?

I do, Your Grace.

And are you not a Lord at my command?

I owe my title and lands to your generosity, Your Grace.

Then do your job. Shut the gates to the peasants.

They belong in the field, not our capital.

Yes, Your Grace.

Don't get up.

More ravishing than ever, big sister.

War agrees with you.

Forgive the interruption. Carry on.

What are you doing here?

Ah, it's been a remarkable journey.

I pissed off the edge of the Wall,

I slept in a sky cell,

I fought with the hill tribes ... so many adventures, so much to be thankful for.

What are you doing here? This is the small council.

Yes. well I, do believe, the Hand of the King, is welcome at all small council meetings.

Our father is Hand of the King.

Yes, but in his absence...

Your father has named Lord Tyrion to serve as Hand in his stead while he fights.

Out! All of you out!

I would like to know how you tricked father into this.

If I were capable of tricking father, I'd be emperor of the world by now.

You brought this on yourself.

I've done nothing.

Quite right ... you did nothing when your son called for Ned Stark's head.

Now the entire North has risen up against us.

I tried to stop it.

Did you? You failed.

That bit of theater will haunt our family for a generation.

Robb Stark is a child.

Who's won every battle he's fought.

Do you understand we're losing the war?

What do you know about warfare?


But I know people.

And I know that our enemies hate each other almost as much as they hate us.

Joffrey is King.

Joffrey is King.

You are here to advise him.

I'm only here to advise him.

And if the King listens to what I say, the King might just get his Uncle Jaime back.

You love your children.

It's your one redeeming quality.

That and your cheekbones.

The Starks love their children as well.

And we have two of them.

Arya, little animal ... she disappeared.

Disappeared? What, in a puff of smoke?

We had three Starks to trade.

You chopped one's head off and let another escape.

Father will be furious.

It must be odd for you... to be the disappointing child.

My Lord, may the Old Gods watch over your brother and all our northern sons.

The walls of my Holdfast will not stand the winter.

The stones were last mortared in the time of King Aerys, and I'm afraid the masons today are not fit to carry their fathers' hammers.

When I was a boy, I remember seeing them put up a new tower

at Torrhen's Square in a summer.

Men worked back then.

Today, my Holdfast looks like it was built by drunk children.

At night you can hear the wind howling through the gaps.

And the Gods forbid it rains.

Why, I might as well sleep beneath a waterfall.

Maintenance of a Holdfast generally falls to the lord of that Holdfast.

Generally, yes, but I've sent all the young men off to fight Robb Stark's war.

King Robb. And it's not his war.

He didn't choose it.

Maybe not, My Lord, but he called in his Banners and took the men.

Joffrey killed my father, your liege lord.

Do you remember your vows, Ser?

Of course I remember!

We can spare four masons for a week, My Lord.

Will that be sufficient to repair your walls?

I ... I believe it will.

We didn't want him here all day, did we?

I didn't like the way he was talking about Robb.

Nor did I.

But listening to people you'd rather not listen to is one of your responsibilities as Lord of Winterfell.

Lord Portan.

My Lord, may the Old Gods watch over your brother and all our northern sons.

Boil this for an hour and drink the tea.

Makes all your pain go away.

Don't have any pain.

Lucky for you.

That way.

You've been having those dreams again.

I don't dream.

Everyone dreams.

I don't.

Heard some of the men talking about the comet.

They say it's an omen.

They say it means Robb will win a great victory in the South.

Did they?

I heard some other fools say it's Lannister Red.

Means the Lannisters will rule all Seven Kingdoms before long.

Heard a stableboy say it's the color of blood to mark the death of your father.

The stars don't fall for men.

The red comet means one thing, boy ... dragons.

The dragons are all dead.

They've been dead for centuries.

Mmm. Mmm.

What did your brother say about them, Khaleesi?

He said they ate meat.

He didn't tell you what kind of meat?

My brother didn't know anything about dragons.

He didn't know anything about anything.

She was Drogo's first gift to me.

I remember.

I promised to protect them.

Promised them their enemies would die screaming.

How do I make starvation scream?

A trick I never learned, I'm afraid.

Does it ever end?

This is farther east than I've ever been.

But, yes, Khaleesi, everything ends, even the red waste.

And you're sure there's no other way?

If we go south to the land of the Lazarheen, the Lamb Men will kill us and take your dragons.

If we go west to the Dothraki Sea, the first Khalasar we meet will kill us and take your dragons.

No one will take my dragons.

They are too weak to fight, as are your people.

You must be their strength.

As you are mine.


You never have.

This is bad time to start.

Having a rough time of it?

Nothing's killed me yet.

Your ass killed the sledge.

You offered me a ride.

I just wanted you to shut up about your damn blisters.

I was born in a place like this.

Later, I fell on hard times.

Are those girls?

Craster's daughters.

I haven't seen a girl in six months.

I'd keep on not seeing them if I were you.

What, he don't like people messing with his daughters?

He don't like people messing with his wives.

He marries his daughters, and they give him more daughters.

And on and on it goes.

That's foul.

It's beyond foul.

All the other wildlings for a hundred leagues have disappeared.

Craster's still here.

He must be doing something right.

What happens to the boys?

He marries his daughters.

What does he do with his sons?

He said he planned to stop here on his way to the Frostfangs.

People make all sorts of plans.

I haven't seen Benjen Stark in three years.

Haven't missed him.

Always treated me like scum.

Haven't had any good wine for a long time.

You Southerners make good wine, I'll give you that.

We're not Southerners.

Who's this little girl?

You're prettier than half my daughters.

You got a nice wet twat between your legs?

What's your name?

Jon Snow.

Snow, eh?

Listen to me, b*st*rd.

All you lot from south of the Wall, you're Southerners.

But now you're in the North, the real North.

The lad meant no harm.

I catch that pretty little b*st*rd talking to my daughters ...

No one will talk to your daughters, you have my word.

Now, sit down and shut your mouth.

You bring any of that good wine with you?

We did.

We passed through six villages on the way here.

All six were abandoned.

Where have all the wildlings gone?

I could tell you, but I'm thirsty.

There's a barrel of Dornish wine on the sledge.

Bring it in here.

Yes, commander.

You want to know where they've all gone?

North... to join up with Mance Rayder...

Your old friend.

He's no friend of mine.

He broke his vows, betrayed his brothers.

Oh, aye.

But once he was just a poor black crow.

And now he's King-Beyond-the-Wall.

He's been calling himself that for years.

What's he king of? A frozen lake somewhere?

That's a good-looking axe.

Fresh forged?

Give it here.

You'll have another one made at Castle Black.


Oh, that's some lovely steel.

You want to know what Mance Rayder is doing?

Gathering an army.

What I hear, he's already got more men than any of your

southern kings.

And where does he plan marching this army?

When you're all the way north, there's only one direction to go.

These are bad times to be living alone in the wild.

The cold winds are rising.

Let them come. My roots are sunk deep.

Wife... tell the Lord Crow how content we are.

This is our place.

Our husband keeps us safe.

Better to live free than die a slave.

Don't it make you jealous, old man, to see me with all these young wives and you with no one to warm your bed?

We chose different paths.

Oh, aye, and you chose the path with no one but boys on it.

You'll be wanting to sleep beneath my roof, I suppose, and eat me out of pigs.

A roof would be welcome.

It's been hard riding.

We've brought our own food and good steel for you.

Any man lays a hand on one of my wives, he loses the hand.

And I see this one staring too long, I might just gouge his eyes out.

Your roof, your rules.

Who am I?!

Who am I?!

Lord commander.

And who are you?

Jon Snow.

Who are you?

Your steward.

You want to lead one day?

Then learn how to follow.

Lord of Light, come to us in our darkness.

We offer you these false Gods.

Take them and cast your light upon us...

For the night is dark and full of terrors.

For the night is dark and full of terrors.

After the long summer, darkness will fall heavy on the world.

The stars will bleed.

We need to stop her.

The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas...

Not now.

...And the dead shall rise in the North.

All you men were named in the Light of the Seven!

Is this how you treat the Gods of your fathers?

Are you so eager to spit on your ancestors?

You smell of fear ... fear and piss and old bones.

Do you want to stop me?

Stop me.

In the ancient books, it's written that a warrior will draw a burning sword from the fire.

And that sword shall be Lightbringer.

Stannis Baratheon, warrior of light, your sword awaits you.

Lord, cast your light upon us!

For the night is dark and full of terrors.

For the night is dark and full of terror.

This woman will lead him into a war he cannot win.

Stannis is our king.

We follow where he leads, even if we don't like the path.


Since that boar killed his brother, every lord wants a coronation.

I don't serve the others. I serve Stannis.

As do I, but loyal service means telling hard truths.

He's surrounded by fools and fanatics, but he trusts you, Davos.

If you tell him the truth...

What's the truth?

"And I declare upon the honor of my house that my beloved

brother Robert ... " he wasn't my beloved brother.

I didn't love him. He didn't love me.

A harmless courtesy, Your Grace.

A lie. Take it out.

"...that my brother Robert left no trueborn heirs, the boy Joffrey, the boy Tommen, and the girl Myrcella being born of incest between Cersei Lannister and her brother Jaime Lannister.

By right of birth ... "

Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.

Call him what he is.

"...And her brother Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.

By right of birth and blood, i do this day lay claim ... "

Make it Ser Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.

Whatever else he is, the man's still a knight.

"Ser Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.

By right of birth and blood,

I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros.

Let all true men declare their loyalty."

When Eddard Stark learned the truth, he told only me.

I'll not make the same mistake.

Send copies of that letter to every corner of the Realm, from the Arbor to the Wall.

The time has come to choose.

Let no man claim ignorance as an excuse.

Your Grace,the Lannisters are the true enemy.

If, for the time being, you could make peace with your brother ...

I'll not make peace with Renly while he calls himself King.

Well, many have already declared for him ...

Mace Tyrell, Randyll Tarly.

Stannis does not need to beg this lord or that lord for support.

The Lord of Light stands behind him.

And how many ships has the Lord of Light got in his fleet?

He has no need for ships.

I'm sure he doesn't, but we do if we're going to war.

If not Renly, Your Grace, join forces with Robb Stark.

Who would steal the northern half of my kingdom.

I've always served thieves according to their desserts, as you well know,

Ser Davos.

Joffrey, Renly, Robb Stark, they're all thieves.

They'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them.

I owe you an apology, my King.

My duty is to serve.

You have chosen the new God over the Old Gods.

May the Lord of Light watch over us all.

Shall we drink together?


A cup of wine to honor the one true God.

The night is dark and full of terrors, old man, but the fire burns them all away.

Your Grace.

King in the North.

I keep expecting you to leave me in one castle or another for safekeeping, but you drag me along from camp to camp.

Have you grown fond of me, Stark?

Is that it?

I've never seen you with a girl.

If I left you with one of my bannermen, your father would know within a fortnight and my bannerman would receive a raven with a message:

"Release my son and you'll be rich beyond your dreams.

Refuse and your house will be destroyed, root and stem."

You don't trust the loyalty of the men following you into battle?

Oh, I trust them with my life, just not with yours.

Smart boy.

What's wrong?

Don't like being called "boy"?


You insult yourself, Kingslayer.

You've been defeated by a boy.

You're held captive by a boy.

Perhaps you'll be killed by a boy.

Stannis Baratheon sent ravens to all the high lords of Westeros.

King Joffrey Baratheon is neither a true king nor a true Baratheon.

He's your b*st*rd son.

If that's true, Stannis is the rightful king.

How convenient for him.

My father learned the truth.

That's why you had him executed.

I was your prisoner when Ned Stark lost his head.

Your son killed him so the world wouldn't learn who fathered him.

And you ... you pushed my brother from a window because he saw you with the queen.

You have proof?

Or do you want to trade gossip like a couple of fishwives?

I'm sending one of your cousins down to King's Landing with my peace terms.

You think my father's going to negotiate with you?

You don't know him very well.

No, but he's starting to know me.

Three victories don't make you a conqueror.

It's better than three defeats.

This city stinks...

Like dead bodies.

A bit corpsey, yes.

And sh1t.

I thought you wanted to come here.

I love it.

You love the smell of dead bodies and sh1t?

And cum and garlic and rum.

You can smell cum from the balcony?

I love the stink. I love the noise.

Cities make me want to f*ck.

And so did the country.

This is where I belong.

Yes, well, you need to be careful.

No one can know you're here.

No one will know.

You can't trust anyone in King's Landing.

They're all liars ... good liars, bad liars, one or two great liars.

What about you?

Me? I'm not from here. I'm a slave to the truth.


You are the biggest little liar I have ever met.

Why do you think I am so little?

I'm being crushed beneath the weight of all that truth.

Ned Stark actually slept on this.

As if the poor man didn't suffer enough.

One of the many changes we'll have to make around here.

Lord Baelish.

Your Grace.

I wonder if I might ask you for a favor.

Of course, Your Grace.

Ned Stark's youngest daughter Arya ... we can't seem to locate her.

If she's escaped the capital, Winterfell seems the logical destination.

And yet my friends in the North report no sign of her.


If we choose to negotiate with the Starks, the girl has some value. Whoever finds her ... well, you know what they say about Lannisters and debts.

Well, you could ask Varys where she is.

He'll have an answer for you.

Whether you believe it...

Myself, I have always had a hard time trusting eunuchs.

Who knows what they want?

A mockingbird.

You created your own Sigil, didn't you?

Appropriate... for a self-made man with so many songs to sing.

I'm glad you like it.

Some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family.

Others have to find their own way.

I heard a song once about a boy of modest means who found his way into the home of a very prominent family.

He loved the eldest daughter.

Sadly, she had eyes for another.

When boys and girls live in the same home, awkward situations can arise.

Sometimes, I've heard, even brothers and sisters develop certain affections.

And when these affections become common knowledge, well, that is an awkward situation indeed, especially in a prominent family.

But prominent families often forget a simple truth, I've found.

And which truth is that?

Knowledge is power.

Seize him.

Cut his throat.

Stop. Wait.

I've changed my mind. Let him go.

Step back three paces.

Turn around.

Close your eyes.

Power is power.

Do see if you can take some time away from your coins and your whores to locate the Stark girl for me.

I would very much appreciate it.

You're Ser Alton Lannister?

I am, Your Grace.

I offer your cousins peace if they meet my terms.

First, your family must release my sisters.

Second, my father's bones must be returned to us so he may rest beside his brother and sister in the crypts beneath Winterfell.

And the remains of all those who died in his service must also be returned.

Their families can honor them with proper funerals.

An honorable request, Your Grace.


Joffrey and the Queen Regent must renounce all claim to dominion of the North.

From this time till the end of time, we are a free and independent kingdom.

The King in the North.

King in the North.

Neither Joffrey nor any of his men shall set foot in our lands again.

If he disregards this command, he shall suffer the same fate as my father, only I don't need a servant to do my beheading for me.

These are ... Your Grace, these are ... these are my terms.

If the Queen Regent and her son meet them, I'll give them peace.

If not...

I will litter the south with Lannister dead.

King Joffrey is a Baratheon, Your Grace.

Oh, is he?

You'll ride at daybreak, Ser Alton.

That will be all for tonight.

A word, Your Grace?

You don't have to call me "Your Grace" when no one's around.

It's not so bad once you get used to it.

I'm glad someone's gotten used to it.

The Lannisters are going to reject your terms, you know?

Of course they are.

We can fight them in the fields as long as you like, but we won't beat them until you take King's Landing.

And we can't take King's Landing without ships.

My father has ships and men who know how to sail them.

Men who fought my father.

Men who fought King Robert to free themselves from the yoke of the South, just like you're doing now.

I'm his only living son.

He'll listen to me. I know he will.

I'm not a Stark. I know that.

But your father raised me to be an honorable man.

We can avenge him together.

You don't want Balon Greyjoy for an ally.

I need his ships. They say he has 200.

They say a million rats live in the sewers of King's Landing.

Shall we rally them to fight for us?

I understand you don't trust Lord Greyjoy.

I don't trust Lord Greyjoy because he is not trustworthy.

Your father had to go to war to end his rebellion.

Yes. And now I'm the one rebelling against the throne.

Before me, it was father.

You married one rebel and mothered another.

I mothered more than just rebels, a fact you seem to have forgotten.

If I trade the Kingslayer for two girls, my bannermen will string me up by my feet.

You want to leave Sansa in the Queen's hands?

And Arya ...

I haven't heard a word about Arya.

What are we fighting for if not for them?

It's more complicated than that!

You know it is.

It's time for me to go home.

I haven't seen Bran or Rickon in months.

You can't go to Winterfell.

I beg your pardon?

I'll send Rodrik to watch over the boys because tomorrow you'll ride south to the Stormlands.

Why in the name of all the Gods ... because I need you to negotiate with Renly Baratheon.

He's rallied an army of 100,000.

You know him. You know his family.

I haven't seen Renly Baratheon since he was a boy.

You have a hundred other lords ...

Which of these lords do I trust more than you?

If Renly sides with us, we'll outnumber them two to one.

When they feel the jaws beginning to shut, they'll sue for peace.

We'll get the girls back.

Then we'll all go home... for good.

I will ride at first light.

We will all be together again soon, I promise.

You've done so well.

Your father would be... proud.

Give Lord Renly my regards.

King Renly.

There's a king in every corner now.

What is all this?

Returning this room to its proper appearance.

Say what you will about the Targaryens ... they were conquerors.

That is a seat for a conqueror.

It needs a room to match it, not vines and flowers.

We can't find Arya Stark.

With luck, she's dead in a ditch somewhere.

Perhaps. But if not, we need her.

They'll never give Jaime back to us for Sansa alone.

I think they might. They're weak.

They put too much value on their women.

We need to set our armies to the task of finding her.

Send out as many men as we can.

I'm sure if you asked grandfather ...

The King does not ask; He commands.

And my grandfather's stupidity in the field of battle is the reason Robb Stark has Uncle Jaime in the first place.

His life is in danger.

We're at war.

All our lives are in danger.

I heard a disgusting lie about Uncle Jaime.

And you.

Our enemies will say anything to weaken your claim to the throne.

It's not a claim. The throne is mine.

Of course it is.

No one believes this foul gossip.

Someone believes it.

Father had other children?

Besides me and Tommen and Myrcella?

What are you asking?

I'm asking if he f*cked other women when he grew tired of you.

How many bastards does he have running ...

What you just did is punishable by death.

You will never do it again.


That will be all, Mother.

No, no, no, no.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?

Ease into it.

Slowly, with passion.

Oh, yeah.

Go wash yourselves. Put some clothes on.

Both of you are working tonight.

We do things differently here, Daisy.

This isn't some five-copper bawdy house in Hayseed Hall.

Haystack Hall.

Wherever you're from.

Our establishment doesn't cater to ploughmen and goat herders.

Lord Olsen.

Taste is everything here.

Littlefinger's a fancy man.

Don't call him Littlefinger.

He doesn't like it.

Lord Baelish.

She pretends she doesn't speak the common tongue so that people will think she's exotic.

She grew up just down the road in flea bottom.

She's beautiful.

She's a dumb slut, really, but a lid for every pot.

Lord Commander.

Good to see you... Again.

You do realize this establishment is owned by Lord Petyr Baelish, the King's Master of Coin...

Coin which goes in many pockets.


Whose orders?

Someone who doesn't care what Littlefinger thinks.

No, you can't. No! Please!

No! Not my Barra!

Please. Please.

Enough. Get it done.

Kill the b*st*rd.

No, no!


Give it here.

No, please.

Spread out. Search every house.

Every room. Look in every room.

People shouting )

Gendry! His name is Gendry.

Where is the b*st*rd?

The Night's Watch! Please, stop!


They took him up the Kingsroad, heading north.

How will we know him?

He's got a bull's head helmet.

He made it himself.

Find him.

( Theme music playing )


왕좌의 게임 대본(시즌 1-8) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 1-8 The Pointy End

** 파일 :

Game of Thrones Script-Season 1x8 The Pointy End.docx

Entering Kings Landing, we see SyrioForel dancing with Arya.

SyrioForel: Yah! Left high, left low.
How ironic it seems, how peacefully Arya and Syrio are dancing, near the Throne room, the Kings Guard fights a few Stark men.
Going back again at Arya's dancing training.

SyrioForel: Right low, lunge right.

Outside in a courtyard, a few Stark stewards are packing and bringing out the Stark family's belongings.

Steward of House Stark: If you break anything, the Septa will have my head. What is...

The stewards are being slaughtered by the kings guard.
Going back inside the Red Keep, Sansa is walking down a hallway with her Septa.

Septa Mordane: Your sister knew perfectly well we were to leave today.
How she could forget...
Sansa Stark: She didn't forget. She's with her dancing master.
She's with him every morning. She always comes back with scrapes and bruises.
She's so clumsy.
Septa Mordane: Hush! Go back to your room.
Bar the doors and do not open them for anyone you do not know.
Sansa Stark: What is it? What's happening?
Septa Mordane: Do as I told you. Run!

Back at Arya's training.

SyrioForel: This way! Left, right.
Rah! Now you are dead.
Arya Stark: You said right, but you went left.
SyrioForel: And now you are a dead girl.
Arya Stark: Only 'cause you lied.
SyrioForel: My tongue lied.
My eyes shouted the truth.
You were not seeing.
Arya Stark: I was so. I watched, but you...
SyrioForel: watching is not seeing, dead girl.
The seeing, the true seeing, that is the heart of swordplay.
The Kings guard approaches.
Meryn Trant: Arya Stark, come with us.
Your father wants to see you.
SyrioForel: And why is it that Lord Eddard is sending Lannister men in place of his own? I am wondering.
Meryn Trant: Mind your place, dancing master.
This is no concern of yours.
Arya Stark: My father wouldn't send you.
As she picks up her wooden stick from the ground, she says.
Arya Stark: And I don't have to go with you if I don't want.
MarynTrant: Take her.
SyrioForel: Are you men or snakes, that you would threaten a child?
Kings guard: Get out of my way, little man.
SyrioForel: I am SyrioForel.
Kings guard: Foreign bastard.
The Kings guard draws his sword. Before he can strike, Syrio hits him with his wooden stick. Knocking him out.
SyrioForel: And you will be speaking to me with more respect.
Meryn Trant: Kill the Braavosi. Bring the girl.
SyrioForel: Arya child, we are done with dancing for the day.
Run to your father.
SyrioForel fights three Kings guards at once, eventually knocking them all out.
Meryn Trant: Bloody oafs.
SyrioForel: Be gone now, Arya.
Arya Stark: Come with me. Run.
SyrioForel: The first sword of Braavos does not run.
Meryn Trant strikes Syrio, a short duel takes place. Eventually Meryn Trant cuts SyrioForel's wooden sword into pieces.
SyrioForel: What do we say to the God of death?
Arya Stark: Not today.
SyrioForel: Go.

Arya Stark runs off and hears a bunch of screams from down the hallway. She looks concerned.
Arya Stark: Not today. Not today.

Back on the other side of the Red Keep, Sansa runs on, but is stopped by a familiar face.

Sansa Stark: Stay away from me.
I'll tell my father. I'll...I'll tell the Queen.
Sandor Clegane: Who do you think sent me?

Back to Arya, we see that she has arrived at the slaughtered stewards. She sees her belongings lying on the ground.

Arya Stark: Needle.
A stable boy appears.
Stable Boy: There she is.
Arya Stark: What do you want?
Stable Boy: I want you, wolf girl. Come here.
Arya Stark: Leave me be. My father's a lord. He'll reward you.
Stable Boy: She'll reward me, the Queen!
Arya Stark: Stay away!
Accidentally, she turns around sliding Needle through the stable boys belly. Her first kill is a fact.
Shook as she is, she runs off.

In the dark dungeon cells of Kings Landing we see Ned Stark. He sees a little light approaches him. After a short while it is clear that it's Varys, whom is holding a torch.
Lord Varys: Lord Stark, you must be thirsty.
Ned Stark: Varys.
Lord Varys: I promise you it isn't poisoned.
Why is it no one ever trusts the eunuch? Not so much, My Lord.
I would save the rest, if I were you.
Hide it. Men have been known to die of thirst in these cells.
Ned Stark: What about my daughters?
Lord Varys: The younger one seems to have escaped the castle.
Even my little birds cannot find her.
Ned Stark: And Sansa?
Lord Varys: Still engaged to Joffrey.
Cersei will keep her close. The rest of your household though, all dead, it grieves me to say.
I do so hate the sight of blood.
Ned Stark: You watched my men being slaughtered and did nothing.
Lord Varys: And would again, My Lord.
I was unarmed, unarmored and surrounded by Lannister swords.
When you look at me do you see a hero?
What madness led you to tell the Queen you had learned the truth about Joffrey's birth?
Ned Stark: The madness of mercy. That she might save her children.
Lord Varys: Ah, the children. It is always the innocents who suffer.
It wasn't the wine that killed Robert, nor the boar.
The wine slowed him down and the boar ripped him open, but it was your mercy that killed the King.
I trust you know you are a dead man, Lord Eddard?
Ned Stark: The Queen can't kill me. Cat holds her brother.
Lord Varys: The wrong brother sadly.
And lost to her. Your wife has let the Imp slip through her fingers.
Ned Stark: If that's true, then slit my throat and be done with it.
Lord Varys: Not today, My Lord.
Varys is about to walk away, while being stopped by Ned one last time.
Ned Stark: Tell me something, Varys.
Who do you truly serve?
Lord Varys: The Realm, My Lord.
Someone must.
Varys leaves the dungeons.

At Castle Black a corpses are being carried inside. Some of the Night's brothers are inspecting the two bodies.

Jeor Mormont: It's Othor, without a doubt.
OthellYarwyck: The other one is Jafer Flowers, My Lord, less the hand the wolf tore off.
Jeor Mormont: Any sign of Benjen or the rest of his party?
Jon Snow: Just these two, My Lord. Been dead awhile, I'd say.
Jeor Mormont: Mmm.
Samwell Tarly: The smell.
OthellYarwyck: What smell?
Samwell Tarly: There is none.
If they'd be dead for a long time, wouldn't there be rot?
Jon Snow: We should burn them.
OthellYarwyck: Snow's not wrong, My Lord.
Fire will do for them. The Wildling way.
Jeor Mormont: I want Maester Aemon to examine them first.
You may be a coward, Tarly, but you're not stupid.
Get them inside.
OthellYarwyck: You heard him.
SerAlliser: Lord Commander, Maester Aemon awaits you in his chambers. A raven from King's Landing.
Nights Watch brother: Come on, move 'em out.

Jon Snow is summoned to Jeor Mormont's chambers. While entering the room, a conversation starts.

Jeor Mormont: Bring me a horn of ale, Snow, and pour one for yourself.
The King is dead.
Jon Snow: Is there any word of my father?
Jeor Mormont: Sit.
Lord Stark has been charged with treason.
They say he conspired with Robert's brothers to deny the throne to Prince Joffrey.
Jon points to the letter, as he wants to read it. Jeor Mormont hands it over. When reading the letter, Jon stands up and wants to walk away.
Jeor Mormont: I hope you're not thinking of doing anything stupid.
Your duty lies here now.
Jon Snow: My sisters were in King's Landing too.
Jeor Mormont: I'm sure they'll be treated gently.
Jon walks out.

Deep inside the Red Keep, Sansa is having a conversation with Cersei.
Grand MaesterPycelle, Varys and Littlefinger being in their presence.

Lord Varys: Your father has proved to be an awful traitor, dear.
Grand MaesterPycelle: King Robert's body was still warm when Lord Eddard began plotting to steal Joffrey's rightful throne.
Sansa Stark: He wouldn't do that. He knows how much I love Joffrey.
He wouldn't. Please, Your Grace, there's been a mistake.
Send for my father. He'll tell you, the King was his friend.
Cersei Lannister: Sansa sweetling, you are innocent of any wrong.
We know that.
Yet you are the daughter of a traitor.
How can I allow you to marry my son?
Grand MaesterPycelle: A child born of a traitor's seed is no fit consort for our King.
She is a sweet thing now, Your Grace, but in 10 years who knows what treasons she may hatch?
Sansa Stark: No, I'm not.
I'll be a good wife to him, you'll see.
I'll be a Queen just like you, I promise.
I won't hatch anything.
Petyr Baelish: The girl is innocent, Your Grace.
She should be given a chance to prove her loyalty.
Cersei Lannister: Little dove, you must write to Lady Catelyn and your brother, the eldest.
What's his name?
Sansa Stark: Robb.
Cersei Lannister: Word of your father's arrest will reach him soon, no doubt.
Best it comes from you.
If you would help your father, urge your brother to keep the King's peace.
Tell him to come to King's Landing and swear his fealty to Joffrey.
Sansa Stark: If...if I could see my father, talk to him about...
Cersei Lannister: You disappoint me, child.
We have told you of your father's treason.
Why would you want to speak to a traitor?
Sansa Stark: I only meant that...what will happen to him?
Cersei Lannister: That depends.
Sansa Stark: On...on what?
Cersei Lannister: On your brother. And on you.

Back at Winterfell, Robb reads the letter Sansa sent.
Robb Stark: Treason? Sansa wrote this?
MaesterLuwin: It is your sister's hand, but the Queen's words.
You are summoned to King's Landing to swear fealty to the new King.
Robb Stark: Joffrey puts my father in chains, now he wants his ass kissed?
MaesterLuwin: This is a royal command, My Lord.
If you should refuse to obey...
Robb Stark: I won't refuse. His Grace summons me to King's Landing, I'll go to King's Landing.
But not alone. Call the banners.
MaesterLuwin: All of them, My Lord?
Robb Stark: They've all sworn to defend my father, have they not?
MaesterLuwin: They have.
Now we see what their words are worth.
MaesterLuwin: Yeah.
MaesterLuwin walks off.
Theon Greyjoy: Are you afraid?
Robb Stark: I must be.
Theon Greyjoy: Good.
Robb Stark: Why is that good?
Theon Greyjoy: It means you're not stupid.

At the Eyrie, Catelyn rushes to Lysa's chambers. Upon arrival she angrily speaks.
Catelyn Stark: You've had this since dawn?
Lysa Arryn: He sent it to me, not you.
I've only shown it to you as a courtesy.
Catelyn Stark: A courtesy?! My husband has been taken prisoner.
My son intends to declare war.
Lysa Arryn: A war? Your son against the Lannisters?
You should go to him. Teach him patience.
Catelyn Stark: Ned rots in a dungeon and you speak of patience? He is your brother by law!
Does family mean nothing to you?
Lysa Arryn: Family means everything to me.
And I will not risk Robin's life to get caught up in another of your husband's wars.
Robin Arryn: I'm hungry.
Lysa Arryn: Hush now, darling. You just ate.
Catelyn Stark: You will not support us then? Do I understand you correctly?
Robin Arryn: But I'm hungry!
Lysa Arryn: Soon, love, soon.
You're always welcome here, sister.
But if you're asking me to send men from the Vale to fight...
Catelyn Stark: That is what I ask.
Lysa Arryn: Go on, sweet. Time for your bath. I'll feed you after.
Robin walks out of the room.
Catelyn Stark: If you fear for the safety of your son...
Lysa Arryn: Of course I fear for the safety of my son!
Are you an idiot? They killed my husband.
You say they shoved your boy from a window.
These people will do anything.
Catelyn Stark: And that is why we have to stop them.
Lysa Arryn: The knights of the Vale will stay in the Vale where they belong, to protect their Lord.

Both Tyrion and Bronn are seen walking through the hills of the Vale.
Bronn: Will you shut up? There's hill tribes all around here.
Tyrion Lannister: If I'm going to die, it may as well be with a song in my heart.
Bronn: I should just take your food and leave you here.
Eh? What would you do then?
Tyrion Lannister: Starve, most likely.
Bronn: You don't think I'd do it, do you?
Tyrion Lannister: What do you want, Bronn? Gold?Women?Golden women?
Stick with me and you'll have them all, for as long as I'm around and not for a moment longer.
But you knew that.
That is why you so valiantly took up arms to defend my honor.
Bronn: Fair enough.
But don't go looking for me to bend the knee and "My Lord" you every time you take a shit.
I'm not your toady and I'm not your friend.
Tyrion Lannister: Though I would treasure your friendship.
I'm mainly interested in your facility with murder.
And if the day ever comes when you're tempted to sell me out.
Remember this: Whatever their price, I'll beat it.
I like living.

A while later, Tyrion and Bronn are seen near a campfire.
Bronn hears noises of approaching men and tries to warn Tyrion.

Bronn: Tyrion. Tyrion.Tyrion.
Tyrion Lannister: Come, share our fire.
Help yourselves to our goat.
Shagga: When you meet your Gods, you tell them Shagga Son of Dolf of the Stone Crows sent you.
Tyrion Lannister: I am Tyrion son of Tywin of Clan Lannister.
How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?
Tyrion Lannister: In my own bed, at the age of 80 with a bellyful of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock.
Take the half man.
He can dance for the children. Kill the other one.
Tyrion Lannister: No nononono! My, my House is rich and powerful.
If you see us through these mountains, my father will shower you with gold.
Shagga: We have no use for a half man's promises.
Tyrion Lannister: Half a man maybe, but at least I have the courage to face my enemies.
What do the Stone Crows do? Hide behind rocks and shiver when the knights of the Vale ride by?
Are those the best weapons you could steal? Good enough for killing sheep, if the sheep don't fight back.
Lannister smiths shit better steel.
Shagga: You think you can win us over with your trinkets?
Tyrion Lannister: That trinket is worth more than everything your tribe owns.
But if you help us, Shagga Son of Dolf, I will not give you trinkets.
I will give you this.
Tyrion makes a gesture.
Shagga: What is "this"?
Tyrion Lannister: The Vale of Arryn.
The Lords of the Vale have always spat upon the hill tribes.
The Lords of the Vale want me dead.
I believe it is time for new Lords of the Vale.

In Castle Black's kitchen, Jon and Sam are preparing a meal, while SerAlliser approaches.

SerAlliser: Now there's a rare sight. Not only a bastard, but a traitor's bastard.
Jon looks Alliser in his eyes. Silence occur for a few seconds. Then, suddenly Jon tries to strike Alliser, but is stopped by Pypar and Grenn.
Samwell Tarly: Jon, no! Jon, stop, put it down!
SerAlliser: Blood will always tell. You'll hang for this, bastard.
SerAlliser had his fun and walks away, while Jeor Mormont saw the incident and walk towards Jon.
Jeor Mormont: I told you not to do anything stupid. You're confined to quarters. Go.
Jon obeys and walks off.

Later that night, Ghost alerts Jon. He seems to be uneasy. Jon wakes up and talks to Ghost.

Jon Snow: Ghost, what's wrong? Is something out there?
Jon decides to get out of bed, gear up and opens the door. Ghost runs off towards Jeor Mormants room.
Mounting his door.
Jon Snow: Commander?
Jon Snow: Stay.
Ghost waits at the front door, while Jon walks in.
Jon Snow: Hello?
Who's there?
Lord Commander?
As soon as he walks through the door, the door shuts and the corpse of Othor attacks Jon. Jon tries to stab him with his dagger, but nothing seems to phase him. Jon pulls himself loose, draws his sword and cuts off Othor's other hand. Then Jon stabs Othor through the heart. Othor falls down. Suddenly Jeor Mormont arrives.
Jeor Mormont: Snow!?
Jon Snow: Commander!
Othor gets back on his feet, pulling out Jon's sword out of his chest. Outside of the room, Ghost goes beserk, trying to get in.
Jon grabs Jeor's lantern and throws it at Othor. Othor catches fire.
Jon Snow: Move move!
Jon grabs Jeor by his arm and flees inside a room, shutting the door.

The Khalasar have arrived the lands of Lhazar. Dany and her company walk through the burned area.

DaenarysStormborn: What did they do?
Rakharo: Lamb men make good slaves. Khal Drogo will make a gift of them to the slavers.
And the slavers will give us gold...and silk and steel.
DaenarysStormborn: I thought the Dothraki didn't believe in money.
Jorah Mormont: Gold to hire ships, Princess. Ships to sail to Westeros.
While walking a little further, Dany sees Dothraki men looting and holding Lhazareen captive.
DaenarysStormborn: Jorah, make them stop.
Jorah Mormont: Khaleesi?
DaenarysStormborn: You heard me.
Jorah Mormont: These men have shed blood for their Khal.
Now they claim their rewards.
Rakharo: She is a lamb girl, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor.
If her wailing offends the Khaleesi, I will bring you her tongue.
Jorah Mormont: Princess, you have a gentle heart, but this is how it's always been.
DaenarysStormborn: I do not have a gentle heart, Ser. Do as I command or Khal Drogo will know the reason why.
Jorah and Rhakharo both obey and run off, trying to stop the Khalasar, while freeing some Lhazareen.
Rhakharo: Kashqoyqoyithiradisse. Me qorasokhanni!
While Rhakharo argues with a Dothraki man, Jorah brings over a Lhazareen woman.
Jorah Mormont: Come.
Dothraki Man: Anhaafichakmaem'arakhoon!
Jorah Mormont: What do you want done with them?
DaenarysStormborn: Bring her to me. And those women there.
Jorah Mormont: You cannot claim them all, Princess.
DaenarysStormborn: I can, and I will.

Leaving with a couple of Lhazareen women, Dany arrives at a covered courtyard, where Khal Drogo is having a discussion with Mago.

Mago: Me Fati! Khaleesi vazhaanhaanqorasokhanni, ch'anhaafichakmaem'arakhoonanni!
Khal Drogo: Me vastoehatifanni; ahhazaanyer Nemo vacchaki.
Khal Drogo: Moon of my life. Mago says you have taken his spoils.
A daughter of a lamb men, who was his to mount. Tell me the truth of this.
DaenarysStormborn: Mago speaks the truth, my sun and stars. I have claimed many daughters this day, so they cannot be mounted.
Khal Drogo: This is the way of war. These women are slaves now to do with as we please.
DaenarysStormborn: It pleases me to keep them safe.
If your riders would mount them, let them take them for wifes.
Qotho: Does the horse mate with the lamb?
DaenarysStormborn: The dragons feeds on horse and lamb alike.
Mago: You are a foreigner. You do not command me.
DaenarysStormborn: I am Khaleesi. I do command you.
Khal Drogo: See how fierce she grows?
That is my son inside her, the stallion that will mount the world. Filling her with his fire.
I will hear no more.
Mago, find somewhere else to stick your cock.
Mago spits on the ground and draws his sword.
Mago: A Khal who takes orders from a foreign whore is no Khal.
When Qotho is trying to interfere, Khal Drogo calls him back.
Khal Drogo: Ohosa. Os.
I will not have your body burned. I will not give you that honor.
Mago points out his sword and pushes it to Khal Drogo's chest.
Khal Drogo grins, it doesn't seem to phase him. He continues talking.
Khal Drogo: The beetles will feed on your eyes. The worms will crawl through your lungs.
Mago starts swinging his sword, while Khal Drogo dodges his attack.
When turning his back on Mago, he grabs his daggers and speaks.
Khal Drogo: The rain will fall on your rotting skin...
Khal Drogo turns around facing Mago and drops his daggers to the ground.
Khal Drogo: Until nothing is left of you but bones!
Khal Drogo runs towards Mago, while dodging his attacks. While attacking, Mago screams.
mago: First you have to kill me!
Khal drogo grabs Mago's sword, disarms him and cuts his throat open. He grabs Mago's throat, crushes it and pulls out his tongue.
He shows Mago's tongue to the crowd, walks back to his chair and throws Mago's tongue on a pile of rotting flesh.
While sitting down, Dany runs towards him.
DaenarysStormborn: My sun and stars is wounded.
Khal Drogo: A scratch, moon of my life.
DaenarysStormborn: Where are the healers?
Khal Drogo: This is the bite of a fly.
MirriMazDuur: I can help the great rider with his cut.
Qotho: The Khal needs no help from slaves who lie with sheep.
DaenarysStormborn: She is mine let her speak.
MirriMazDuur: Thank you, silver lady.
DaenarysStormborn: Who are you?
When "the witch" is trying to approach Dany, Qotho stops her.
MirriMazDuur: I am named MirriMazDuur.
I was the Godswife of this Temple.
Qotho: A witch.
And spits on the ground.
MirriMazDuur: My mother was Godswife here before me.
She taught me how to make healing smokes and ointments.
All men are of one flock, so my people believe.
The Great Shepherd sent me to Earth to heal his...
Qotho slaps "the witch" and says.
Qotho: Too many words. A witch's words poison the ears.
MirriMazDuur: lamb or lion, his wound must be washed and sewn or it will fester.
DaenarysStormborn: Let her clean your wound, my sun and stars.
It makes me hurt to see you bleed.
Khal Drogo lays eyes upon "the witch". While he's seemingly in thought, "the witch" approaches him.
As Dany steps aside, she looks at Khal Drogo's wound.

Entering Winterfell, gathered Stark banner men are having a feast.
We see Greatjon Umber whom is having a conversation with Robb Stark.

Greatjon Umber: For 30 years I've been making corpses out of men, boy.
I'm the man you want leading the Vanguard.
Robb Stark: Galbart Glover will lead the Van.
Greatjon Umber: The bloody Wall will melt before an Umber marches behind a Glover.
I will lead the Van or I will take my men and march them home.
Robb Stark: You are welcome to do so, Lord Umber.
And when I am done with the Lannisters, I will march back North, root you out of your Keep and hang you for an oathbreaker.
Greatjon Umber: Oathbreaker, is it?!
Greatjon stands up as he is offended
Greatjon Umber: I'll not sit here and swallow insults from a boy so green he pisses grass.
While Greatjon Umber raises his voice to Robb, Grey Wind rushes towards him and attacks, biting off 2 of his fingers.
Robb Stark: My Lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your Liege Lord.
But doubtless the Greatjon only meant to cut my meat for me.
Greatjon Umber: Your bloody tough.
Greatjon Umber starts laughing breaking the tension, making everyone laughing along with him.

Later that night, Robb is having a short visit with Brann Stark. Upon entering his room, Brann is stil asleep.
Robb wakes him and a conversation follows.

Brann Stark: What is it? What's happened?
Robb Stark: Shh, it's all right.
Brann Stark: Where are you going?
Robb Stark: South. For father.
Brann Stark: But it's the middle of the night.
Robb Stark: The Lannisters have spies everywhere.
I don't want them to know we're coming.
Brann Stark: They have more men than we do.
Robb Stark: Aye, they do.
Brann Stark: Can't I come with you? I can ride now. You've seen me riding.
And I won't get in the way, I...
Robb Stark: There must always be a Stark at Winterfell.
Until I return that will be you.
You are not to leave the castle walls while we are gone.
Do you understand?
Listen to MaesterLuwin. Look after your little brother.
Brann Stark: I will.
Robb Stark: I'll send letters whenever I can, but if you don't hear from me, don't be scared.
Until I return.
Robb leaves the room, but as soon as Robb left, Rickon appears.
Brann Stark: How long have you been hiding out there?
Robb will be looking for you, to say goodbye.
Rickon Stark: They've all gone away.
Brann Stark: They'll be back soon.
Robb will free father and they'll come back with mother.
Rickon Stark: No, they won't.
Rickon turns arond and leaves the room.

The next morning, Brann is sitting affront of the Weirwood tree.
While saying his prayers, Osha approaches him.

Brann Stark: Please watch over Robb.
And watch over all the other men from Winterfell.
And Theon too, I suppose.
Osha: You hear them, boy? The Old Gods are answering you.
Brann Stark: What are you doing here?
Osha: They're my Gods too.
Beyond the Wall, they're the only Gods.
Even slaves are allowed to pray.
Brann Stark: You're not a slave.
Osha points out to her chains and wiggles her foot.
Brann Stark: Well, your friend did put a knife to my throat.
I'm not complaining, Little Lord, just telling truths.
Brann Stark: What did you mean about hearing the Gods?
Osha: You asked them, they're answering you.
Shh. Open your ears.
Brann is trying to listen and looks up the Weirwood tree. He hears the wind blowing through the leaves.
Brann Stark: It's only the wind.
Who do you think sends the wind if not the Gods?
They see you, boy. They hear you.
Your brother will get no help from them where he's going.
The Old Gods have no power in the South.
The Weirwoods there were all cut down a long time ago.
How can they watch when they have no eyes?
Suddenly Hodor appears.
It appears he was bathing nearby, since he is bare naked holding a towel around his neck.
Osha: Well, there's a big man.
He has giants blood in him or I'm the Queen.
Brann Stark: Go back and find your clothes, Hodor.
Go dress.
Hodor: Hodor.
Hodor obeys and runs off.
Brann Stark: Are there really giants beyond the Wall?
Osha: Giants and worse than giants.
I tried telling your brother, he's marching the wrong way.
All these swords, they should be going North, boy.
North, not south!
The cold winds are rising.
Looking back up to the Weirwood tree, Brann hears the wind again.

At castle Black, the Night's Watch decided to burn the corpse of Othor, whom attacked Jeor Mormant.
Sam decided to share some knowledge.

Samwell Tarly: They were touched by White Walkers.
That's why they came back.
That's why their eyes turned blue.
Only fire will stop them.
Jon Snow: How do you know that?
Samwell Tarly: I read about it in a book. A very old book in Maester Aemon's library.
Jon Snow: What else did the book say?
Samwell Tarly: The White Walkers sleep beneath the ice for thousands of years.
And when they wake up...
Pypar: And when they wake up, what?
Sam looks to the top of the Wall.
Samwell Tarly: I hope The Wall is high enough.
Seemingly worried, the rest of the lot also look towards the top of the Wall.

Catelyn Stark and SerRodrik both arrive at Robb Starks camp.

Rodrik Cassel: Summer snows, My Lady.
Catelyn Stark: Robb's brought the North with him.
Entering Robbs tent, we see Robb and his banner men discussing tactics.
Robb Stark: The River Lords are falling back with Jaime Lannister at their heels.
And Lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the South.
Our scouts confirm it's even larger than the Kingslayer's.
Greatjon Umber: One army or two, the Kings in the North threw back hosts ten times this large.
Robb Stark: Mother!
Catelyn Stark: You look well.
Greatjon Umber: Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times.
Theon Greyjoy: We had not thought to meet you here, My Lady.
Catelyn Stark: I had not thought to be here.
I would speak with my son alone. I know you will forgive me, My Lords.
Greatjon Umber: You heard her! Move your asses! Come on, out.
You too, Greyjoy.
Are you bloody deaf? Have no fear, My Lady.
We'll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole and then it's on to the Red Keep to free Ned.
You old devil, Rodrik.
Rodrik Cassel: Jon.
Greatjon Umber: You're not wasting away, are you?
As soon as the men left, Catelyn hugs Robb.
Catelyn Stark: I remember the day you came into this world red-faced and squalling.
And now I find you leading a host to war.
Robb Stark: There was no one else.
Catelyn Stark: No one? Who were those men I saw here?
Robb Stark: None of them are Starks.
Catelyn Stark: All of them are seasoned in battle.
Robb Stark: If you think you can send me back to Winterfell...
Catelyn Stark: Oh, would that I could.
Robb Stark: There was a letter. From Sansa.
Catelyn Stark: From the Queen, you mean.
There's no mention of Arya.
Robb Stark: No.
Catelyn Stark: How many men do you have?
Robb Stark: 18,000. If I go to King's Landing and bend my knee to Joffrey...
Catelyn Stark: you would never be allowed to leave. No.
Our best hope, our only hope, is that you can defeat them in the field.
Robb Stark: And if I lose?
Catelyn Stark: Do you know what happened to the Targaryen children, when the Mad King fell?
Robb Stark: They were butchered in their sleep.
Catelyn Stark: On the orders of Tywin Lannister. And the years have not made him kinder.
If you lose, your father dies, your sisters die, we die.
Robb Stark: Well, that makes it simple then.
Catelyn Stark: I suppose it does.

Arriving at the foot of the Lannister camp, Tyrion, Bronn, Shagga and the hill tribe, decide to stop for a short while.
A conversation follows.

Tyrion Lannister: From here it might be best if Bronn and I continue alone.
Shagga: Best for Tyrion son of Tywin. Not best for me.
If the half man betrays us, Shagga son of Dolf will cut off his manhood...
Tyrion Lannister: And feed it to the goats, yes.
All right then. Time to meet my father.
Moving into the Lannister camp, Shagga and the hill tribe follow.
Upon entering the Tywin Lannister's tent, we see Kevan Lannister and Tywin sitting at a table, scheming.
Kevan Lannister Tyrion.
Tyrion Lannister: Uncle. Father.
Tywin Lannister: The rumors of your demise were unfounded.
Tyrion Lannister: Sorry to disappoint you.
Tywin Lannister: And who are these Companions of yours?
Tywin Lannister: This is Shagga Son of Dolf, Chieftain of the Stone Crows.
Timett Son of Timett, ruler of the Burned Men.
This fair maid is Chella daughter of Cheyk, leader of the Black Ears.
And here we have Bronn son of...
Bronn: You wouldn't know him.
Tyrion Lannister: May I present My Lord Father, Tywin son of Tytos of House Lannister.
Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Kind of you to go to war for me.
Tywin Lannister: You left us no choice. The honor of the House was at stake.
Your brother would never have submitted to capture so meekly.
Tyrion Lannister: We have our differences, Jaime and I.
He's braver. I'm better looking.
Jamie Lannister: He's been covering himself in glory.
Kevan Lannister: Jaime smashed the River Lords at the Golden Tooth, and now lays siege to Riverrun, Catelyn Stark's homeland.
Tyrion Lannister: And the Starks? Lord Eddard?
Tywin Lannister: Is our hostage.
He will lead no armies from his dungeon cell.
Tyrion Lannister: How did my sweet sister persuade the King to imprison his dear friend Ned?
Tywin Lannister: Robert Baratheon is dead.
Joffrey rules in King's Landing.
Tyrion Lannister: My sister rules, you mean.
Kevan Lannister: Stark's son has called his banners.
He moves south with a strong host.
Tywin Lannister: A green boy.
One taste of battle and he'll run back to Winterfell wi his tail between his legs.
Tyrion Lannister: Maybe. Though the boy does have a certain belligerence.
You'd like him.
While we're on the subject of war, I made promises to my friends here and a Lannister always pays his debts.
We shall require 3,000 helms and shields, plus swords, pikes, gorgets, maces...
Suddenly a messenger appears, interrupting Tyrion's request.
Messenger: If it please My Lord, SerAddam bids me report that the Northmen have crossed the neck.
Tywin Lannister: The wolf rushes into the lion's jaws.
So be it. Kevan, command the drummers beat assembly.
And send word to Jaime that I am moving against Robb Stark.
Kevan Lannister: At once, My Lord.
Tywin Lannister: It is said that the men of the Mountain clans are great warriors.
Ride with me against my enemies and you shall have all my son promised you and more.
Shagga: Only if the half man fights with us.
Until we hold the steel he pledged us, the little lion's life is ours.
Tywin looks over to Tyrion. Tyrion looks shooked.

Back at Robbs camp, inside his tent we see Robb and his men plotting.

RodrikCassal: The scouts report Lord Tywin moves north.
We need to get him on broken ground, put his Knights at a disadvantage.
Greatjon Umber: No, we need to get around him and break Jaime Lannister's siege of Riverrun.
Do that and the River Lords will join us.
Robb Stark: To do either we need to cross the river and the only crossing is at The Twins.
Theon Greyjoy: Lord Frey controls that bridge.
Your father's bannerman.
Catelyn Stark: "The late Lord Frey" my father calls him.
At the Trident, he didn't appear until the battle was done.
Some men takes their oaths more seriously than others.
Meanwhile, outside a few Stark men captured a scout, leading him to Robbs tent.
Theon Greyjoy: Robb's right.
We need that bridge.
Greatjon Umber: So what's it gonna be? Do we move against Jaime or Lord Tywin?
Stark guard: Your pardon, my lords.
We've captured a Lannister scout.
Theon covers the map with pawns
Greatjon Umber: Don't worry, lad.
He won't be leaving this tent with his head.
Robb Stark: Where did you find him?
Stark guard: In the brush above the encampment.
He looked to be counting.
Robb walks towards the Lannister scout.
Robb Stark: How high did you get?
Lannister scout: 20,000. Maybe more.
Rodrik Cassel You don't have to do this yourself.
Your father would understand.
Robb Stark: My father understands mercy, when there is room for it.
And he understands honor and courage.
Let him go.
Catelyn Stark: Robb.
Robb looks over his shoulder with a stare. Catelyn understands and looks down in regret.
Robb Stark: Tell Lord Tywin, Winter is coming for him.
To find out if he really does shit gold.
Lannister scout: Yes, My Lord. Thank you, My Lord.
Greatjon Umber: Are you touched, boy?! Letting him go?
Robb Stark: You call me boy again.
Greatjon Umber wants to taunt Robb.
Robb Stark: Go on.
Greatjon Umber: Oi.
Frustrated, Greatjon Umber walks out of the tent.

In Kings Landing, we see Ned Stark asleep in the dungeons, a guard on patrol kicks his feet waking him up. Then walks on.
Meanwhile, in the Throne room, new roles are being announced by Grand MaesterPycelle.
Grand MaesterPycelle: It is also the wish of His Grace, that his loyal servant Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch...
While Grand MaesterPycelle is speaking, Sansa walks by a few familiar faces.
Sansa Stark: Ser Aron.
Grand MaesterPycelle: Be at once raised to the rank of Lord.
Sansa Stark: Lord Gyles.
Grand MaesterPycelle: And granted the ancient seat of Harrenhal, and that his sons and grandsons shall hold this honor after him, until the end of time.
In the place of the traitor Eddard Stark, it is the wish of his Grace that Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, be appointed Hand of the King.
Lastly, in these times of treason and turmoil, it is the view of the Council that the life and safety of King Joffrey be of paramount importance.
Cersei Lannister: Ser Barristan Selmy.
Barristan Selmy approaches.
Barristan Selmy: Your Grace, I am yours to command.
Cersei Lannister: Rise, Ser Barristan.
You may remove your helm.
You have served the Realm long and faithfully.
Every man and woman in the Seven Kingdoms owes you thanks.
But it is time to put aside your armor and your sword.
It is time to rest and look back with pride on your many years of service.
Barristan Selmy: Your Grace, the Kingsguard is a sworn brotherhood.
Our vows are taken for life. Only death relieves us of our sacred trust.
Cersei Lannister: Whose death, Ser Barristan? Yours or your King's?
King Joffrey: You let my father die.
You're too old to protect anybody.
Barristan Selmy: Your Grace...
Cersei Lannister: The Council has determined that Ser Jaime Lannister will take your place as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
Barristan Selmy: The man who profaned his blade with the blood of the King he had sworn to defend!
Cersei Lannister: Careful, Ser.
Lord Varys: We have nothing but gratitude for your long service, good Ser.
You shall be given a stout Keep beside the sea, with servants to look after your every need.
Barristan Selmy: A hall to die in and men to bury me.
I am a Knight. I shall die a Knight.
Petyr Baelish: A naked Knight, apparently.
Barristan Selmy: Even now I could cut through the five of you like carving a cake!
Here, boy! Melt it down and add it to the others.
King's Landing Page: If any man in this hall has other matters to set before His Grace, let him speak now or go forth and hold his silence.
Sansa Stark: Your Grace.
King Joffrey: Come forward, My Lady.
Sansa walk forth.
King's Landing Page: The Lady Sansa of House Stark.
Cersei Lannister: Do you have some business for the King and the Council, Sansa?
Sansa Stark: I do.
Sansa kneels down.
Sansa Stark: As it please Your Grace, I ask mercy for my father, Lord Eddard Stark, who was Hand of the King.
Grand MaesterPycelle: Treason is a noxious weed.
It should be torn out, root...
King Joffrey: Let her speak.
I want to hear what she says.
Sansa Stark: Thank you, Your Grace.
Petyr Baelish: Do you deny your father's crime?
Sansa Stark: No, My Lords. I know he must be punished.
All I ask is mercy. I know My Lord father must regret what he did.
He was King Robert's friend and he loved him.
You all know he loved him.
He never wanted to be Hand until the King asked him.
They must have lied to him. Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody.
They must have lied!
King Joffrey: He said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that?
Sansa Stark: He was badly hurt.
MaesterPycelle was giving him milk of the poppy.
He wasn't himself. Otherwise h never would have said it.
Lord Varys: A child's faith Such sweet innocence.
And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes.
Grand MaesterPycelle: Treason is treason!
King Joffrey: Anything else?
Sansa Stark: If you still have any affection in your heart for me, please do me this kindness, Your Grace.
King Joffrey: Your sweet words have moved me.
But your father has to confess.
He has to confess and say that I'm the King or there'll be no mercy for him.
Sansa Stark: He will.


왕좌의 게임 대본(시즌 1-7) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 1-7 You Win Or You Die

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Game of Thrones Script-Season 1x7 You Win Or You Die.docx

Trumpets sounds from the Lannister camp. Going inside a tent, we see Tywin Lannister sharpening his knifes, preparing to skin a deer, while Jaime Lannister starts reading the received letter from Ned Stark.

Jaime Lannister: "Summoned to court to answer for the crimes of your banner man Gregor Clegane, the Mountain"
Uh, "arrive within the fortnight or be branded an enemy of the Crown."

Poor Ned Stark.Brave man, terrible judgment.
Tywin Lannister: Attacking him was stupid.
Tywin Lannister: Lannisters don't act like fools.
Are you gonna say something clever? Go on, say something clever.
Jaime Lannister: Catelyn Stark took my brother.
Tywin Lannister: Why is he still alive?
Jaime Lannister: Tyrion?
Tywin Lannister: Ned Stark.
Jaime Lannister: One of our men interfered, speared him through the leg before I could finish him.
Tywin Lannister: Why is he still alive?
Jaime Lannister: It wouldn't have been clean.
Tywin Lannister: Clean...
Tywin Lannister: You spend too much time worrying about what other people think of you.
Jaime Lannister: I could care less what anyone thinks of me.
Tywin Lannister: Now that's what you want people to think of you.
Jaime Lannister: It's the truth.
Tywin Lannister: When you hear them whispering "Kingslayer" behind your back, doesn't it bother you?
Jaime Lannister: Of course it bothers me.
Tywin Lannister: The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
I suppose I should be grateful that your vanity got in the way of your recklessness.
I'm giving you half of our forces. 30,000 men.
You will bring them to Catelyn Stark's girlhood home and remind her that Lannisters pay their debts.
Jaime Lannister: I didn't realize you placed such a high value on my brother's life.
Tywin Lannister: He's a Lannister. He might be the lowest of the Lannisters, but he's one of us.
And every day that he remains a prisoner, the less our name commands respect.
Jaime Lannister: So the lion does concern himself with the opinions of..
Tywin Lannister: No, it's not an opinion, it's a fact!
If another House can seize one of our own and hold him captive with impunity, we are no longer a House to be feared.
Your mother's dead. Before long I'll be dead.
And you and your brother and your sister and all of her children.
All of us dead, all of us rotting in the ground. It's the family name that lives on. It's all that lives on.
Not your personal glory, not your honor, but family.
Do you understand?
Jaime nods gently.
Tywin Lannister: Hmm.
You're blessed with abilities that few men possess.
You are blessed to belong to the most powerful family in the kingdoms.
And you are still blessed with youth.
And what have you done with these blessings, huh? You've served as a glorified bodyguard for two kings.
One a madman, the other a drunk.
The future of our family will be determined in these next few months.
We could establish a dynasty that will last a thousand years.
Or we could collapse into nothing, as the Targaryens did.
I need you to become a man you were always meant to be.
Not next year. Not tomorrow. Now.
Submissive as he looks, Jaime walks out of the tent.

Back at a garden in Kings Landing, we see Queen Cersei approaching the sitting Ned Stark.

Cersei Lannister: You're in pain.
Ned Stark: I've had worse, my lady.
Cersei Lannister: Perhaps it's time to go home.
Ned Stark: The South doesn't seem to agree with you.
Ned Stark: I know the truth Jon Arryn died for.
Cersei Lannister: Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose me riddles?
Ned Stark: Has he done this before?
Cersei Lannister: Jaime would have killed him.
Ned Stark: My brother is worth a thousand of your friend.
Ned Stark: Your brother Or your lover?
Cersei Lannister: The Targaryens wed brothers and sisters for 300 years to keep bloodlines pure.
Ned Stark: Jaime and I are more than brother and sister.
Ned Stark: We shared a womb. We came into this world together. We belong together.
Ned Stark: My son saw you with him.
Cersei Lannister: Do you love your children?
Ned Stark: With all my heart.
Cersei Lannister: No more than I love mine.
Ned Stark: And they are all Jaime's.
Cersei Lannister: Thank the Gods.
In the rare event that Robert leaves his whores for long enough to stumble drunk into my bed, I finish him off in other ways.
In the morning, he doesn't remember.
Ned Stark: You've always hated him.
Cersei Lannister: Hated him? I worshiped him.
Every girl in the Seven Kingdoms dreamed of him, but he was mine by oath.
And when I finally saw him on our wedding day in the Sept of Baelor, lean and fierce and black-bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life.
Then that night he crawled on top of me, stinking of wine and did what he did, what little he could do, and whispered in my ear, "Lyanna".
Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl and he loved her more than me.
Ned Stark: When the King returns from his hunt, I'll tell him the truth.
You must be gone by then. You and your children.
I will not have their blood on my hands.
Go as far away as you can, with as many men as you can.
Because wherever you go, Robert's wrath will follow you.
Cersei Lannister: And what of my wrath, Lord Stark? You should have taken the realm for yourself.
Jaime told me about the day King's Landing fell.
He was sitting in the Iron Throne and you made him give it up.
All you needed to do was climb the steps yourself.
Such a sad mistake.
Ned Stark: I've made many mistakes in my life, but that wasn't one of them.
Cersei Lannister: Oh, but it was.
When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.
Cersei walks off.

Littlefinger is looking outside his brothel window. Seeing mothers bathing their crying children.
Seemingly in thought, he decides to close it. Meanwhile, Ros and Ameca are playing with each other, while Ros is loudly moaning.

Ros: Come here.
Oh yes, oh. Oh yes yes yes.
Petyr Baelish: No no no no! Is that what they teach you up in the North? And you-- wherever you're from, do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? Either of you understand a thing that I'm saying?
Ros: Yes, My Lord.
Petyr Baelish: Let's start over, shall we? You be the man and you be the woman.
Well, go ahead. Slowly.
You're not fooling them. They just paid you. They know what you are.
They know it's all just an act.
Your job is to make them forget what they know.
That takes time. You need to Ease into it.
Go ahead. Ease into it.
He's winning you over in spite of yourself.
You're starting to like this.
He wants to believe you.
He's enjoyed his cock since he was old enough to play with it. Why shouldn't you?
He knows he's better than other men.
He's always known it deep down inside. Now he has proof.
He's so good, he's reaching something deep inside of you that no one even knew was there.
Overcoming your very nature.
Ros: Why don't you join us, My Lord?
Petyr Baelish: I'm saving myself for another.
Ros: What she doesn't know won't hurt her.
Petyr Baelish: A stupid saying.
What we don't know is usually what gets us killed.
Ros: She must be very beautiful.
Petyr Baelish: No, not really. Impeccable bloodlines though.
Ros: I do believe my lord's in love.
Petyr Baelish: For many years. Most of my life really.
Play with her ass.
And she loved me too. I was her little confidant, her plaything.
She could tell me anything, anything at all.
She told me about all the horses that she liked.
The castle she wanted to live in and the man that she wanted to marry.
A northerner with a jaw like an anvil.
So I challenged him to a duel. I mean, why not? I'd read all the stories.
The little hero always beats the big villain in all the stories.
In the end, she wouldn't even let him kill me.
"He's just a boy", she said. "Please don't hurt him".
So he gave me a nice little scar to remember him by, and off they went.
Ros: Is she still married to him?
Petyr Baelish: Oh no. He got himself killed before the wedding.
And she ended up with his brother, an even more impressive specimen.
She loves him, I'm afraid.
And why wouldn't she? I mean, who could compare to him? He's just so...good.
Do you know what I learned, losing that duel? I learned that I'll never win. Not that way.
That's their game, their rules. I'm not going to fight them.
I'm going to fuck them. That's what I know. That's what I am.
And only by admitting what we are can we get what we want.
Ros: And what do you want?
Petyr Baelish: Oh, everything, my dear. Everything there is.
Now wash yourselves. Both of you are working tonight.
While Ros and Ameca are both walking out, Littlefinger watches them leave.

Back at Winterfell, Osha is walking into a stable, carrying a bale of straw. While bending over and laying down the bale of sraw, Theon Grayjoy arrives.

Theon Greyjoy: You're a very lucky girl. Do you know that?
Where I come from, we don't show mercy to criminals.
Where I come from, if someone like you attacked a little lord, at low tide we'd lay you on your back on the beach, your hands and feet chained to four stakes. The sea would come in closer and closer.
You'd see death creeping toward you a few inches at a time.
Osha: Where is it you come from?
Theon Greyjoy: The Iron Islands.
Osha: They far away?
Theon Greyjoy: You've never heard of the Iron Islands?
Osha: Trust me, you've never heard where I'm from neither.
Theon Greyjoy: Trust me, My Lord. You're not living in the wilderness anymore.
In civilized lands, you refer to your betters by their proper titles.
Osha: And what's that?
Theon Greyjoy: Lord.
Osha: Why?
Theon Greyjoy: Why? What do you mean why? My father is Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands.
Osha: What's that got to do with you? If your father's lord, how can you be lord too?
Theon Greyjoy: I will be lord after my father.
Osha: So you're not lord now?
Theon Greyjoy: No, you...You having a go at me? Is that it?
Osha: I just don't understand how you Southerners do things.
Theon Greyjoy: I'm not a Southerner.
Osha: You're from South of the wall. That makes you a Southerner to me.
Theon Greyjoy: You're an impudent little wench, aren't you?
Osha: Couldn't say, My Lord. Don't know what "impunent" means.
Theon Greyjoy: Impudent. It means rude. Disrespectful.
Do you want to lose that chain?
Maester Luwin: Theon Greyjoy! The lady is our guest.
Theon Greyjoy: I thought she was our prisoner.
Maester Luwin: Are the two mutually exclusive in your experience?
Agitated as he is, Theon runs off.
Maester Luwin: Chances are I won't be nearby the next time that happens.
Osha: I'm used to worse than him.
Maester Luwin: I'm used to men who could chew that boy up and pick their teeth with his bones.
Maester Luwin: Why did you come here?
Osha: Didn't mean to come here. Meant to get much further South than this.
As far South as South goes, before the long night comes.
Maester Luwin: Why? What are you afraid of?
Osha: There's things that sleep in the day and hunt at night.
Maester Luwin: Owls and Shadowcats and...
Osha: I'm not talking about Owls and Shadowcats.
Maester Luwin: The "things" you speak of-- they've been gone for thousands of years.
Osha: They wasn't gone, old man. They was sleeping.
And they ain't sleeping no more.

Seeing the wall from above, we see Jon and Sam walking towards the edge.

Samwell Tarly: I miss girls.
Not even talking to them. I never talked to them.
Just looking at them, hearing them giggle.
Don't you miss girls?
Both Jon and Sam are looking down and see a galloping horse.
Riders.The horn. We have to blow the horn.
Jon Snow: Why is he alone?
Samwell Tarly: One blast for a Ranger returning, two for Wildlings, three for...
Jon Snow: There's no rider.
While the Wall's gate is being opened, the horse gallops inside the tunnel. Jon and Sam are rushing down, while the stable boy has caught the horse, bringing him towards Jon, Sam and Jeor Mormont.
Night Watch stable boy: Whoa, boy, whoa.
Jon Snow: That's my Uncle Benjen's horse.
Where's my Uncle?

Returning to Kings Landing, we see Ned and Tomard walking down a hallway. Renly running towards them calling...

Renly Baratheon: Ned! It's Robert.
We were hunting...a boar...
Surprised yet being shocked as he is, Ned walks towards Robert's chambers. Inside Robert's room, we see Cersei, Joffrey, Barristan Selmy and Maester Pycelle are all present. Robert speaks to joffrey, whom is sitting beside him.
Robert Baratheon: I should have spent more time with you, shown you how to be a man.
I was never meant to be a father.
Go on. You don't want to see this.
Joffrey walks out of the room.
Robert Baratheon: My fault. Too much wine, missed my thrust.
It stinks. It stinks like death. Don't think I can't smell it.
I paid the bastard back, Ned. I drove my knife right through his brain.
You ask them if I didn't. Ask them!
I want the funeral feast to be the biggest the Kingdoms ever saw.
And I want everyone to taste the boar that got me.
Now leave us, the lot of you. I need to talk to Ned.
Cersei Lannister: Robert, my sweet...
Robert Baratheon: Out, all of you!
On Robert's demand, everyone left except for Ned. As soon as the door shuts, Ned talks to Robert.
Ned Stark: You damned fool.
Robert Baratheon: Paper and ink on the table, write down what I say.
"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, first of..." you know how it goes. Fill in the damn titles.
"I hereby command Eddard of House Stark" titles, titles.
"To serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm upon my death.
To rule in my stead, until my son Joffrey comes of age".
Give it over.
Ned hands over the letter and quill. It is seen that Robert's signs the letter with his autograph.
Robert Baratheon: Give it to the council after I'm dead.
At least they'll say I did this right, this one thing.
You'll rule now. You'll hate it worse than I did, but you'll do it well.
The girl, Daenerys. You were right. Varys, Littlefinger, my brother. Worthless.
No one to tell me "no" but you.Only you.
Let her live. Stop it, if it's not too late.
Ned Stark: I will.
Robert Baratheon: And my son Help him, Ned. Make him better than me.
Ned Stark: I'll, I'll do everything I can to honor your memory.
Robert Baratheon: My memory.
King Robert Baratheon, murdered by a pig.
Give me something for the pain and let me die.
Ned walks out of Robert's chamber. Maester Pycelle, Renly, Varys and Barristan Selmy are waiting outside.
Ned Stark: Give him milk of the poppy.
Both Maester Pycelle as Renly re-enter Robert's chamber. Still outside a conversation occurs.
Barristan Selmy: He was reeling from the wine.
He commanded us to step aside, but I failed him.
Ned Stark: No man could have protected him from himself.
Lord Varys: I wonder, Ser Barristan, who gave the king this wine?
Barristan Selmy: His squire, from the king's own skin.
Ned Stark: His squire? The Lannister boy?
Lord Varys: Such a dutiful boy to make sure his Grace did not lack refreshment.
I do hope the poor lad does not blame himself.
Ned Stark: His Grace has had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen.
Whatever arrangements you made, unmake them. At once.
Lord Varys: I'm afraid those birds have flown.
The girl is likely dead already.
Ned walks off.

Entering Khal Drogo's tent, Daenerys is braiding Khal Drogo's hair. The conversation is spoken in the Dothraki language.

Khal Drogo: The stallion who mounts the world, has no need for iron chairs.
Daenerys Stormborn: According to the prophecy, the stallions will ride to the ends of the world.
Khal Drogo: The earth ends at the black salt sea. No horse can cross the poison water.
Daenerys Stormborn: The earth does not end at the sea, there are many dirts beyond the sea.
The dirt where I was born.
Khal Drogo: Not dirt. Lands.
Daenerys Stormborn: Lands, yes...
There are thousands of ships in the free cities. Wooden horses that fly across the sea.
Khal Drogo: Let's speak no more of wooden horses and iron chairs.
Daenerys Stormborn: It's not a chair. It's a... Throne
Khal Drogo: Throne?
Daenerys Stormborn: A chair for a King to sit upon, or a Queen.
Khal Drogo: A King does not need a chair to sit upon. He only needs a horse.
Khal Drogo kisses Daenerys and walks out of the tent.

A while later, at one of Vaes Dothrak's markets, Daenerys walks with Jorah Mormont.

Daenerys Stormborn: Can't you help me make him understand?
Jorah Mormont: The Dothraki do things in their own time, for their own reasons.
Have patience, Khaleesi. We will go home, I promise you.
Daenerys Stormborn: My brother was a fool, I know, but he was the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms.
Have I said something funny, Ser?
Jorah Mormont: Forgive me, Khaleesi, but your ancestor Aegon the Conqueror didn't seize six of the kingdoms because they were his right.
He had no right to them. He seized them because he could.
Daenerys Stormborn: And because he had dragons.
Jorah Mormont: Ah well, having a few dragons makes things easier.
Daenerys Stormborn: You don't believe it.
Jorah Mormont: Have you ever seen a dragon, Khaleesi? I believe what my eyes and ears report.
As for the rest It was 300 years ago. Who knows what really happened?
Now if you'll pardon me, I'll seek out the merchant Captain, see if he has any letters for me.
Well, I'll come with you.
Jorah Mormont: No no, don't trouble yourself. Enjoy the market. I'll rejoin you soon enough.
Jorah walks by a few merchants, while a little child is calling him.
Little Bird: Psst, Jorah the Andal.
The spider sends his greetings and his congratulations.
A royal pardon. You can go home now.
Jorah seems to have a change of heart. Meanwhile a merchant is heard from afar.
Wine Merchant: Virzetha gizikhven! Mra qora! Mra qora!
Sweet reds! I have sweet reds from Lys, Volantis and the Arbor!
Tyrosh pear brandy! Andalish sours! I have them! I have them!

Danaerys approaches the merchant
Wine Merchant: A taste for the Khaleesi? I have a sweet red from Dorne, my lady.
One taste and you'll name your first child after me.

Daenerys Stormborn: My son already has his name, but I'll try your summerwine.
Just a taste.
Wine Merchant: My Lady, you are from Westeros.
Doreah: You have the honor of addressing Daenerys of the House Targaryen.
Khaleesi of the riding men and princess of the Seven Kingdoms.
Wine Merchant: Princess.
Daenerys Stormborn: Rise. I'd still like to taste that wine.
Wine Merchant: That? Dornish swill.
Not worthy of a princess. I have a dry red from the Arbor. Nectar of the Gods.
Let me give you a cask. Uh... a gift.
Daenerys Stormborn: You honor me, Ser.
Wine Merchant: The honor...the honor is all mine.
Rakharo: Huh-uh, huh-uh.
Rakharo pulls the cask out of the merchants hands.
Wine Merchant: You know there are many in your homeland that pray for your return, princess.
Daenerys Stormborn: I hope to repay your kindness someday.
Jorah Mormont: Rakharo.
Rakharo: Huh.
Jorah Mormont: Put down that cask.
Daenerys Stormborn: Is something wrong?
Jorah Mormont: I have a thirst. Open it.
Wine Merchant: The wine is for the Khaleesi. It's not for the likes of you.
Jorah Mormont: Open it.
The wine merchant obeys and opens the cask.
Jorah Mormont: Pour.
Wine Merchant: It would be a crime to drink a wine this rich without at least giving it time to breathe.
Daenerys Stormborn: Do as he says.
Wine Merchant: As the princess commands.
The wine merchant poors the wine into a cup.
Wine Merchant: Sweet, isn't it? Can you smell the fruit, Ser? Taste it, My Lord.
Tell me that that is not the finest wine that has ever touched your tongue.
Jorah Mormont: You first.
Wine Merchant: Me? I'm afraid I am not worthy of the vintage.
Besides, it is a poor wine merchant who would drink up his own wares.
Daenerys Stormborn: You will drink.
The wine merchant takes Jorah's cup. Looks both Jorah and Daenerys innocently in their eyes, while making a toasting gesture.
As soon as his lips touches his cup, he drops it and tries to flee.

Doreah: Khaleesi! Stop him!
After a very short chase, Rakharo was able to capture the wine merchant, grabbing the merchants leg with his whip.
Jorah grabs Daenerys's arm.

Jorah Mormont: Come.

At the Wall we see Jeor Mormont speaking towards his brothers of the Night's Watch.

Jeor Mormont: You came to us as outlaws, poachers, rapers, killers, thieves.
You came alone, in chains, without friends nor honor.
You came to us rich and you came to us poor.
Some of you bear the names of proud houses, others only bastard names or no names at all.
It does not matter. All that, is in the past.
Here, on the wall, are all one house.
Samwel Tarly: You're allowed to look happy.
You're going to be a Ranger.
Isn't that what you always wanted?
Jon Snow: I want to find my Uncle.
I know he's alive out there. I know he is.
Samwell Tarly: I wish I could help you, but I'm no Ranger.
It's the steward's life for me.
Samwell Tarly: There's honor in being a steward.
Not much, really. But there's food.
Jeor Mormont: Here you begin anew.
A man of The Night's Watch lives his life for the realm.
Not for a king, or a lord, or the honor of this house or that house.
Not for gold nor glory nor a woman's love. But for the realm! And all the people in it.
You've all learned the words of the vow.
Think carefully before you say them.
The penalty for desertion, is death.
You can take your vows here tonight, at sunset.
Do any of you still keep the old Gods?
Jon Snow stands.
Jon Snow: I do, my lord.
Jeor Mormont: You'll want to take your vow before a heart tree as your Uncle did.
Jon Snow: Yes, my lord.
Jeor Mormont: You'll find a Weirwood a mile North of the Wall. And your old Gods too, maybe.
Samwell Tarly: my lord, might I go as well?
Jeor Mormont: Does house Tarly keep the old Gods?
Samwell Tarly: No, my lord.
I was named in the light of the Seven, as my father was and his father before him.
Alliser ThorneL Why would you forsake the Gods of your father and your house?
Samwell Tarly: The Night's Watch is my house now.
The Seven have never answered my prayers. Perhaps the old Gods will.
Jeor Mormont: As you wish, lad.
You've all been assigned an order, according to our needs and your strengths.
Halder to the builders.Pyp to the stewards.Toad to the builders.
Grenn to the Rangers.Samwell to the stewards.Matthar to the Rangers.
Dareon to the stewards.Balian to the Rangers.Rast to the Rangers.
Jon to the stewards.Rancer to the builders.Echiel to the builders.
Gordo to the stewards.Niko to the Rangers.Escan to the Rangers.
Vorkoy to the builders.Joby to the stables.Mink to the kitchens.
Allo to the builders.Nelugo to the Rangers.
May all the Gods preserve you.
Jaremy Rykker: Rangers with me.
Othell Yarwyck: Builders!
Everyone walks to their designated leader. Sam, Jon and Pyp walk towards Maester Aemon and await their tasks.
Maester Aemon: Samwell, you will assist me in the rookery and library.
Pyp, you will report to Bowen Marsh in the kitchens.
Luke, report to one-eyed Joe in the stables.
Dareon, we are sending you to Eastwatch.
Present yourself to Borcas when you arrive. Make no comment about his nose.
Jon Snow, Lord Commander Mormont has requested you for his personal steward.
Jon Snow: Will I serve the Lord Commander's meals and fetch hot water for his bath.
Maester Aemon: Certainly. And keep a fire burning in his chambers.
Change his sheets and blankets daily and do everything else the Lord Commander requires of you.
Jon Snow: Do you take me for a servant?
Maester Aemon: We took you for a man of The Night's Watch.
But perhaps we were wrong in that.
Jon Snow: May I go?
Maester Aemon: As you wish.
Jon walks away, while Sam and Pyp follow him.
Samwell Tarly: Jon, wait! Don't you see what they're doing?
Jon Snow: I see Ser Alliser's revenge, that's all.
He wanted it and he got it.
Stewards are nothing but maids! I'm a better swordsman and rider than any of you! It's not fair.
Pypar: Fair? I was singing for a high lord at Acorn Hall when he put his hand on my leg and he wanted to see my cock.
I pushed him away and he said he'd have my hands cut off for stealing their silver.
So now I'm here. At the end of the world with no one to sing for, but old men and little shits like you.
I'll never see my family again. I'll never be inside a woman again.
So don't tell me about fair.
Samwell Tarly: I thought you were caught stealing a wheel of cheese for your starving sister?
Pypar: You think I was gonna tell a bunch of strangers that a high lord tried to grab my cock?
Samwell Tarly: Could you sing me a song, Pyp? I'd like to hear a song.
Angrily Pyp walks off. Sam talks to Jon.
Samwell Tarly: Now listen to me. The old man is the Lord Commander of The Night's Watch.
You'll be with him day and night.
Yes, you'll clean his clothes.But you'll also take his letters, attend him at meetings, squire for him in battle.
You'll know everything, be part of everything. And he asked for you himself.
He wants to groom you for command.
Jon Snow: I just, I always wanted to be a Ranger.
Samwell Tarly: I always wanted to be a Wizard.
Jon laughs out loud.
What? No, I'm serious.
So you'll stay and say your words with me?

In Kings Landing we see Ned Stark walking with his guards, while Renly approaches.

Renly Baratheon: Lord Stark, a moment.
Alone if you will.

Renly Baratheon: He named you Protector of the Realm.
He did.
Renly Baratheon: She won't care.
Give me an hour and I can put a hundred swords at your command.
Ned Stark: And what should I do with a hundred swords?
Renly Baratheon: Strike! Tonight while the castle sleeps.
We must get Joffrey away from his mother and into our custody.
Protector of the Realm or no, he who holds the King holds the Kingdom.
Every moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare.
By the time Robert dies, it will be too late for the both of us.
Ned Stark: What about Stannis?
Renly Baratheon: Saving the Seven Kingdoms from Cersei and delivering them to Stannis?
You have odd notions about protecting the realm.
Ned Stark: Stannis is your older brother.
Renly Baratheon: This isn't about the bloody line of succession.
That didn't matter when you rebelled against the Mad King. It shouldn't matter now.
What's best for the Kingdoms? What's best for the people we rule? We all know what Stannis is.
He inspires no love or loyalty. He's not a King. I am.
Ned Stark: Stannis is a commander. He's led men into war twice.
He destroyed the Greyjoy fleet.
Renly Baratheon: Yes, he's a good soldier. Everyone knows that. So was Robert.
Tell me something: Do you still believe good soldiers make good kings?
Ned Stark: I will not dishonor Robert's last hours by shedding blood in his halls and dragging frightened children from their beds.
Ned walks off to his chamber, while Renly is left behind agitated.

Entering Ned Starks chamber, we see him writing a letter to Stannis. Giving orders to Tomard.

Ned Stark: You will sail to dragonstone tonight.
You will place this in the hand of Stannis Baratheon.
Not his steward, not his Captain of the guard, and not his wife.
Only Stannis himself.
Tomard: Yes, My Lord.
Littlefinger enters the room
Ned Stark: Now leave us.
Tomard follows Ned's command and leaves his chamber. Littlefingers starts off the conversation.
Petyr Baelish: My Lord protector.
Ned Stark: The King has no true born sons.
Joffrey and Tommen are Jaime Lannister's bastards.
Petyr Baelish: So when the King dies...
Ned Stark: The throne passes to his brother Lord Stannis.
Petyr Baelish: So it would seem. Unless...
Ned Stark: There is no "unless".
He is the rightful heir. Nothing can change that.
Petyr Baelish: And he cannot take the throne without your help.
You would be wise to deny it to him and to make sure Joffrey succeeds.
Ned Stark: Do you have a shred of honor?
Petyr Baelish: You are now Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm.
All of the power is yours. You need only reach out and take it.
Make peace with the Lannisters. Release the Imp. Wed your daughter to Joffrey.
We have plenty of time to get rid of Stannis.
And if Joffrey seems likely to cause problems when he comes into his throne, we simply reveal his little secret and seat Lord Renly there instead.
Ned Stark: We?
Petyr Baelish: You'll need someone to share these burdens. I assure you, my price would be modest.
Ned Stark: What you suggest is treason.
Petyr Baelish: Only if we lose.
Ned Stark: Make peace with the Lannisters, you say. With the people who tried to murder my boy.
Petyr Baelish: We only make peace with our enemies, my Lord.
That's why it's called "making peace".
Ned Stark: No. I won't do it.
Petyr Baelish: So it will be Stannis and war?
Ned Stark: There is no other choice. He is the heir.
Petyr Baelish: So why did you call me here? Not for my wisdom, clearly.
Ned Stark: You promised Catelyn you would help me.
The Queen has a dozen knights and a hundred men-at-arms.
Enough to overwhelm what remains of my household guard. I need the gold cloaks.
The City Watch is 2,000 strong and sworn to defend the King's peace.
Petyr Baelish: Look at you. You know what you want me to do.
You know it has to be done, but it's not honorable so the words stick in your throat.
When the Queen proclaims one King and the Hand proclaims another, whose peace do the Gold Cloaks protect?
Who do they follow?
The man who pays them.

Back at the Wall, we see Jon, Sam and Ghost, walking with a few Night's Watch brothers, on their way to the Weirwood tree.
Upon arrival, they're taking their vows.

Both Jon and Sam: Hear my words and bear witness to my vow.
Night gathers and now my watch begins.
It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.
I shall live and die at my post.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the watcher on the walls.
I am the shield that guards the realms of men.
I pledge my life and honor to The Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
Othell Yarwyck: You knelt as boys.
Rise now as men of The Night's Watch.
Fellow Night's Watch brothers: Well done. Well done.
Ghost suddenly appears and is holding onto something.
Samwell Tarly: What's he got there?
Jon SnowL To me, Ghost. Bring it here.
It appeared that Ghost was holding a frozen hand.
Samwell Tarly: Gods be good!

Returning to a tent in Vaes Dothrak, both Daenarys and Jorah are having a conversation, while walking past the captured wine merchant.

Daenerys Stormborn: What will they do to him?
When the Khalasar rides, he'll be leashed to a saddle, forced to run behind the horses for as long as he can.
Daenerys Stormborn: And when he falls?
I saw a man last nine miles once.
Daenerys Stormborn: King Robert still wants me dead.
This poisoner was the first. He won't be the last.
Daenerys Stormborn: I thought he'd leave me alone, now that my brother is gone.
He will never leave you alone.
If you ride to darkest Asshai, his assassins will follow you.
If you sailed all the way to the Basilisk Isles, his spies would tell him.
He will never abandon the hunt.
You're a Targaryen. The last Targaryen.
Your son will have Targaryen blood with 40,000 riders behind him.
Daenerys Stormborn: He will not have my son.
He will not have you either, Khaleesi.
Khal Drogo enters the tent with a couple of his men. After staring at the scared merchant, he walks towards Daenarys
Khal Drogo: Moon of my life. Are you hurt?
Daenarys gently shakes her head in disapproval. Khal Drogo kisses Daenarys's forehead and talks to Jorah.
Khal Drogo: Jorah the Andal, I heard what you did.
Choose any horse you wish, it is yours.I make this gift to you.
And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world. I will also pledge a gift.
I will give him the iron chair, that his mother's father sat upon.
I will give him Seven Kingdoms. I Drogo, will do this.
I will take my Khalasar west to where the world ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt water as no Khal has done before.
I will kill the men in iron suits and tear down their stone houses.
I will rape their women, take their children as slaves and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak.
This, I vow. I, Drogo, son of Bharbo. I swear before the Mother of Mountains as the stars look down in witness!
As the stars look down in witness!
The Khalasar is moving out of Vaes Dothrak, riding underneath the Horse Gate.
Just as Jorah predicted, the wine merchant is leashed to one of the horses saddles, covered with dirt, struggling to move on.

In Kings Landing Ned stark walks with his men, while being called by a messenger.

Messenger: Lord Stark!
Varly: Stop!
Ned Stark: No, all right.
It's all right. Let him through.
Messenger: Lord Stark, King Joffrey and the Queen Regent request your presence in the Throne Room.
Ned Stark: King Joffrey?
Messenger: King Robert is gone.
The Gods give him rest.
Ned seems petrified by the news. Shortly after, Ned arrives close-by the Throne room, where Littlefinger, Varys and a few Stark men await him.
Petyr Baelish: All is accomplished. The City Watch is yours.
Ned Stark: Good. Is Lord Renly joining us?
Lord Varys: I fear Lord Renly has left the city.
He rode through the old gate an hour before dawn with Ser Loras Tyrell and some 50 retainers.
Last seen galloping South in some haste.
When moving on, affront of the Throne room, Janos Slynt and the Gold Cloaks await Ned.
Janos Slynt: We stand behind you, Lord Stark.

Messenger: All hail his Grace, Joffrey of Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the first of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
King Joffrey: I command the council to make all necessary arrangements for my coronation.
I wish to be crowned within the fortnight.
Today I shall accept oaths of fealty from my loyal councilors.
Ned Stark: Ser Barristan, I believe no man here could ever question your honor.
Barristan Selmy: King Robert's seal. Unbroken.
"Lord Eddard Stark is herein named Protector of the Realm, to rule as Regent until the heir come of age".
Cersei Lannister: May I see that letter, Ser Barristan?
Protector of the realm. Is this meant to be your shield, Lord Stark? A piece of paper?
Cersei shreds Robert's letter to pieces
Barristan Selmy: Those were the King's words.
Cersei Lannister: We have a new King now.
Lord Eddard, when we last spoke you offered me some counsel.
Allow me to return the courtesy. Bend the knee, My Lord.
Bend the knee and swear loyalty to my son and we shall allow you to live out your days in the gray waste you call home.
Your son has no claim to the throne.
King Joffrey: Liar!
Cersei Lannister: You condemn yourself with your own mouth, Lord Stark.
Ser Barristan, seize this traitor.
Ned Stark: Ser Barristan is a good man, a loyal man. Do him no harm.
Cersei Lannister: You think he stands alone?
Cregor Clegane draws his sword.
King Joffrey: Kill him! Kill all of them, I command it!
Ned Stark: Commander! Take the Queen and her children into custody.
Escort them back to the royal apartments and keep them there, under guard.
Janos Slynt: Men of the Watch!
The Gold Cloaks draw their swords.
Ned Stark: I want no bloodshed.
Tell your men to lay down their swords. No one needs to die.
Petyr Baelish: Now!
Suddenly, the Gold Cloaks switch sides and attack the Stark men. Littlefinger sneaks up to Ned Stark.
He grabs him from behind, then holds a dagger to his throat, saying...
Petyr Baelish: I did warn you not to trust me.



왕좌의 게임 대본(시즌 1-6) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 1-6 A Golden Crown

** 파일 :

Game of Thrones Script-Season 1x6 A Golden Crown.docx

Opens at King’s Landing, assumed to be Ned’s quarters. He opens his eyes to find Cersei and King Robert at his bedside.

Eddard Stark: Your pardon, your Grace.
Cersei Baratheon: Do you know what your wife has done?
Eddard Stark: She did nothing I did not command.
Robert Baratheon: Who’d have thought she had it in her?
Cersei Baratheon: By what right dare you lay hands on my blood?
Eddard Stark: I am the King’s Hand -
Cersei Baratheon: You were the King’s Hand!
Eddard Stark: - trying to keep the peace -
Cersei Baratheon: You shall now be held accountable.
Robert Baratheon: Oh, will both of you shut your mouths? Catelyn will release Tyrion and you’ll make your peace with Jaime.
Eddard Stark: He butchered my men.
Cersei Baratheon: Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel when his men attacked Jaime.
Robert Baratheon: Quiet, woman.
Eddard Stark: Jaime has fled the city. Give me leave to bring him back to justice.
Cersei Baratheon: I took you for a king.
Robert Baratheon: Hold your tongue.
Cersei Baratheon: He’s attacked my brother and abducted the other. I should wear the armor and you the gown.

Robert smacks Cersei.

Cersei Baratheon: I shall wear this like a badge of honor.
Robert Baratheon: Wear it in silence or I’ll honor you again.

Cersei exits the room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Robert Baratheon: See what she does to me? My loving wife. I should not have hit her. That was not… That was not kingly.
Eddard Stark: If we don’t act… there will be a war.
Robert Baratheon: So tell your wife to return that little shit of an Imp to King’s Landing. She’s had her fun, now put an end to it. You hear me? Send a raven and put an end to it.
Eddard Stark: And what about Jaime Lannister? What about Jaime?
Robert Baratheon: I’m half a kingdom in debt to his bloody father. I don’t know what happened between you and those yellow-haired shits. I don’t want to know. This is what matters - I can’t rule the kingdoms if the Starks and the Lannisters are at each other’s throats, so enough!
Eddard Stark: As you command your Grace. With your leave, I will return to Winterfell and set matters straight.
Robert Baratheon: Piss on that! Send a raven. I want you to stay. I’m the king, I get what I want… I never loved my brothers. A sad thing for a man to admit, but it’s true. You were the brother I chose. We’ll talk when I return from the hunt.

Robert throws the Hand of the King’s badge onto the bed where Ned is laying.

Eddard Stark: The hunt?
Robert Baratheon: Killing things clears my head. You’ll have to sit on the throne while I’m away. You’ll hate it more than I do.
Eddard Stark: The Targaryen girl -
Robert Baratheon: Seven hells! Don’t start with her again! The girl will die and I’ll hear no more of it. Put on the badge. And if you ever take it off again, I swear to the mother I’ll pin the damn thing on Jaime Lannister.

Robert exits the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Ned picks up the badge and looks at it.

- - - - - - - - - -

Back at Vaes Dothrak across the sea, Daenerys is holding one of her prized dragon eggs. She looks up at a pot of coals inside of her tent. She walks over and places the egg into the coals. Irri walks into the tent.

Irri: Khaleesi?

Daenerys picks up the egg from the coals.

Irri: Oh, Khaleesi!

Irri takes the egg from her hands, dropping it instantly because of the heat. She looks at Daenerys’ hands and there are no burn marks. The two compare hands, Irri’s have burn marks.

Daenerys Targaryen: You’re hurt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A raven caws. Bran is shooting his bow in the courtyard. The raven flies to the crypts of Winterfell, Bran follows. As he enters, again making eye contact with the bird. The raven flies deeper into the crypts. We then see Bran sleeping in his bed, showing that this was another vision, we hear footsteps running towards his door. His door swings opens and Bran sits up in bed breathing heavily. Hodor is carrying the contraption that Tyrion brought the blueprints for. Bran smiles. We then cut to the woods of Winterfell where Bran is shouting as he’s riding on the back of a horse.

Robb Stark: Not too fast.
Bran Stark: Come on, Dancer. (to his horse)
Theon Greyjoy: When are you gonna tell him?
Robb Stark: Not now.
Theon Greyjoy: Blood for blood. You need to make the Lannisters to pay for Jory and the others.
Robb Stark: You’re talking about war.
Theon Greyjoy: I’m talking about justice.
Robb Stark: Only the Lord of Winterfell can call in the bannermen and raise an army.
Theon Greyjoy: A Lannister put his spear through your father’s leg. The Kingslayer rides to Casterly Rock where no one can touch -
Robb Stark:You want me to march on Casterly Rock?!
Theon Greyjoy: You’re not a boy anymore. They attacked your father. They’ve already started the war. It’s your duty to represent your House when your father can’t.
Robb Stark: And it’s not your duty, because it’s not your House.

It goes silent, Bran can no longer be heard jeering at his horse. Robb looks at Theon and stands up looking through the woods.

Robb Stark: Where’s Bran?
Theon Greyjoy: I don’t know. It’s not my House.

Theon stands up and walks away from Robb, who begins to look around. We cut to Bran riding slowly through the woods. We see someone creeping up behind him as his horse is nickering. As Bran enters a clearing, several Wildlings surround him.

Bran Stark: Robb?
Osha: All alone in the deep dark woods.
Bran Stark: I’m not alone, my brother is with me.
Wildling: I don’t see him. Got him hidden under your cloak?
Osha: Oh, that’s a pretty pin. Silver.
Wildling: We’ll take the pin. And the horse. Get down… Be quick about it.
Bran Stark: I can’t. The saddle, the straps.
Wildling: What’s wrong with you? You some kind of cripple?
Bran Stark: I’m Brandon Stark of Winterfell and if you don’t let me be, I’ll have you all killed!
Wildling 2: Cut his little cock off and stuff it in his mouth.
Osha: the boy’s worth nothing dead. Benjen Stark’s own blood. Think what Mance would give us.

A Wildling is cutting Bran’s straps to his saddle, accidentally slicing into Bran’s leg but he feels no pain.

Wildling: Piss on Mancerayder and piss on the North. We’re going as far south as south goes. There ain’tno white walkers down in Dorne.

Robb comes into view, behind the four Wildlings.

Robb Stark: Drop the knife. Let him go and I’ll let you live.

One of the Wildlings storms at Robb who evades an axe attack. Robb counters, slicing the Wildling’s throat. Osha charges Robb who tosses her spins her around by her hair. He fights off and kills the other Wildling. The Wilding in charge has Bran off of his horse with a knife at his throat, meanwhile Robb has Osha (female Wildling) and a knife to her throat.

Bran Stark: Robb!
Wildling: Shut up! Drop the blade!
Bran Stark: No, don’t.
Wildling: Do it.

Robb looks at Bran and then back up at the Wildling. He then slowly sets his sword on the ground, still gripping Osha by her hair. He looks back up at the Wildling who suddenly gets an arrow through his chest from his back. As he drops to the ground bleeding, we see Theona few yards behind him with a bow. The Wildling falls dead, Theon approaches. Robb releases Osha from his grasp as Theon walks over drawing his bow on her. Robb moves over to Bran.

Robb Stark: Are you all right?
Bran Stark: Yes, it doesn’t hurt.
Theon Greyjoy: Tough little lad. In the Iron Islands, you’re not a man until you’ve killed your first enemy. Well done.
Robb Stark: Have you lost your mind? What if you’d missed?
Theon Greyjoy: He would have killed you and cut Bran’s throat.
Robb Stark: You don’t have the right -
Theon Greyjoy: To what, to save your brother’s life? It was the only thing to do, so I did it.
Robb Stark: What about her?
Osha: Give me my life, my lord, and I’m yours.
Robb Stark: We’ll keep her alive.

Osha gives a sigh of release, Theon releases his bow and Robb, holding Bran, assures that he’s okay.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now at the Eyrie, Tyrion is sleeping and rolls to his side at the very edge of his skycell. He awakes, quickly moving back to the wall. He steps over to the door to his cell and begins pounding on it.

Tyrion Lannister: Mord! Turnkey! Mord! Mord!

The door swings open and Mord rushes in, batting Tyrion to the opposite side of the cell.

Mord: Dwarf man making noise!
Tyrion Lannister: How would you like to be rich?
Mord: Dwarf man still making noise.
Tyrion Lannister: My family is rich. We have gold, lots of gold. I’m prepared to give you lots of gold.

Mord quickly searches Tyrion’s pockets for gold.

Mord: No gold!
Tyrion Lannister: Well, I don’t have it here.
Mord: No gold! Fuck off.

Mord hits Tyrion once more with his club then storms out of the cell, shutting the door behind him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now in a hall at King’s Landing. We see Syrio shutting a door and holding two wooden swords. He slowly steps down towards Arya and tosses her one of the swords, she seamlessly catches it as he takes his fighting stance.

Arya Stark: I don’t want to practice today.
SyrioForel: No?
Arya Stark: They killed Jory. My father is hurt. I don’t care about stupid wooden swords.
SyrioForel: You are troubled.
Arya Stark: Yes -
SyrioForel: Good! Trouble is the perfect time for training. When you are dancing in the meadow with your dolls and kittens, this is not when fighting happens.
Arya Stark: I don’t like dolls and k -
SyrioForel: You’re not here. You’re with your trouble. If you’re with your trouble when fighting happens…

Arya makes a move for Syrio, who quickly counters and puts her on her back.

SyrioForel: … More trouble for you. Just so… How can you be quick as a snake, or as quiet as a shadow, when you are somewhere else? You are fearing for your father, hmm? That is right. Do you pray to the gods?
SyrioForel: The old and the new.
SyrioForel: There is only one god. And his name is death. And there is only one thing we say to death - “Not today.”

Syrio steps back and tosses Arya her sword back, she catches it and assumes the counter position.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back across the sea in Vaes Dothrak, we’re inside a large communal tent. Daenerys is centered around everyone and eating the heart of a horse a the Dothraki and a priest chant around her. Her husband Khal Drogo looks on in anticipation as she continues eating.

Viserys Targaryen: She has to eat a whole heart? I hope that wasn’t my horse.
Jorah Mormont: She’s doing well.
Viserys Targaryen: She’ll never keep it down.

She keeps eating the heart, nearing the end. The Dothraki onlookers all chant in unison, getting louder and louder. The priestess is also chanting, louder and louder. Khal Drogo stares more intently at his wife, she stares back. The chanting grows louder, as does the priestess.

Viserys Targaryen: Tell me what she is saying.
Jorah Mormont: “The prince is riding. I have heard the thunder of the hooves. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him… and their wives will weep tears of blood.”

The eating and chantines intensifies as Viserys looks on in shock.

Jorah Mormont: She’s going to have a boy.
Viserys Targaryen: He won’t be a real Targaryen. He won’t be a true dragon.

As the chanting is at it’s loudest, Daenerys has finished with the heart. Everyone looks on in anticipations, she wretches forward, on the verge of puking. The chanting suddenly halts. Khal Drogo leans in and looks intensly. Daenerys holds everything in and sobs. Her hands bloody, she slowly sits up, keeping everything in as she gulps the final bite. The priestess begins to speak, Jorah translates directly for Viserys.

Jora: “The stallion who mounts the world.” The stallion, is the khal of khals. He shall unite the people into a single khalasar. All the people of the world will be his herd.

Daenerys rises to her feet, speaking in Dothraki to the room.

Daenerys Targaryen: A prince rides inside me! And he shall be called Rhaego!

The room begins chanting, “Rhaego! Rhaego!” As the chanting grows louder and louder, Drogo stands up and walks up to Daenerys.

Viserys Targaryen: They love her.

The room’s chanting gets even louder. Drogo hugs his wife at her thighs and hoists her up, carrying her around the room.

Jorah Mormont: She truly is a queen today.

Jorah looks to his right towards Viserys, who has now slipped out. We cut to Daenerys’ tent. Inside, Viserys opens the container that holds her dragon eggs. He sighs and then puts them into a sack. Jorah walks into the tent behind him, blocking the door.

Jorah Mormont: Don’t let them see you carrying a sword in Vaes Dothrak. You know the law.
Viserys Targaryen: It’s not my law.
Jorah Mormont: They don’t belong to you.
Viserys Targaryen: Whatever is hers is also mine.
Jorah Mormont: Once, perhaps.
Viserys Targaryen: If I sell one egg, I’ll have enough to buy a ship. Two eggs - a ship and an army.
Jorah Mormont: And you have all three.
Viserys Targaryen: I need a large army… I’m the last hope of a dynasty, Mormont. The greatest dynasty this world has ever seen, on my shoulders since I was five years old and no one has ever given me what they gave to her in that tent. Never. Not a piece of it… How can I carry what I need to carry without it? Hmm? Who can rule without wealth, or fear, or love? Oh, you stand there, all nobility and honor. You don’t think I see you looking at my little sister, hmm? Don’t think I know what you want? I don’t care. You can have her. She can be queen of the savages and dine on the finest bloody horseparts, and you can dine on whichever parts of her you like. But let me go.
Jorah Mormont: You can go, but you can’t have the eggs.
Viserys Targaryen: You swore an oath to me. Does loyalty mean nothing to you?
Jorah Mormont: It means everything to me.
Viserys Targaryen: And yet here you stand?
Jorah Mormont: And here I stand.

Viserys and Jorah stare at each other for a moment, before Viserys drops the sack containing the dragon eggs to the floor. Jorah steps aside, unblocking the exit. Viserys leaves.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at the skycell below the Eyrie. Tyrion is again shouting for Mord.

Tyrion Lannister: Mord! Mord! Mord! Mord! Mord!
Mord: Noise again!
Tyrion Lannister: About the gold -
Mord: No gold!
Tyrion Lannister: Listen to me! Listen to me! Sometimes possession… is an abstract concept. When they captured me they took my purse, but the gold is still mine.
Mord: Where?
Tyrion Lannister: Where? I don’t know where, but when they free me -
Mord: You want free? Go be free. (points out of the skycell)
Tyrion Lannister: Have you ever heard the phrase “Rich as a Lannister”? Of course you have. You’re a smart man. You know who the Lannisters are. I am a Lannister. Tyrion, son of Tywin! And of course, you have also heard the phrase, “a Lannister always pays his debts.” If you deliver a message from me to Lady Arryn, I will be in your debt. I will owe you gold. If you deliver the message and I live, which I very much intend to do.
Mord: What message?
Tyrion Lannister: Tell her I wish to confess my crimes.

We cut to the throne room, where Lady Arryn and her son Robin are sitting on the throne, at the helm of the room. Catelyn is standing next to them, as Robin is tapping a knife against the throne itself very annoyingly.

Lysa Arryn: You wish to confess your crimes?
Tyrion Lannister: Yes, my lady. I do, my lady.
Lysa Arryn: Skycells always break them. Speak, Imp. Meet your gods as an honest man.
Tyrion Lannister: Where do I begin, my lords and ladies? I’m a vile man, I confess it. My crimes and sins are beyond counting. I have lied and cheated, gambled and whored. I’m not particularly good at violence, but I’m good at convincing others to do violence for me. You want specifics, I suppose. When I was seven, I saw a servant girl bathing in the river. I stole her robe. She was forced to return to the castle, naked and in tears. I close my eyes, I can still see her tits bouncing. When I was ten, I stuffed my uncle’s boots with goatshit. When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and… I escaped justice. When I was twelve, I milked my eel into a pot of turtle stew. I flogged the one-eyed snake. I skinned my sausage. I made the bald man cry into the turtle stew, which I do believe my sister ate. At least I hope she did. I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel -
Lysa Arryn: Silence!
Robin Arryn:What happened next?!
Lysa Arryn: What do you think you’re doing?
Tyrion Lannister: Confessing my crimes.
Catelyn Stark: Lord Tyrion, you are accused of hiring a man to slay my son Bran in his bed, and of conspiring to murder my sister’s husband; Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King.
Tyrion Lannister: Oh, I’m very sorry. I don’t know anything about all that.
Lysa Arryn: You’ve had your little joke. I trust you enjoyed it. Mord, take him back to the dungeon. But this time find a smaller cell, with a steeper floor.
Tyrion Lannister: Is this how justice is done in the Vale? you accuse me of crimes, I deny them, so you throw me in a cell to freeze and starve? Where is the King’s Justice? I’m accused and demand a trial.
Lysa Arryn: If you’re tried and found guilty, then by the king’s own laws you will pay with your life.
Tyrion Lannister: I understand the law.
Lysa Arryn: We have no executioner in the Eyrie. Life is more elegant here. Open the Moon Door.

Several men begin unwinding a giant crank on one side of the room. In between Tyrion and the raised throne is what looks like a well. The well’s floor begins to open and wind comes howling through. Robin begins giggling and rapidly clapping his hands. Tyrion looks down and sees that it’s a great distance through this Moon Door to the ground, he would inevitably die if he had to go out this “door”.

Lysa Arryn: You want a trial, my Lord Lannister. Very well. My son will listen to whatever you have to say, and you will hear his judgement. Then you will leave, by one door or the other.
Tyrion Lannister: No need to bother Lord Robin. I demand a trial by combat.

Subdued laughter fills the room, Catelyn and Lysa exchange looks.

Lysa Arryn: You have that right.
Knight 1: My lady, I beg the honor. Let me be your champion.
Knight 2: The honor should be mine. For the love I bore your lord husband let me avenge his death.
Knight 3: I’ll fight for you, my Lady.
Knight 4: It’ll be my honor.
Knight 5: The honor should be mine.
Robin Arryn: Make the bad man fly!
Lysa Arryn: SerVardis… You’re quiet. Did you want to avenge my husband?
SerVardis: With all my heart, my Lady. But the Imp is half my size. It would be shameful to slaughter such a man and call it justice.
Tyrion Lannister: Agreed.
Lysa Arryn: You demanded a trial by combat.
Tyrion Lannister: Now I demand a champion. I have that right, same as you.
SerVardis: My Lady, I would gladly fight the Imp’s champion for you.
Tyrion Lannister: I wouldn’t be too glad, ser. I name my brother, Jaime Lannister.

The room shudders.

Lysa Arryn: The Kingslayer is hundreds of miles from here.
Tyrion Lannister: Send a raven for him, I’m happy to wait.
Lysa Arryn: The trial will be today.
Tyrion Lannister: Do I have a volunteer?

Again, the majority of the room laughs quietly.

Tyrion Lannister: Anyone?...Anyone?
Lysa Arryn: I think that we can assume that no one is willing -
Bronn: I’ll stand for the dwarf.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the woods, outside of King’s Landing.

Lancel Lannister: More wine, your Grace?
Robert Baratheon: Oh, what was I saying?
Renly Baratheon: A simpler time.
Robert Baratheon: It was! It was. You’re too young to remember. Wasn’t it, Selmy?
Barriston: It was, your Grace.
Robert Baratheon: The enemy was right there in the open, vicious as you like, all but sending you a bloody invitation. Nothing like today.
Renly Baratheon: Sounds exhilarating.
Robert Baratheon: Exhilarating, yes. Not as exhilarating as those balls and masquerades you like to throw. (laughs) You ever fucked a Riverlands girl?
Renly Baratheon: Once, I think.
Robert Baratheon: You think? I think you’d remember. Back in our day, you weren’t a real man until you fucked a girl from each of the Seven Kingdoms and the Riverlands. We called it “making the eight.”
Renly Baratheon: Those were some lucky girls.
Robert Baratheon: You ever make the eight, Barristan?
Barristan Selmy: I don’t believe so, your Grace.
Robert Baratheon: (laughs) Those were the days!
Renly Baratheon: What days were those? The ones where half of Westeros fought the other half and millions died? Or before that, when the Mad King slaughtered women and babies because the voices in his head told him they deserved it? Or way before that when dragons burned whole cities to the ground?
Robert Baratheon: Easy, boy. You might be my brother, but you’re speaking to the King.
Renly Baratheon: I suppose it was all rather heroic. If you were drunk enough and had some poor Riverlands whore to shove your price inside and “make the eight.”
Lancel Lannister: More wine, your Grace?

Renly walks off in the opposite direction of the group. Robert takes a large swig off of the wine and quickly continue walking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the throne room of King’s Landing. Ned sits upon the throne as a fill in for Robert, as he is Hand of the King. Baelish is at his right and Grand MaesterPycelle to his left. The room is filled with people.

Man: They burned most everything in the Riverlands, our fields, our granaries, our homes. They took our women and then they took ‘em again. When they was done, they butchered them as if they was animals. They covered our children in pitch and lit them on fire.
Grand MaesterPycelle: Brigands, most likely.
Man: They weren’t thieves, they didn’t steal nothing. They even left something behind, your Grace.
Grand MaesterPycelle: It’s the King’s Hand you’re addressing, not the king. The king is hunting.

A second man walks forward and empties a sack out onto the floor. It’s a pile of fish.

Petyr Baelish: Fish. The sigil of House Tully. (whispers to Ned) Isn’t that your wife’s House - Tully - my Lord Hand?
Eddard Stark: These men, were they flying a sigil? … A banner.
Man: None, your… Hand. The one who was leading them… Taller by a foot than any man I’ve ever met, saw him cut the blacksmith, saw him take the head off a horse with a single swing of his sword.
Petyr Baelish: (whisper) That sounds like someone we know. The Mountain.
Eddard Stark: You’re describing SerGregor Clegane.
Grand MaesterPycelle: Why should SerGregor turn brigand? The man is an anointed knight.
Petyr Baelish: I’ve heard him called “Tywin Lannister’s mad dog.” I’m sure you have as well. (whispering to Ned) Can you think of any reason the Lannisters might possibly have for being angry with your wife?
Grand MaesterPycelle: If the Lannisters were to order attacks on villages under the king’s protection, it would be -
Petyr Baelish: It would be almost abrasion as attacking the Hand of the King in the streets of the capital.
Grand MaesterPycelle: Wel…
Eddard Stark: I cannot give you back your homes or restore your debt of life. But perhaps I can give you justice in the name of our king, Robert. Lord BericDondarrion.

BericDondarrion steps from the back of the room forward.

Eddard Stark: You shall have the command. Assemble 100 men and ride to SerGregor’s keep.
BericDondarrion: As you command.

Ned stands up with the assistance of a cane. He steps forward.

Eddard Stark: In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I charge you to bring the king’s justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane and all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him and attaint him. I strip him of all ranks and titles of all lands and holdings, and sentence him to death.
Grand MaesterPycelle: My lord… This… This is a drastic action. It would be better to wait for King Robert’s return.
Eddard Stark: Grand MaesterPycelle.
Grand MaesterPycelle: My Lord.
Eddard Stark: Send a raven to Casterly Rock. Inform Tywin Lannister that he has been summoned to court to answer for the crimes of his bannermen. He will arrive within the fortnight, or be branded an enemy of the crown and a traitor to the realm.

The men all bow their heads in acknowledgement. Ned steps down from the throne, Baelish follows him, speaking only to Ned.

Petyr Baelish: A bold move, my Lord, and admirable. But is it wise to yank the lion’s tail? Tywin Lannister is the richest man in all the Seven Kingdoms. Gold wins wars, not soldiers.
Eddard Stark: Then how come Robert is king and not Tywin Lannister?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at the Eyrie throne room in the Vale. The men again crank and the Moon Door is opened. SerVardis prepares himself with a sword, shield and full body of armor. Bronn refuses a shield and is only wearing leather clothes. Robin Arryn screams “fight” and the two men move forward. Multiple times Vardis swings forward and multiple times Bronn casually steps to the side, causing Vardis to waste his energy. Bronn moves backwards as Vardis continues to swing away, eventually up a staircase. Bronn hops over the staircase railing, again avoiding Vardis’ attacks. Lysa screams “Stand and fight, coward!” Bronn kicks over a candle stand in front of Vardis. Vardis steps over it and is again on the offensive, moving Bronn towards the center of the room, close to the now opened Moon Door. The men hold one another off directly in front of the door, Vardis appearing to have the edge. Robin is giggling as Tyrion looks worried. Bronn muscles Vardis’ blade away from him and steps to the side. Vardis yet again goes excessively offensive and swings for the fences and Bronn keeps stepping away. Vardis moves Bronn again to the middle of the room, as he swings for Bronn’s head, Bronn ducks and stabs Vardis in the belly. The room is in disbelief. Vardis moves forward, muscling through the pain. Bronn side-steps him a few more times and slices through his back. Vardis swings once more, but Bronn shoves his body towards the Moon Door. 
Bronn is in complete control as Vardis is defenseless against the door. Bronn looks up at Lysa and Robin who have blank faces - faces of shock - so he thrusts his sword into Vardis’ neck, killing him, and pushing him out of the Moon Door.

Robin Arryn: Is it over?
Lysa Arryn: You don’t fight with honor!
Bronn: No. He did.

Tyrion turns to Mord who uncuffs him.

Robin Arryn: Can I make the little man fly now?
Tyrion Lannister: Not this little man. This little man is going home. I believe you have something of mine.

Rodrik Cassel tosses Tyrion his purse. Tyrion bows before Catelyn, begins walking out, Bronn following. He tosses Mord the purse full of coins.

Tyrion Lannister: A Lannister always pays his debts.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At King’s Landing, Sansa Stark and Septa Mordane, both sowing.

Mordane: You wear your hair like a real southern lady now.
Sansa Stark: Well, why shouldn’t I? We’re in the south.
Mordane: It’s important to remember where you come from. I’m not sure your mother would like these new styles.
Sansa Stark: My mother isn’t from the North.
Mordane: I’m aware of that.
Sansa Stark: Why do you care? Do you even have hair under there?
Mordane: Yes. I have hair.
Sansa Stark: I’ve never seen it.
Mordane: Would you like to?
Sansa Stark: No. Where are you from anyway, the north or the south?
Mordane: I come from a very small village in -
Sansa Stark: Oh, wait. I just realized… I don’t care.
Mordane: Sansa -
Sansa Stark: Septa.
Mordane: Now you are being rude.

A door can be heard closing. Prince Joffrey walks in. Sansa’s eyes light up as both women stand up.

Mordane: My prince.
Sansa Stark: My prince.
Joffrey Baratheon: My lady. I fear I have behaved monstrously the past few weeks. With your permission?

Joffrey offers Sansa a necklace. She turns around, for him to put it on her, as acceptance.

Sansa Stark: It’s beautiful. Like the one your mother wears.
Joffrey Baratheon: You’ll be queen one day, it’s only fitting that you should look the part. Will you forgive me for my rudeness?
Sansa Stark: There’s nothing to forgive.
Joffrey Baratheon: You’re my lady. One day we’ll be married in the throne room. Lords and ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms will come, from the last hearth in the North, to the salt shore of the south. And you will be queen over all of them. I’ll never disrespect you again. I’ll never be cruel to you again. Do you understand me? You’re my lady now, from this day, until my last day.

The two share their first kiss.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In the woods outside of Winterfell, Theon is riding his horse, alone. He comes to a road and sees a carriage leaving, Ros on the back of it riding south.

Theon Greyjoy: Stop! Stop! What are you doing?!
Ros: Going to King’s Landing.
Theon Greyjoy: In a turnip cart?
Ros: I’ll find a ship heading south in White Harbor.
Theon Greyjoy: And you can afford that?
Ros: Some of my friends are more generous than others.
Theon Greyjoy: There’s a thousand girls like you in King’s Landing.
Ros: I’ll have lots of company…
Theon Greyjoy: Yes, you’ll be very popular until some fat lord comes to visit with a big belly and a little prick and he can’t get it up so he knocks all your teeth out.
Ros: (laughs) And what will happen to me if I stay here? Will I become Lady Greyjoy, Mistress of the Iron Islands?
Theon Greyjoy: Don’t be a fool.
Ros: I hear Jaime Lannister attacked Lord Stark in the streets of King’s Landing. Every man for a hundred mules will be marching off to war soon and most of them will never come back, there’s nothing more for me here. Let’s go, Steffon.
Theon Greyjoy: Let me see it one more time?
Ros: See what?

The carriage is driving away from Theon, he scrambles and flips Ros a coin. She catches it and lifts up her dress one final time for Theon, while laughing.

Theon Greyjoy: I’m going to miss you!
Ros: I know.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At King’s Landing in Ned’s quarters. Arya and Sansa await as their father limps forward, using his cane for assistance.

Eddard Stark: I’m sending you both back to Winterfell.
Sansa Stark: What?!
Eddard Stark: Listen -
Sansa Stark: What about Joffrey?
Arya Stark: Are you dying because of your leg? Is that why you’re sending us home?
Eddard Stark: What? No.
Sansa Stark: Please, Father. Please don’t.
Arya Stark: You can’t. I’ve got my lessons with Syrio. I’m finally getting good.
Eddard Stark: This isn’t a punishment. I want you back in Winterfell for your own safety.
Arya Stark: Can’t we take Syrio back with us?
Sansa Stark: Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can’t go. I’m supposed to marry Prince Joffrey. I love him and I’m meant to be his queen and have his babies.
Arya Stark: Seven hells.
Eddard Stark: When you’re old enough, I’ll make you a match with someone who’s worthy of you, someone who’s brave and gentle and strong -
Sansa Stark: I don’t want someone brave and gentle and strong. I want him! He’ll be the greatest king that ever was, a golden lion, and I’ll give him sons with beautiful blond hair.
Arya Stark: The lion’s not his sigil, idiot. He’s a stag, like his father.
Sansa Stark: He is not. He’s nothing like that old drunk king.
Eddard Stark: Go on, girls. Get your septa and start packing your things.
Sansa Stark: Wait!
Arya Stark: Come on! (dragging Sansa)
Sansa Stark: It’s not fair!

The two exit Ned’s room and close the door behind them. Ned slowly makes his way over to his desk, opening the book that Grand MaesterPycelle had given him earlier. The book covers the lineages of all the great Houses of Westeros. Ned turns and reviews the Baratheon page, reading out loud.

Eddard Stark: “Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair.” “Axel Baratheon, black of hair.” “Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair.” “Steffon Baratheon, black of hair.” “Robert Baratheon, black of hair.” “Joffrey Baratheon… golden-haired.”

Ned has a revelation and closes the book.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at Vaes Dothrak, in a very large hut. It is a celebration. A pig roasts over a center fire as there are drums being played and people dancing everywhere. Viserys stumbles in, clearly drunk.

Viserys Targaryen: Daenerys! Where’s my sister?

Daenerys and Jorah both look up, noticing her brother on the opposite side of the hut. Drogo, on another side of the hut also sees Viserys. Jorah stands up and begins walking towards Viserys.

Daenerys Targaryen: Stop him.
Viserys Targaryen: Where is she? I’m here for the feast. The whore’s feast.
Jorah Mormont: Come.
Viserys Targaryen: Get your hands off me! No one touches the dragon!

A man sitting next to Drogo says something in Dothraki that makes the Khal laugh. Viserys hears this and spins around.

Viserys Targaryen: Khal Drogo! I’m here for the feast.
Khal Drogo: (speaks Dothraki, motions to the other side of the hut)
Jorah Mormont: Khal Drogo says there is a place for you. Back there.
Viserys Targaryen: That is no place for a king.
Khal Drogo: You are no king.

Viserys draws his sword, Jorah moves forward, Viserys holds his sword at Jorah.

Viserys Targaryen: Keep away from me!

The drums stop and now everyone in the hut is paying attention.

Daenerys Targaryen: Viserys, please.
Viserys Targaryen: There she is.
Jorah Mormont: Put the sword down. They’ll kill us all.
Viserys Targaryen: They can’t kill us. They can’t shed blood in their sacred city. (moving his sword over everyone in the room, stopping on Daenerys’ stomach) But I can. I want what I came for. I want the crown he promised me. He bought you. But he never paid for you.

The Khal is fiercely looking at the situation as Viserys has his blade to Daenerys’ stomach. A woman is translating for Drogo as Viserys speaks.

Viserys Targaryen: Tell him I want what was bargained for or I’m taking you back. He can keep the baby. I’ll cut it out and leave it for him.
Khal Drogo: (speaks Dothraki)
Viserys Targaryen: What’s he saying?
Daenerys Targaryen: He says yes. You shall have a golden crown, that men shall tremble to behold.
Viserys Targaryen: That was all I wanted. W-what was promised.

Viserys takes his blade away from Daenerys’ stomach and steps back, smiling. Drogo stands up and walks to his wife, placing his hand on her belly as they exchange looks. The Khal says something in Dothraki, two men instantly come up behind Viserys, each holding one of his arms. One man breaks Viserys’ right arm as he screams.

Viserys Targaryen: No! You cannot touch me! I am the dragon! I am the dragon! I want my crown! Ahh!

The two men force Viserys to the ground, still holding him by his arms. The Khal moves towards them and mutters something in Dothraki. A woman tips over a kettle that was over the fire, pouring out it’s contents. Drogo throws some golden jewelry into the kettle.

Jorah Mormont: Look away Khaleesi.
Daenerys Targaryen: No.
Viserys Targaryen: No. Dany! Dany, tell them, make them! You can’t!

The golden jewelry is now melted down into liquid. Khal Drogo lifts the kettle up and walks over towards the screaming Viserys.

Viserys Targaryen: Dany please!
Khal Drogo: A crown for a king.

Khal Drogo raises the kettle over Viserys’ head and pours out the melted gold onto his skull. He screams as the hot liquid solidifies on his skull, the two men release Viserys, he instantly falls to the ground dead.

Jorah Mormont: Khaleesi…

Daenerys Targaryen: He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.


왕좌의 게임 대본(시즌 1-5) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 1-5 The Wolf and The Lion

** 파일 :

Game of Thrones Script-Season 1x5 The Wolf and The Lion.docx

King's Landing, Ned Stark arrives at the grounds where the Tourney of the Hand will take place. He enters a tent where Ser Hugh (deceased) is being tended to, he enters to speak with Barristan.

Eddard Stark: Does Ser Hugh have any family in the capital?
Barristan Selmy: No. I stood vigil for him myself last night. He had no one else.

Eddard Stark: He'd never worn this armor before.
Barristan Selmy: Bad luck for him... Going against the Mountain.
Eddard Stark: Who determines the draw?
Barristan Selmy: All the knights draw straws, Lord Stark.
Eddard Stark: Aye... But who holds the straws?
 You've done good work, Sisters.

Ned and Barristan both exit the tent and begin walking.

Barristan Selmy: Life is strange. Not so many years ago we fought as enemies at the Trident.
Eddard Stark: I'm glad we never met on the field, Ser Barristan... as is my wife. I don't think the widow's life would suit her.
Barristan Selmy: You're too modest. I've seen you cut down a dozen great knights.
Eddard Stark: My father once told me you were the best he'd ever seen. I never knew the man to be wrong about matters of combat.

Barristan Selmy: He was a fine man, your father. What the Mad King did to him was a terrible crime.
Eddard Stark: And that lad... He was a squire until a few months ago. How could he afford a new suit of armor?
Barristan Selmy: Perhaps Lord Arryn left him some money? I hear the King wants to joust today.
Eddard Stark: Yes. That will never happen.
Barristan Selmy: Robert tends to do what he wants.
Eddard Stark: If the King got what he wanted all the time, we'd still be fighting a damned rebellion.

Ned separates from Barristan and enters King Robert’s tent. Lancel, Robert’s squire, is attempting to dress him in his armor.

Lancel Lannister: It's made too small, Your Grace. It won't go.
Robert Baratheon: Your mother was a dumb whore with a fat arse. Did you know that? Look at this idiot! One ball and no brains. He can't even put a man's armor on him properly.
Eddard Stark: You're too fat for your armor.

Robert Baratheon: Fat? Fat, is it? Is that how you speak to your King? That was funny, is it?

Both Robert and Ned begin laughing. Lancel also starts to laugh.

Robert Baratheon: Oh, it’s funny, is it?
Lancel Lannister: No, Your Grace.
Robert Baratheon: No? You don't like the Hand's joke?
Eddard Stark: You're torturing the poor boy.
Robert Baratheon: You heard the Hand. The King's too fat for his armor! Go find the breastplate stretcher, now!

Lancel runs out of the tent.

Eddard Stark: The breastplate stretcher?
Robert Baratheon: How long before he figures it out?
Eddard Stark: Maybe you should have one invented.
Robert Baratheon: All right, all right. But you watch me out there. I still know how to point a lance.
Eddard Stark: You have no business jousting. Leave that for the young men.
Robert Baratheon: Why? Because I'm king?Piss on that. I want to hit somebody!
Eddard Stark: And who's going to hit you back?
Robert Baratheon: Anybody who can. And the last man in his saddle... will be you!
Eddard Stark:There's not a man in the Seven Kingdoms would risk hurting you.
Robert Baratheon: Are you telling me those cowards would let me win?
Eddard Stark: Aye.
Robert Baratheon: … Drink.
Eddard Stark: I'm not thirsty.
Robert Baratheon: Drink. Your King commands it. Gods! Too fat for my armor
Eddard Stark: Your squire... A Lannister boy?
Robert Baratheon: Hmm... A bloody idiot... But Cersei insisted. I have Jon Arryn to thank for her. "Cersei Lannister will make a good match", he told me. "You'll need her father on your side." I thought being King meant I could do whatever I wanted. Enough of this! Let's go watch 'em ride. At least I can smell someone else's blood.
Eddard Stark: Robert?
Robert Baratheon: What? Oh! An inspiring sight for the people, eh? Come! Bow before your King! Bow, you shits!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now at the jousting track where there are lots of onlookers, cheering. SerGregor bows before the King before he and his horse take off down one lane of the track.

Eddard Stark: Where's Arya
Sansa Stark: At her dancing lessons. The Knight of the Flowers.
Sansa Stark: Thank you, Ser Loras.

After bowing to Sansa, Loras exchanges looks with Renly Baratheon. Loras then rides and bows before the King, also taking off down the opposite track.

Sansa Stark: Don't let SerGregor hurt him.
Eddard Stark: Hey.
Sansa Stark: I can't watch.

Behind Ned and Sansa.

Petyr Baelish: 100 gold dragons on the Mountain.
Renly Baratheon: I'll take that bet.
Petyr Baelish: Now what will I buy with 100 gold dragons? A dozen barrels of Dornish wine? Or a girl from the pleasure houses of Lys?
Renly Baratheon: Or you could even buy a friend.
Sansa Stark: He's going to die.
Eddard Stark: SerLoras rides well.

A trumpet is heard and both competitors race down their lanes. Loras knocks SerGregor off of his mount.

Renly Baratheon: Such a shame, Littlefinger. It would have been so nice for you to have a friend.
Petyr Baelish: And tell me, Lord Renly, when will you be having your friend?
Petyr Baelish: Loras knew his mare was in heat. Quite crafty, really.
Sansa Stark: SerLoras would never do that! There's no honor in tricks.
Petyr Baelish: No honor but quite a bit of gold.

Gregor gets up off of the ground, shouts for his sword. His squire brings it to him and then Gregor severs his horse’s head completely off. The crowd is stunned, Gregor then attacks Loras. Knocking him off of his horse and striking him with his sword. Sandor, the Hound, runs down from the stands and fends off his brother.

Robert Baratheon: Stop this madness in the name of your King!

Sandor takes a bow and Gregor storms off. Loras walks up to Sandor, raising his hand in victory.

Loras Tyrell: I owe you my life, Ser.
Sandor Clegane: I'm no Ser.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stopping for rest, presumed on the Kingsroad on their way to Winterfell.

Catelyn Stark: Remove his hood.
Marillion: On that eve, the captive Imp down-wards from his horse did limp, no more would he preen and primp, in garb of red and gold. (singing)
Tyrion Lannister: This isn't the Kingsroad. You said we were riding for Winterfell.
Catelyn Stark: I did... often and loudly.
Tyrion Lannister: Very wise. They'll be out in droves, looking for me in the wrong place. Word's probably gotten to my father by now. He'll be offering a handsome reward. Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts. Would you be so good as to untie me?
Catelyn Stark: And why would I do that?
Tyrion Lannister: Why not? Am I going to run? The hill tribes would kill me for my boots. Unless a Shadowcat ate me first.
Catelyn Stark: Shadowcats and hill tribes are the least of your concerns.
Tyrion Lannister: Ah... the Eastern Road. We're going to The Vale. You're taking me to your sister's to answer for my imagined crimes. Tell me, Lady Stark. When was the last time you saw your sister?
Catelyn Stark: Five years ago.
Tyrion Lannister: She's changed. She was always a bit touched, but now... you might as well kill me here.
Catelyn Stark: I am not a murderer, Lannister.
Tyrion Lannister: Neither am I! I had nothing to do with the attempt on your son's life!
Catelyn Stark: The dagger found
Tyrion Lannister: What sort of imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade?
Rodrik Cassel: Should I gag him?
Tyrion Lannister: Why? Am I starting to make sense?
Rodrik Cassel: My Lady, this way.

A rock slams into one of Catelyn’s men, a hill tribe begins to attack. Rodrik moves Catelyn behind a rock, out of harms way. The men, mainly Bronn begin successfully defending against the tribe. Tyrion sees Catelyn pull out a small dagger, he runs over to her and convinces her to cut him loose.

Tyrion Lannister: Untie me. If I die, what's the point?

Tyrion, now loose, runs over and picks up a shield. He fends off an attack as another of Lady Stark’s men kills him. Another tribesman is nearing Catelyn, Tyrion rushes over with his shield, knocks him to the ground and begins slamming it into his throat, directly in front of, and in defense of Catelyn. The battle comes to an end with many of their men defeated.

Catelyn Stark: Rodrik?
Rodrik Cassel: I'll be fine, my Lady. There's no need to bloody yourself.
Bronn: Your first? You need a woman. Nothing like a woman after a fight.
Tyrion Lannister: Well, I'm willing if she is.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at Winterfell, MaesterLuwin and Bran are at a small table, Luwin trying to teach Bran. Bran is fixed on watching Theon as he is practicing his archery.

MaesterLuwin: Bran...
Bran Stark: The Iron Islands. Sigil - a Kraken. Words - "We do not sow".
Maester Luwin: Lords?
Bran Stark: The Greyjoys.
Theon Greyjoy: Famed for their skills at archery, navigation and lovemaking.
Maester Luwin: And failed rebellions.

Bran Stark: Sigil - a stag. - A crowned stag now that Robert's King.
MaesterLuwin: Good.
Bran Stark: Words - "Ours is the fury". Lords - the Baratheons.
Bran Stark: The Westerlands - sigil - a lion.
MaesterLuwin: Hmm...
Bran Stark: Words - "A Lannister always pays his debts."
MaesterLuwin: No. A common saying, but not their official motto.
Bran Stark: Lords - the Lannisters.
MaesterLuwin: We're still on their words.
Bran Stark: I don't know them.
MaesterLuwin: You do know them. Think.
Bran Stark: "Unbowed, unbent, unbroken".
MaesterLuwin:That's House Martell.
Bran Stark: "Righteous in wrath".
MaesterLuwin: House Hornwood.
Bran Stark: "Family, duty, honor".
MaesterLuwin:Those are Tully words... Your mother's. Are we playing a game?
Bran Stark: "Family, duty, honor"... Is that the right order?
MaesterLuwin:You know it is.
Bran Stark: Family comes first?
MaesterLuwin: Your mother had to leave Winterfell to protect the family.
Bran Stark: How can she protect the family, if she's not with her family?
MaesterLuwin: Your mother sat by your bed for three weeks while you slept.
Bran Stark: And then she left!
MaesterLuwin: When you were born, I was the one who pulled you from your mother. I placed you in her arms. From that moment until the moment she dies, she will love you. Absolutely.Fiercely.
Bran Stark: Why did she leave?
MaesterLuwin: I still can't tell you, but she will be home soon.
Bran Stark: Do you know where she is now? Today?
MaesterLuwin:No, I don't.
Bran Stark: Then how can you promise me she'll be home soon?
MaesterLuwin: Sometimes I worry you're too smart for your own good.
Bran Stark: I'll never shoot another arrow.
Maester Luwin: And where is that written?
Bran Stark: You need legs to work a bow.
Maester Luwin: Hmm... If the saddle Lord Tyrion designed actually works, you could learn to shoot a bow from horseback.
Bran Stark: Really?
Maester Luwin: Dothraki boys learn when they're four years old. Why shouldn't you?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now in Theon’s quarters inside Winterfell, he’s making love to Ros.

Theon Greyjoy: Shh... Keep it down. You're not supposed to be inside the castle walls.

They break.

Ros: I thought you were supposed to be an important person around here.
Theon Greyjoy: Important enough for the likes of you.
Ros: You're not the only nobleman in my life, you know.
Theon Greyjoy: Who? the Imp? I'd call him half a nobleman.
Ros: Jealous?
Theon Greyjoy: Why should I be jealous?
Theon Greyjoy: Anyone with a few coppers in his pocket can own you for the night. What's a dwarf like down below? I've always wondered.
Ros: Might surprise you.
Theon Greyjoy: Hmm?
Ros: He's good with his fingers too. And his tongue.
Theon Greyjoy: Generous tipper. I guess gold is cheap for a Lannister.
Ros: You are jealous.
Theon Greyjoy: I'm a Greyjoy. We've been Lords of the Iron Islands for 300 years. There's not a family in Westeros that can look down on us, not even the Lannisters.
Ros: And what about the Starks?
Theon Greyjoy: I’ve been Lord Stark’s ward since I was eight years old.
Ros: A “ward”, that’s a nice word for it. Your father rebelled against King Robert and if he does it again…

Theon grabs Ros’ neck from behind.

Theon Greyjoy: My father fought for the freedom of his people! What did your father do? Fucked a cook and whelped a whore.
Ros: You’re a very serious boy.
Theon Greyjoy: I’m not a boy.
Ros: Oh, yes you are. A serious boy, with a serious cock.
Theon Greyjoy: I don’t want to pay for it.
Ros: Then get yourself a wife.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arya, at King’s Landing is running through the halls chasing a cat. She’s seen running down a hallway.

Arya Stark: Come on. I'm not gonna hurt you.

Ned is in his chambers at his desk, Varys is speaking to him, walking around securing all of the windows before sitting down to talk more seriously.

Varys: How is your son, my Lord?
Eddard Stark: He'll never walk again.
Varys: But his mind is sound?
Eddard Stark: So they say.
Varys:A blessing then. I suffered an early mutilation myself. Some doors close forever... others open in the most unexpected places. May I?
Varys: If the wrong ears heard what I'm about to tell you, off comes my head. And who would mourn poor Varys then? North or South, they sing no songs for spiders. But there are things you must know. You are the King's Hand and the King is a fool... your friend, I know, but a fool... and doomed unless you save him.
Eddard Stark: I've been in the capital a month. Why have you waited so long to tell me this?
Varys: I didn't trust you.
Eddard Stark: So why do you trust me now?
Varys: The Queen is not the only one who has been watching you closely. There are few men of honor in the capital. You are one of them. I would like to believe I am another, strange as that may seem.
Eddard Stark: What sort of doom does the King face?
Varys: The same sort as Jon Arryn. The tears of Lys, they call it. A rare and costly thing, as clear and tasteless as water. It leaves no trace.
Eddard Stark: Who gave it to him?
Varys: Some dear friend, no doubt. But which one? There were many. Lord Arryn was a kind and trusting man. There was one boy... all he was he owed to Jon Arryn.
Eddard Stark: The squire, Ser Hugh?
Varys: Pity what happened to him, just when his life seemed to be going so nicely.
Eddard Stark: If Ser Hugh poisoned him, who paid Ser Hugh?
Varys: Someone who could afford it.

Eddard Stark: Jon was a man of peace. He was Hand for 17 years -- 17 good years. Why kill him?
Varys: He started asking questions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We shift to a dark dungeon of King’s Landing. Arya is still chasing the cat. She stops to admire a large dragon’s skull. She hears two men talking, and hides from them, just in earshot. The two men are Lord Varys and Magister Illyrio Mopatis.

Varys: He's found one bastard already. He has the book. The rest will come.
Illyrio Mopatis: And when he knows the truth, what will he do?
Varys: The gods alone know. The fools tried to kill his son. What's worse, they botched it. The wolf and the lion will be at each other's throats. We will be at war soon, my friend.
Illyrio Mopatis: What good is war now? We're not ready. If one Hand can die, why not a second?
Varys: This Hand is not the other.
Illyrio Mopatis: We need time. Khal Drogo will not make his move until his son is born. You know how these savages are.
Varys: "Delay," you say. "Move fast, " I reply. This is no longer a game for two players.
Illyrio Mopatis: It never was.

The two men leave, Varys locks a gate behind them. Arya runs to the gate and can’t get out. She takes off in the other direction, deeper into the dungeon, to find an exit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Varys enters the Throne Room, where Baelish is standing, looking at the throne.

Varys: The first to arrive and the last to leave. I admire your industry.
Petyr Baelish: You do move quietly.
Varys: We all have our qualities.
Petyr Baelish: You look a bit lonely today. You should pay a visit to my brothel this evening. First boy is on the house.
Varys: I think you're mistaking business with pleasure.
Petyr Baelish: Am I? All those birds that whisper in your ear, such pretty little things. Trust me, we accommodate all inclinations.
Varys: Oh, I'm sure. Lord Redwyne likes his boys very young, I hear.
Petyr Baelish: I'm a purveyor of beauty and discretion, both equally important.
Varys: Though I suppose beauty is a subjective quality, no? Is it true that Ser Marlon of Tumblestone prefers amputees?
Petyr Baelish: All desires are valid to a man with a full purse.
Varys: And I heard the most awful rumor about a certain lord with a taste for fresh cadavers. Must be enormously difficult to accommodate that inclination. The logistics alone... to find beautiful corpses before they rot.
Petyr Baelish: Strictly speaking, such a thing would not be in accordance with the King's laws.
Varys: Strictly speaking.
Petyr Baelish: Tell me. Does someone, somewhere, keep your balls in a little box? I've often wondered.
Varys: Do you know, I have no idea where they are? And we had been so close. But enough about me. How have you been since we last saw each other?
Petyr Baelish: Since you last saw me or since I last saw you?
Varys: Now the last time I saw you, you were talking to the Hand of the King.
Petyr Baelish: Saw me with your own eyes?
Varys: Eyes I own.
Petyr Baelish: Council business. We all have so much to discuss with Ned Stark.
Varys: Everyone's well aware of your enduring fondness for Lord Stark's wife. If the Lannisters were behind the attempt on the Stark boy's life and it was discovered that you helped the Starks come to that conclusion... To think... A simple word to the Queen...
Petyr Baelish: One shudders at the thought.
Varys: Oh.
Petyr Baelish: But you know something? I do believe that I have seen you even more recently than you have seen me.
Varys: Have you?
Petyr Baelish: Yes. Earlier today, I distinctly recall seeing you talking to Lord Stark in his chambers.
Varys: Was that you under the bed?
Petyr Baelish: And not long after that when I saw you escorting a certain foreign dignitary... Council business? Of course you would have friends from across The Narrow Sea. You're from there yourself, after all. We're friends, aren't we, Lord Varys? I'd like to think we are. So you can imagine my burden, wondering if the King might question my friend's sympathies… To stand at a crossroads where turning left means loyalty to a friend, turning right, loyalty to the realm.
Varys: Oh, please.
Petyr Baelish: To find myself in a position where a simple word to the King --

Renly enters from a different doorway and cuts both men off.

Renly Baratheon: What are you two conspiring about? Well, whatever it is, you'd best hurry up. My brother is coming.
Petyr Baelish: To a small council meeting?
Varys: Disturbing news from far away. Haven't you heard?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arya exits a tunnel outside of King’s Landing, at the beach of Blackwater Bay. She heads to the city’s gate but is stopped by two guards.

Guard 1: Off with you. No begging.
Arya Stark: I'm not a beggar. I live here.
Guard 1: D'you want a smack on your ear to help you with your hearing?
Arya Stark: I want to see my father.
Guard 2: I want to fuck the Queen, for all the good it does me.
Guard 1: You want your father, boy? He's lying on the floor of some tavern, getting pissed on by his friends.
Arya Stark: My father is Hand of the King! I'm not a boy. I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell and if you lay a hand on me, my father will have both your heads on spikes! Now are you going to let me by or do I need to smack you on the ear to help with your hearing?

Quick cut to Arya standing in front of Ned at his desk.

Eddard Stark: You know I had half my guard out searching for you? You promised me this would stop.
Arya Stark: They said they were going to kill you.
Eddard Stark: Who did?
Arya Stark: I didn't see them, but I think one was fat.
Eddard Stark: Oh, Arya.
Arya Stark: I'm not lying! They said you found the bastard and the wolves are fighting the lions and the savage... something about the savage.
Eddard Stark: Where did you hear this?
Arya Stark: In the dungeons, near the dragon skulls.
Eddard Stark: What were you doing in the dungeons?
Arya Stark: Chasing a cat.

A knock at the door, Jory pokes his head in.

Jory Cassel: Pardon, my Lord. There's a Night's Watchman here begging a word. He says it's urgent.
Eddard Stark: Your name, friend?
Yoren: Yoren, if it please. This must be your son. He has the look.
Arya Stark: I'm a girl!
Eddard Stark: Did Benjen send you?
Yoren: No one sent me, my Lord. I'm here to find men for The Wall, see if there's any scum in the dungeons that might be fit for service.
Eddard Stark: Ah, we'll find recruits for you.
Yoren: Thank you, my Lord. But that's not why I disturb you now. Your brother, Benjen... his blood runs black, makes him as much my brother as yours. It's for his sake I rode here so hard I damn near killed my horse! There are others riding too. The whole city will know by tomorrow.
Eddard Stark: Know what?
Yoren: Best said in private, my Lord.
Eddard Stark: Go on. We'll talk more later.
Eddard Stark: Jory, take her safely to her room.
Jory Cassel: Come along, my Lady. You heard your father.

Jory escorts Arya to her room.

Arya Stark: How many guards does my father have?
Jory Cassel: Here in King's Landing? Fifty.
Arya Stark: You wouldn't let anyone kill him, would you?
Jory Cassel: No fear on that count, little Lady.

Ned and Yoren are now alone in Ned’s chambers.

Eddard Stark: Well?
Yoren: It's about your wife, my Lord. She's taken the Imp.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As Catelyn, Tyrion and her men are arriving to the Vale, they’re met by a group of guards.

VardisEgen: You're far from home, Lady Stark.
Catelyn Stark: To whom do I speak?
VardisEgen: SerVardisEgen, Knight of The Vale. Is Lady Arryn expecting your visit?
Catelyn Stark: There was no time to send word.
VardisEgen: May I ask, my Lady, why he is with you?
Catelyn Stark: That's why there was no time. He is my prisoner.
VardisEgen: He doesn't look like a prisoner.
Catelyn Stark: My sister will decide what he looks like.
VardisEgen: Yes, my Lady. She will at that.

The guards all turn their horses and escort Catelyn and her men towards the Eyrie.

Tyrion Lannister: The Eyrie. They say it's impregnable.
Bronn: Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes... I'll impregnate the bitch.
Tyrion Lannister: I like you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ned is walking through a courtyard at King’s Landing, heading for the King Robert’s chambers. He is stopped by a royal steward.

Steward: Lord Stark, your presence has been requested in the small council chamber. A meeting has been called.
Eddard Stark: I need to see the King first -- alone.
Steward: The King is at the small council meeting, my Lord. He has summoned you.
Eddard Stark: Is it about my wife?
Steward: No, my Lord. I believe it concerns Daenerys Targaryen.

Now at the small council meeting with everyone on the council, as well as King Robert.

Robert Baratheon: The whore is pregnant.
Eddard Stark: You're speaking of murdering a child.
Robert Baratheon: I warned you this would happen. Back in the North, I warned you, but you didn't care to hear. Well, hear it now. I want 'em dead, mother and child both. And that fool, Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them both dead.
Eddard Stark: You will dishonor yourself forever if you do this.
Robert Baratheon: Honor?! I've got Seven Kingdoms to rule! One King, Seven Kingdoms. Do you think honor keeps them in line? Do you think it's honor that's keeping the peace? It's fear! Fear and blood!
Eddard Stark: Then we're no better than the Mad King.
Robert Baratheon: Careful, Ned. Careful now.
Eddard Stark: You want to assassinate a girl... Because the Spider heard a rumor?
Varys: No rumor, my Lord. The princess is with child.
Eddard Stark: Based on whose information?
Varys: Ser Jorah Mormont. He is serving as adviser to the Targaryens.
Eddard Stark: Mormont? You bring us the whispers of a traitor half a world away and call it fact?
Petyr Baelish: Jorah Mormont's a slaver, not a traitor. Small difference, I know, to an honorable man.
Eddard Stark: He broke the law, betrayed his family, fled our land. We commit murder on the word of this man?
Robert Baratheon: And if he's right? If she has a son? A Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army… What then?
Eddard Stark: The Narrow Sea still lies between us. I'll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water.
Robert Baratheon: Do nothing? That's your wise advice? Do nothing til our enemies are on our shores? You're my council? Counsel! Speak sense to this honorable fool.
Varys: I understand your misgivings, my Lord. Truly, I do. It is a terrible thing we must consider, a vile thing. Yet, we who presume to rule must sometimes do vile things for the good of the realm. Should the gods grant Daenerys a son, the realm will bleed.
Grand MaesterPycelle: I bear this girl no ill will, but should the Dothraki invade, how many innocents will die? How many towns will burn? Is it not wiser, kinder even, that she should die now so that tens of thousands might live?
Renly Baratheon: We should have had them both killed years ago.
Petyr Baelish: When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman, best close your eyes, get it over with. Cut her throat. Be done with it.
Eddard Stark: I followed you into war - twice, without doubts, without second thoughts. But I will not follow you now. The Robert I grew up with didn't tremble at the shadow of an unborn child.
Robert Baratheon: She dies.
Eddard Stark: I will have no part in it.
Robert Baratheon: You're the King's Hand, Lord Stark. You'll do as I command or I'll find me a Hand who will.

Ned removes his badge and places it on the table in front of Robert.

Eddard Stark: And good luck to him. I thought you were a better man.
Robert Baratheon: Out! Out, damn you! I'm done with you. Go! Run back to Winterfell! I'll have your head on a spike! I'll put it there myself, you fool! You think you're too good for this? Too proud and honorable? This is a war!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ned is in his chambers quickly packing his things.

Eddard Stark: I'll go ahead with my daughters. Get them ready. Do it yourself. Don't ask anyone for help.
Jory Cassel: Right away, my Lord. Lord Baelish is here for you.
Petyr Baelish: His Grace went on about you at some length after you took your leave. The word "treason" was mentioned.
Eddard Stark: What can I do for you?
Petyr Baelish: When do you return to Winterfell?
Eddard Stark: Why? What do you care?
Petyr Baelish: If you're still here come nightfall, I'll take you to see the last person Jon Arryn spoke with before falling ill. If that sort of thing still interests you.
Eddard Stark: I don't have the time.
Petyr Baelish: It won't take more than an hour. But as you please.

Baelish exits Ned’s chambers, Ned speaks to Jory briefly and then takes off for Baelish.

Eddard Stark: Round up all the men we have and station them outside the girls' chambers. Who are your best two swords?
Jory Cassel: Heward and Wyl.
Eddard Stark: Find them and meet me at the stables.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At the Eyrie, Catelyn, her men, and Tyrion are all standing in front of Lady Arryn. Her son is sitting on her lap, breastfeeding. He is clearly too old to be doing so.

Lysa Arryn: You bring him here without permission? You pollute my home with his presence? Your aunt has done a bad thing, Robin, a very bad thing. You remember her, don't you? Isn't he beautiful? And strong too. Jon knew it. His last words were, "the seed is strong." He wanted everyone to know what a good, strong boy his son would grow up to be. Look at him, the Lord of all the Vale.
Catelyn Stark: Lysa, you wrote me about the Lannisters, warning me t-
Lysa Arryn: To stay away from them! Not to bring one here!
Robin Arryn: Mommy? Is that the bad man?
Lysa Arryn: It is.
Robin Arryn: He's little.
Lysa Arryn: He's Tyrion the Imp of House Lannister. He killed your father. He murdered the Hand of the King!
Tyrion Lannister: Oh? Did I kill him too? I've been a very busy man.
Lysa Arryn: You will watch your tongue! These men are Knights of the Vale. Every one of the loved Jon Arryn. Every one of them would die for me.
Tyrion Lannister: If any harm comes to me, my brother, Jaime, will see that they do.
Robin Arryn: You can't hurt us! No one can hurt us here! Tell him, mommy! Tell him!
Lysa Arryn: Shh... Shh... Shh, my sweet boy. He's just trying to frighten us. Lannisters are all liars. No one will hurt my baby.
Robin Arryn: Mommy... I want to see the bad man fly.
Lysa Arryn: Perhaps you will, my little love.

Catelyn Stark: This man is my prisoner. I will not have him harmed.
Lysa Arryn: SerVardis, my sister's guest is weary. Take him down below so he can rest. Introduce him to Mord.

Mord throws Tyrion into a “skycell.”

Mord: You go sleep, dwarf man. Sleep good, little dwarf. man!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at King’s Landing, inside Renly Baratheon’s chambers. He is sitting, shirtless, with Loras Tyrell kneeling beside him shaving his chest. Loras is also shirtless.

Loras Tyrell: Lord Stark's lucky he still has a head.
Renly Baratheon: Robert will rant for a few days, but he won't do anything. He adores the man.
Loras Tyrell: You're jealous.
Renly Baratheon: Are you sure this won't hurt?
Loras Tyrell: Only if I slip.
Renly Baratheon: And you prefer me like this?
Loras Tyrell: Mhmm.
Renly Baratheon: If you want hairless, maybe you should find a little boy.
Loras Tyrell: I want you.
Renly Baratheon: My brother thinks that anyone who hasn't been to war isn't a man. He treats me as if I'm a spoiled child. Oh, and you're not? Loras Tyrell, the Knight of the Flowers? How many wars have you fought in? Oh, and how much did your father spend on that armor of yours?
Loras Tyrell: Hold still.
Renly Baratheon: All I ever hear from Robert and Stannis is how I'm not tough enough, how I squirm at the sight of blood.
Loras Tyrell: You did vomit when that boy's eye was knocked out in the mêlée.
Renly Baratheon:His eye was dangling out of the damn socket!
Loras Tyrell: He shouldn't have entered the mêlée if he didn't know how to fight.
Renly Baratheon: Easy for you to say. Not everyone is such a gifted swordsman.
Loras Tyrell: It's not a gift. No one gave it to me. I'm good because I work at it -- every day of my life since I could hold a stick.
Renly Baratheon: I could work at fighting all day, every day, and still never be as good as you.
Loras Tyrell: Yes well, I guess we'll never know.

Finished with Renly’s chest, Loras raises his arm so he can shave his armpit.

Renly Baratheon: Everywhere?
Loras Tyrell: Everywhere. So how did it end up? The Targaryen girl will die?
Renly Baratheon: It needs to be done, unpleasant as it is. Robert's rather tasteless about it. Every time he talks about killing her, I swear the table rises six inches.
Loras Tyrell: It's a shame he can't muster the same enthusiasm for his wife.
Renly Baratheon: He does have a deep, abiding lust for her money. You have to give it to the Lannisters, they may be the most pompous, ponderous cunts the gods ever suffered to walk the world, but they do have outrageous amounts of money.
Loras Tyrell: I have an outrageous amount of money.
Renly Baratheon: Not as much as the Lannisters.
Loras Tyrell: But a lot more than you.
Renly Baratheon: Robert's threatening to take me hunting with him. Last time we were out there for two weeks, tramping through the trees in the rain, day after day. All so he can stick his spear into something's flesh! Oh. but Robert loves his killing. And he's the King.
Loras Tyrell: Hmm... How did that ever happen?
Renly Baratheon: Because he loves his killing and he used to be good at it.
Loras Tyrell: Do you know who should be King?
Renly Baratheon: Be serious.
Loras Tyrell: I am. My father could be your bank. I've never fought in a war before, but I'd fight for you.
Renly Baratheon: I'm fourth in line.
Loras Tyrell: And where was Robert in the line of royal succession? Joffrey is a monster. Tommen is eight.
Renly Baratheon: Stannis?
Loras Tyrell: Stannis has the personality of a lobster.
Renly Baratheon: He's still my older brother.

Loras cuts Renly under his arm.

Renly Baratheon: What are you doing?!
Loras Tyrell: Look at it.
Renly Baratheon: You cut me!
Loras Tyrell: It's just blood. We've all got it in us. Sometimes a little spills. If you become King, you're going to see a lot of this. You need to get used to it. Go on. Look. People love you. They love to serve you because you're kind to them. They want to be near you.
Loras Tyrell: You're willing to do what needs to be done, but you don't gloat over it. You don't love killing. Where is it written that power is the sole province of the worst? That thrones are only made for the hated and the feared. You would be a wonderful King.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cersei enters King Robert’s chambers.

Cersei Baratheon: I'm sorry your marriage to Ned Stark didn't work out. You seemed so good together.
Robert Baratheon: I'm glad I could do something to make you happy.
Cersei Baratheon: Without a Hand, everything will fall to pieces.
Robert Baratheon: I suppose this is where you tell me to give the job to your brother Jaime.
Cersei Baratheon: No. He's not serious enough. I'll say this for Ned Stark - he's serious enough. Was it really worth it? Losing him this way?
Robert Baratheon: I don't know. But I do know this, if the Targaryen girl convinces her horse-lord husband to invade and the Dothraki horde crosses The Narrow Sea... We won't be able to stop them.
Cersei Baratheon: The Dothrakidon't sail. Every child knows that. They don't have discipline. They don't have armor. They don't have siege weapons.
Robert Baratheon: It's a neat little trick you do, you move your lips and your father's voice comes out.
Cersei Baratheon: Is my father wrong?
Robert Baratheon: Let's say Viserys Targaryen lands with forty thousand Dothraki screamers at his back. We hole up in our castles, a wise move. Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field. They leave us in our castles. They go from town to town, looting and burning, killing every man who can't hide behind a stone wall, stealing all our crops and livestock, enslaving all our women and children. How long do the people of the Seven Kingdoms stand behind their absentee King, their cowardly King hiding behind high walls? When do the people decide that Viserys Targaryen is the rightful monarch after all.
Cersei Baratheon: We still outnumber them.
Robert Baratheon: Which is the bigger number -- five or one?
Cersei Baratheon: Five.
Robert Baratheon: Five... one. One army, a real army, united behind one leader with one purpose. Our purpose died with the Mad King. Now we've got as many armies as there are men with gold in their purse. And everybody wants something different. Your father wants to own the world. Ned Stark wants to run away and bury his head in the snow.
Cersei Baratheon: What do you want?
Robert Baratheon: We haven't had a real fight in nine years. Back-stabbing doesn't prepare you for a fight. And that's all the realm is now, back-stabbing and scheming and arse-licking and money-grubbing. Sometimes I don't know what holds it together.
Cersei Baratheon: Our marriage.

The two begin laughing.

Robert Baratheon: Ah, so here we sit, seventeen years later, holding it all together. Don't you get tired?
Cersei Baratheon: Every day.
Robert Baratheon: How long can hate hold a thing together?
Cersei Baratheon: Well, seventeen years is quite a long time.
Robert Baratheon: Yes, it is.
Cersei Baratheon: Yes, it tis. What was she like?
Robert Baratheon: You've never asked about her, not once. Why not?
Cersei Baratheon: At first, just saying her name, even in private felt like I was breathing life back into her. I thought if I didn't talk about her, she'd just fade away for you. When I realized that wasn't going to happen, I refused to ask out of spite. I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of thinking I cared enough to ask. And eventually it became clear that my spite didn't mean anything to you, as far as I could tell, you actually enjoyed it.
Robert Baratheon: So why now?
Cersei Baratheon: What harm could Lyanna Stark's ghost do to either of us that we haven't done to each other a hundred times over?
Robert Baratheon: You want to know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she looked like. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted... Someone took her away from me, and Seven Kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.
Cersei Baratheon: I felt something for you once, you know?
Robert Baratheon: I know.
Cersei Baratheon: Even after we lost our first boy -- for quite a while, actually. Was it ever possible for us? Was there ever a time, ever a... moment?
Robert Baratheon: No. Does that make you feel better or worse?
Cersei Baratheon: It doesn't make me feel anything.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Inside one of Baelish’s brothels, Ned is speaking to one of the prostitutes. Jory and Baelish are in the next room.

Mhaegen: She looks like him, don't she, my Lord? She has his nose, his black hair.
Eddard Stark: Aye.
Mhaegen: Tell him when you see him, my Lord. If it please you... Tell him how beautiful she is.
Eddard Stark: I will.
Mhaegen: And tell him I've been with no one else. I swear it, my Lord, by the old gods and new. I don't want no jewels or nothing, just him. The King was always good to me.
Eddard Stark: When Jon Arryn came to visit you, what did he want?
Mhaegen: He wasn't that sort of man, my Lord. He just wanted to know if the child was happy, healthy.
Eddard Stark: She looks healthy enough to me. The girl shall want for nothing.

Ned breaks off from Mhaegen and enters the same room as Baelish and Jory.

Petyr Baelish: Brothels make a much better investment than ship, I've found. Whores rarely sink.
Eddard Stark: What do you know of King Robert's bastards?
Petyr Baelish: Well, he has more than you, for a start.
Eddard Stark: How many?
Petyr Baelish: Does it matter? If you fuck enough women, some of them will give you presents.
Eddard Stark: And Jon Arryn tracked them all down. Why?
Petyr Baelish: He was the King's Hand. Perhaps Robert wanted them looked after. He was overcome with fatherly love.
Eddard Stark: Come.

Jory is staring at one of the whores, who flashes him her breast.

Eddard Stark: Jory!
Jory Cassel: My Lord.

Ned and Jory leave the brothel with a few of Ned’s men. They are suddenly surround by Jaime Lannister and his men.

Jaime Lannister: Such a small pack of wolves.
Jory Cassel: Stay back, Ser! This is the Hand of the King!
Jaime Lannister: Was!... the Hand of the King. Now I'm not sure what he is... Lord of somewhere very far away.
Petyr Baelish: What's the meaning of this, Lannister?
Jaime Lannister: Get back inside where it's safe. I'm looking for my brother. You remember my brother, don't you, Lord Stark? Blond hair, sharp tongue, short man.
Eddard Stark: I remember him well.
Jaime Lannister: It seems he had some trouble on the road. You wouldn't know what happened to him, would you?
Eddard Stark:He was taken at my command to answer for his crimes.

Jaime draws his sword, causing all of them men on both sides to draw their swords, except for Eddard.

Petyr Baelish: My Lords! I'll bring the City Watch!
Jaime Lannister: Come, Stark. I'd rather you die sword in hand.
Jory Cassel: If you threaten my Lord again...
Jaime Lannister: Threaten? As in, "I'm going to open your Lord from balls to brains and see what Starks are made of”?
Eddard Stark: You kill me, your brother's a dead man.
Jaime Lannister: You're right. Take him alive! Kill his men!

A fight erupts, first Jaime’s men throw spears straight into the chests of two of Ned’s men. Ned draws his sword and moves towards Jaime, fending off several guards in the process. Jory gets to Jaime first. Jaime stabs Jory with a dagger straight through his eye. The fighting ceases and Ned moves forward to Jaime, Jaime’s men all stop to watch the fight. The two fend each other off, as they break, one of Jaime’s guards stabs Ned in the back of the leg with a spear, causing him to fall to the ground. Jaime is openly frustrated and knocks the guard out. He mounts his horse.

Jaime Lannister: My brother, Lord Stark... We want him back.

Jaime rides off on horseback and his guards follow suit.


왕좌의 게임 대본(시즌 1-4) - Game of Thrones Script, Season 1-4 Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

* 파일 :

Game of Thrones Script-Season 1x4 Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things.docx

Open to Bran Stark dreaming. He is in the courtyard of Winterfell shooting a bow as a raven flies in. As he approaches it, it flies into the crypt, continuously cawing. As Bran enters the crypt he makes direct eye contact with the raven and sees that it has three eyes. He wakes up. Theon enters just as he wakes up.


Old Nan: The little Lord's been dreaming again.

Theon Greyjoy: We have visitors.

Bran Stark: I don't want to see anyone.

Theon Greyjoy: Really? If I was cooped up all day with no one but this old bat for company, I'd go mad. Anyway, you don't have a choice. Robb's waiting.

Bran Stark: I don't want to go.

Theon Greyjoy: Neither do I. But Robb's Lord of Winterfell, which means I do what he says and you do what I say. Hodor!(Hodor enters, hoisting up Bran and carrying him away) Help Bran down the hall.


Tyrion standing in front of Robb and MaesterLuwin inside the Winterfell castle.


Tyrion Lannister: I must say I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit.

Robb Stark: Any man of the Night's Watch is welcome at Winterfell.

Tyrion Lannister: Any man of the Night's Watch, but not I, eh, boy?

Robb Stark: I'm not your boy, Lannister. I'm Lord of Winterfell while my father is away.

Tyrion Lannister: Then you might learn a lord's courtesy.


Hodor enters carrying Bran.


Tyrion Lannister: So it's true. Hello Bran. Do you remember anything about what happened?

MaesterLuwin: He has no memory of that day.

Tyrion Lannister: Curious.

Robb Stark: Why are you here?

Tyrion Lannister: Would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel? My neck is beginning to hurt.

Bran Stark: Kneel, Hodor.

Tyrion Lannister: Do you like to ride, Bran?

Bran Stark: Yes. Well, I mean I did like to.

MaesterLuwin: The boy has lost the use of his legs.

Tyrion Lannister: What of it? With the right horse and saddle, even a cripple can ride.

Bran Stark: I'm not a cripple.

Tyrion Lannister: Then I'm not a dwarf. My father will rejoice to hear it. I have a gift for you. Give that to your saddler. He'll provide the rest. You must shape the horse to the rider. Start with a yearling and teach it to respond to the reins and to the boy's voice.

Bran Stark: Will I really be able to ride?

Tyrion Lannister:You will. On horseback you will be as tall as any of them.

Robb Stark: Is this some kind of trick? Why do you want to help him?

Tyrion Lannister: I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things.

Robb Stark: You've done my brother a kindness. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours.

Tyrion Lannister: Spare me your false courtesies, Lord Stark. There's a brothel outside your walls. There I'll find a bed and both of us can sleep easier.


Before Tyrion exits Winterfell for the brothel, Theon sees him off in the courtyard.


Theon Greyjoy: Couldn't resist some northern ass? If you like redheads, ask for Ros.

Tyrion Lannister: Come to see me off, Greyjoy? Kind of you. Your master doesn't seem to like Lannisters.

Theon Greyjoy: He's not my master.

Tyrion Lannister: No, of course not. What happened here? Where is lady Stark? Why didn't she receive me?

Theon Greyjoy: She wasn't feeling well.

Tyrion Lannister: She's not in Winterfell, is she? Where did she go?

Theon Greyjoy: My lady's whereabouts...

Tyrion Lannister: My lady? Your loyalty to your captors is touching. Tell me, how do you think Balon Greyjoy would feel if he could see his only surviving son has turned lackey? I still remember seeing my father's fleet burn in Lannisport. I believe your uncles were responsible?

Theon Greyjoy: Must have been a pretty sight.

Tyrion Lannister: Nothing prettier than watching sailors burn alive. Yes, a great victory for your people. Shame how it all turned out.

Theon Greyjoy: We were outnumbered 10 to one.

Tyrion Lannister: A stupid rebellion then. I suppose your father realized that when your brothers died in battle. Now here you are, your enemy's squire.

Theon Greyjoy: Careful, Imp.

Tyrion Lannister: I've offended you. Forgive me, it's been a rough morning. Anyway, don't despair. I'm a constant disappointment to my own father and I've learned to live with it. Your next tumble with Ros is on me. I'll try not to wear her out.


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In the courtyard of Castle Black, Jon Snow is giving the group lessons in fighting. As Alliser marches in with a new recruit, Samwell Tarly.


Jon Snow: Leg, shoulder, leg. Left foot forward. Good. Now pivot as you deliver the stroke. Put all your weight behind it.

Grenn: What in seven hells is that?

Pyp: They'll need an eighth hell to fit him in.

Alliser Thorne: Tell them your name.

Samwell Tarly: Samwell Tarly, of Horn Hill. I mean, I was of Horn Hill. I've come to take the black.

Rast: Come to take the black pudding.

Alliser Thorne: Well, you couldn't be any worse than you look. See what he can do.

Samwell Tarly: I yield. Please, no more.

Alliser Thorne: On your feet. Pick up your sword. Hit him till he finds his feet. It seems they've run short of poachers and thieves down south. Now they send us squealing bloody pigs. Again, harder.

Jon Snow: Enough! He yielded.

Alliser Thorne: Looks like the bastard's in love. All right then, lord Snow, you wish to defend your lady love, let's make it an exercise. You two. Three of you ought to be sufficient to make lady piggy squeal. All you've got to do is get past the bastard.

Jon Snow: Are you sure you want to do this?


Alliser has the three guys attack Jon, trying to get to Sam, Jon successfully defends them all off.


Grenn: No. Yield yieldyield! I yield.

Alliser Thorne: We're done for today. Go clean the armory. That's all you're good for.

Pyp: Well fought!

Grenn: Piss off.

Samwell Tarly: Did he hurt you?

Jon Snow: I've had worse.

Samwell Tarly: You can call me Sam... If you want. My mother calls me Sam.

Jon Snow: It's not going to get any easier, you know? You'll have to defend yourself.

Grenn: Why didn't you get up and fight?

Samwell Tarly: I wanted to. I just couldn't.

Grenn: Why not?

Samwell Tarly: I'm a coward. My father always says so.

Jon Snow: The Wall's no place for cowards.

Samwell Tarly: You're right. I'm sorry. I just... Wanted to thank you.

Grenn: A bloody coward. People saw us talking to him. Now they'll think we're cowards too.

Pyp: You're too stupid to be a coward.

Grenn: You're too stupid to be a...

Pyp: Quick now, before summer's over.

Grenn: Come on here!


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Daenerys and the horde have arrived to the Dothraki homeland.


Jorah Mormont: Vaes Dothrak. The city of the horselords.

Viserys Targaryen: A pile of mud. Mud and shit and twigs - best these savages can do.

Daenerys Targaryen: These are my people now. You shouldn't call them savages.

Viserys Targaryen: I'll call them what I like, because they're my people. This is my army. Khal Drogo is marching the wrong way with my army.

Daenerys Targaryen: If my brother was given an army of Dothraki, could you conquer the Seven Kingdoms?

Jorah Mormont: The Dothrakihave never crossed the Narrow Sea. They fear any water their horses can't drink.

Daenerys Targaryen: But if they did?

Jorah Mormont: King Robert is fool enough to meet them in open battle, but the men advising him are different.

Daenerys Targaryen: And you know these men?

Jorah Mormont: I fought beside them once, long ago. Now Ned Stark wants my head. He drove me from my land.

Daenerys Targaryen: You sold slaves.

Jorah Mormont: Aye.

Daenerys Targaryen: Why?

Jorah Mormont: I had no money and an expensive wife.

Daenerys Targaryen: And where is she now?

Jorah Mormont: In another place, with another man.


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Viserys is in a tub inside of a tent, being bathed by Doreah.


Doreah: Your Grace?

Viserys Targaryen: Yes, my dear?

Doreah: They call you the last dragon...

Viserys Targaryen: They do.

Doreah: You have dragon's blood in your veins?

Viserys Targaryen: It's entirely possible.

Doreah: What happened to the dragons? I was told that brave men killed them all.

Viserys Targaryen: The brave men didn't kill dragons. The brave men rode them. Rode them from Valyria to build the greatest civilization this world has ever seen. The breath of the greatest dragon forged the Iron Throne, which the Usurper is keeping warm for me. The swords of the vanquished, a thousand of them... melted together like so many candles.

Doreah: I have always wanted to see a dragon. There is nothing in the world that I would rather see.

ViserysTargaryen:Really? Why dragons?

Doreah: They can fly. And wherever they are, just a few flaps of their wings and they're somewhere else... Far away. And they can kill. Anyone or anything that tries to hurt them gets burned away to nothing... melted... like so many candles. Seeing a dragon would make me very happy.

Viserys Targaryen: Well, after 15 years in a pleasure house, I imagine just seeing the sky makes you happy.

Doreah: I was not locked in. I have seen things.

Viserys Targaryen: What have you seen?

Doreah: I've seen... A man from Asshai with a dagger of real dragonglass. I've seen a man who could change his face the way that other men change their clothes. And I've seen a pirate who wore his weight in gold and whose ship had sails of colored silk. So... Have you seen one?

Viserys Targaryen: A pirate ship?

Doreah: A dragon.

Viserys Targaryen: No, the last one died many years before I was born. I'll tell you what I have seen : their skulls. They used to decorate the throne room in the Red Keep. When I was very young, just 3 or 4, my father used to walk me down the rows and I'd recite their names for him. When I got them all right, he'd give me a sweet. The ones closest to the door were the last ones they were able to hatch and they were all stunted and wrong. Skulls no bigger than dog skulls. But as you got closer to the Iron Throne... They got bigger and bigger and bigger. There was Ghiscar and Valryon, Vermithrax, Essovius, Archonel, Meraxes, Vhagar... And Balerion the Dread... whose fire forged the Seven Kingdoms into one.

Doreah: What happened to the skulls?

Viserys Targaryen: I don't know. The Usurper had them smashed to powder, I expect. Scattered to the wind.

Doreah: That's very sad.

Viserys Targaryen: Yes, it is. What did I buy you for? To make me sad?

Doreah: No, your Grace. To teach your sister.

Viserys Targaryen: To teach my sister how to be a better lover? You think I bought you to make Khal Drogo happy? You pretty little idiot. Go on then. Get on with it.


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Inside of the throne room at King’s Landing.


Septa Mordane: Someday your husband will sit there and you will sit by his side. And one day, before too long, you will present your son to the court. All the lords of Westeros will gather here to see the little prince...

Sansa Stark: What if I have a girl?

Septa Mordane: Gods be good, you'll have boys and girls and plenty of them.

Sansa Stark: What if I only have girls?

Septa Mordane: I wouldn't worry about that.

Sansa Stark: Jeyne Poole's mother had five children, all of them girls.

Septa Mordane: Yes, but it's highly unlikely.

Sansa Stark: But what if?

Septa Mordane: If you only had girls, I suppose the throne would pass to Prince Joffrey's little brother.

Sansa Stark: And everyone would hate me.

Septa Mordane: Nobody could ever hate you.

Sansa Stark: Joffrey does.

Septa Mordane: Nonsense. Why would you say such a thing? That business with the wolves? I've told you a hundred times... A direwolf is not...

Sansa Stark: Please shut up about it.

Septa Mordane: Do you remember your lessons? Who built the Iron Throne?

Sansa Stark: Aegon the Conqueror.

Septa Mordane: And who built the Red Keep?

Sansa Stark: Maegor the Cruel.

Septa Mordane: And how many years did it take to build...

Sansa Stark: My grandfather and uncle were murdered here, weren't they?

Septa Mordane: They were killed on the orders of King Aerys, yes.

Sansa Stark: The Mad King.

Septa Mordane: Commonly known as the Mad King.

Sansa Stark: Why were they killed?

Septa Mordane: You should speak to your father about these matters.

Sansa Stark: I don't want to speak to my father, ever.

Septa Mordane: You will find it in your heart to forgive your father.

Sansa Stark: No, I won't.


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Small council meeting in King’s Landing.


Janos Slynt: It's the Hand's tournament that's causing all this trouble, my Lords.

Eddard Stark: The King's tournament. I assure you the Hand wants no part of it.

Janos Slynt: Call it what you will, Lord Stark Ser, the city is packed with people and more flooding in every day. Last night we had a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race down the Street of Sisters.

Varys: Dreadful.

Renly Baratheon: If you can't keep the King's peace, perhaps the City Watch should be commanded by someone who can.

Janos Slynt: I need more men.

Eddard Stark: You'll get 50. Lord Baelish will see it paid for.

Petyr Baelish: I will?

Eddard Stark: You found money for a champion's purse, you can find money to keep the peace. I'll also give you 20 of my household guards till the crowds have left.

Janos Slynt: Thank you, my Lord Hand Ser. They will be put to good use.

Eddard Stark: The sooner this is over, the better.

Varys: The realm prospers from such events, my Lord. They give the great a chance at glory, and the lowly a respite from their woes.

Petyr Baelish: And every inn in the city is full and the whores are walking bow-legged.

Eddard Stark: I'm sure the tourney puts coins in many a pocket. Now...If there's nothing else, my Lords?


Eddard dismisses the council, as they are all leaving, Ned stops Pycelle.


Grand MaesterPycelle: This heat. On days like this, I envy you northerners your summer snows. Until tomorrow my Lord.

Eddard Stark: I've been hoping to talk to you about Jon Arryn.

Grand MaesterPycelle: Lord Arryn? His death was a great sadness to all of us. I took personal charge of his care, but I could not save him. His sickness struck him very hard and very fast. I saw him in my chambers just the night before he passed. Lord Jon often came to me for counsel.

Eddard Stark: Why?

Grand MaesterPycelle: I have been Grand Maester for many years. Kings and Hands have come to me for advice since...

Eddard Stark: What did Jon want the night before he died?

Grand MaesterPycelle: He came inquiring after a book.

Eddard Stark: A book? What book?

Grand MaesterPycelle: I fear it would be of little interest to you, my Lord. A ponderous tome.

Eddard Stark: I'd like to read it.


Now in Pycelle’s room, he hands a book to Ned.


Grand MaesterPycelle: "The lineages and histories of the great houses of the Seven Kingdoms, with descriptions of many high lords and noble ladies and their children."

Eddard Stark: "Harkon Umber, first of his name, born to lord Hother Umber and lady Amaryllis Umber in the 183rd year after Aegon's landing, at the last hearth. Blue of eye, brown of hair and fair complected, died in his 14th year of a wound sustained

in a bear hunt."

Grand MaesterPycelle: As I said, my Lord, a ponderous read.

Eddard Stark: Did Jon Arryn tell you what he wanted with it?

Grand MaesterPycelle: He did not, my Lord. And I did not presume to ask.

Eddard Stark: Jon's death...

Grand MaesterPycelle: Such a tragedy.

Eddard Stark: Did he say anything to you during his final hours?

Grand MaesterPycelle:Nothing of import, my Lord. There was one phrase he kept repeating: "The seed is strong," I think it was.

Eddard Stark: "The seed is strong"? What does that mean?

Grand MaesterPycelle: The dying mind is a demented mind, Lord Stark. For all the weight they're given, last words are usually as significant as first words.

Eddard Stark: And you're quite certain he died of a natural illness?

Grand MaesterPycelle: What else could it be?

Eddard Stark: Poison.

Grand MaesterPycelle: A disturbing thought. I don't think it likely. The Hand was loved by all. What sort of man would dare...

Eddard Stark: I've heard it said that poison is a woman's weapon.

Grand MaesterPycelle: Yes. Women, cravens... and eunuchs. Did you know that lord Varys is a eunuch?

Eddard Stark: Everybody knows that.

Grand MaesterPycelle: Yes, yes, of course. How that sort of person found himself on the King's Council, I will never know.

Eddard Stark: I've taken enough of your time.

Grand MaesterPycelle: No trouble at all, my Lord. It's a great honor...

Eddard Stark: Thank you. I'll find my own way out.


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Ned is walking back to his chambers as he sees Arya balancing on one foot in front of a staircase.


Arya Stark: Syrio says a water dancer can stand on one toe for hours.

Eddard Stark: It's a hard fall down these steps.

Arya Stark: Syrio says every hurt is a lesson and every lesson makes you better. Tomorrow I'm going to be chasing cats.

Eddard Stark: Cats? Syrio says…

Arya Stark: He says every swordsman should study cats. They're quiet as shadows and as light as feathers. You have to be quick to catch them.

Eddard Stark: He's right about that.

Arya Stark: Now that Bran's awake will he come live with us?

Eddard Stark: He needs to get his strength back first.

Arya Stark:He wants to be a knight of the King’s Guard. He can't be one now, can he?

Eddard Stark: No. But someday he could be Lord of a holdfast or sit on the King's Council. Or he might raise castles like Brandon the Builder.

Arya Stark: Can I be Lord of a holdfast?

Eddard Stark: You will marry a high Lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords.

Arya Stark: No. That's not me.


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Keeping watch on the wall, Sam joins Jon as his watch partner.


Samwell Tarly: Hello. SerAlliser said I'm to be your new watch partner. I should warn you, I don't see all that well.

Jon Snow: Come stand by the fire. It's warmer.

Samwell Tarly: No, that's all right. I'm fine.

Jon Snow: You're not. You're freezing.

Samwell Tarly: I don't like high places.

Jon Snow: You can't fight. You can't see. You're afraid of heights and almost everything else probably. What are you doing here, Sam?

Samwell Tarly: On the morning of my 18th nameday, my father came to me. "You're almost a man now," he said, "but you're not worthy of my land and title. Tomorrow, you're going to take the black, forsake all claim to your inheritance and start north. If you do not," he said, "then we'll have a hunt and somewhere in these woods your horse will stumble and you'll be thrown from your saddle to die. Or so I'll tell your mother. Nothing would please me more." SerAlliser's going to make me fight again tomorrow, isn't he?

Jon Snow: Yes, he is.

Samwell Tarly: I'm not going to get any better, you know?

Jon Snow: Well… You can't get any worse.


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Walking through the gardens of King’s Landing.


Petyr Baelish: I hear you're reading a boring book.

Eddard Stark: Pycelle talks too much.

Petyr Baelish: He never stops. Do you know Ser Hugh of the Vale? Not surprising. Until recently, he was only a squire... Jon Arryn's squire. He was knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death.

Eddard Stark: Knighted for what? Why are you telling me this?

Petyr Baelish: I promised Cat that I'd help you.

Eddard Stark: Where is Ser Hugh? I'll speak to him.

Petyr Baelish: A singularly bad idea. Do you see that boy there? One of Varys's little birds. The Spider has taken a great interest in your comings and goings. Now look there. That one belongs to the Queen. And do you see that Septa pretending to read her book?

Eddard Stark: Varys or the Queen?

Petyr Baelish: No. She's one of mine. Is there someone in your service whom you trust completely?

Eddard Stark: Yes.

Petyr Baelish: The wiser answer was no, my Lord. Get a message to this paragon of yours... Discreetly. Send him to question Ser Hugh. After that, you might want him to visit a certain armorer in the city. He lives in a large house at the top of the street of Steel.

Eddard Stark: Why?

Petyr Baelish: I have my observers, as I said, and it's possible that they saw Lord Arryn visit this armorer several times in the weeks before his death.

Eddard Stark: Lord Baelish, perhaps I was wrong to distrust you.

Petyr Baelish: Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse.


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Preparing for the Hand of the King’s tournament, Ser Hugh is pacing out steps on the joust.


Jory Cassel: Ser Hugh? Ser Hugh!

Hugh of the Vale: As you can see, I'm busy.

Jory Cassel: I'm here on behalf of Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the king. I'm the captain of his guard.

Hugh of the Vale: I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name, Ser...

Jory Cassel: No "ser." I'm not a knight.

Hugh of the Vale: I see. Well, it just so happens that I am.


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Riding on horseback through King’s Landing, Ned and Jory arrive at the armorer.


Jory Cassel: He said he'd be glad to talk to the Hand himself. He's a knight, you see.

Eddard Stark: A knight. They strut around like roosters down here. Even the ones who've never seen an arrow coming their way.

Jory Cassel: You shouldn't be out here, my Lord. There's no telling who has eyes where.

Eddard Stark: Let them look.

Tobho Mott: The former Hand did call on me, my Lord, several times. I regret to say he did not honor me with his patronage.

Eddard Stark: What did Lord Arryn want?

Tobho Mott: He always came to see the boy.

Eddard Stark: I'd like to see him as well.

Tobho Mott: As you wish, my Lord. Gendry! Here he is. Strong for his age. He works hard. Show the Hand the helmet you made, lad.

Eddard Stark: This is fine work.

Gendry: It's not for sale.

Tobho Mott: Boy, this is the King's Hand! If his lordship wants the helmet...

Gendry: I made it for me.

Tobho Mott: Forgive him, my Lord.

Eddard Stark: There's nothing to forgive. When Lord Arryn came to visit you, what would you talk about?

Gendry: He just asked me questions is all, my Lord.

Eddard Stark: What kind of questions?

Gendry: About my work at first, if I was being treated well, if I liked it here. But then he started asking me about my mother.

Eddard Stark: Your mother?

Gendry: Who she was, what she looked like.

Eddard Stark: What did you tell him?

Gendry: She died when I was little. She had yellow hair. She'd sing to me sometimes.

Eddard Stark: Look at me. Get back to work, lad. If the day ever comes when that boy'd rather wield a sword than forge one, you send him to me.

Jory Cassel: Find anything?

Eddard Stark: King Robert's bastard son.


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Jaime is standing guard outside of the king’s chambers. You can hear King Robert with numerous girls inside his room.


Jory Cassel: This is for the King from Lord Stark.

Jaime Lannister: Listen. Do you hear them? How many do you think are in there with him? Guess.

Jory Cassel: Three? Four?

Jaime Lannister: He likes to do this when I'm on duty... He makes me listen as he insults my sister.

Jory Cassel: Forgive me, my Lord...

Jaime Lannister: Why do I have to forgive you? Have you wronged me?

Jory Cassel: We've met before, you know.

Jaime Lannister: Have we? Strange, I've forgotten.

Jory Cassel: The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon.

Jaime Lannister: That's where you got your scar?

Jory Cassel: Aye. One of the Greyjoys nearly took my eye.

Jaime Lannister: Vicious sons of whores.

Jory Cassel: They like their bloodshed.

Jaime Lannister: They stopped liking it at the end. That was a proper battle. D'yourememberThoros of Myr charging through the breach?

Jory Cassel: With his burning sword? I'll remember that till the day I die.

Jaime Lannister: I saw the youngest of the Greyjoy lads at Winterfell. It was like seeing a shark on a mountaintop.

Jory Cassel: Theon? He's a good lad.

Jaime Lannister: I doubt it.

Robert Baratheon: I'll bet you smell of blackberry jam! Let me smell it. Come here.

Jory Cassel: Can I leave this with you? The message from Lord Stark.

Jaime Lannister: I don't serve Lord Stark.


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In the mess hall at Castle Black.


Grenn: Where have you been?

Jon Snow: Watch duty. With Sam.

Pyp: Prince Porkchop. Where is he?

Jon Snow: He wasn't hungry.

Pyp: Impossible!

Jon Snow: That's enough. Sam's no different from the rest of us. There was no place for him in the world, so he's come here. We're not going to hurt him in the training yard anymore. Never again, no matter what Thorne says. He's our brother now and we're going to protect him.

Rast: You are in love, Lord Snow. You girls can do as you please. But if Thorne puts me up against Lady Piggy, I'm gonna slice me off a side of bacon.


All of the new recruits are sleeping. Jon, Ghost (his direwolf), Pyp and Grenn ambush and gag Rast as he sleeps. Jon threatens him.


Jon Snow: No one touches Sam.


Back in the training yard the next morning.Rast is defying Alliser and not attacking Sam.


Alliser Thorne: What are you waiting for? Attack him! You, get in there.

Grenn: Hit me. Go on, hit me! I yield! Yield yield. I yield.

Alliser Thorne: You think this is funny, do you? When you're out there beyond the Wall with the sun going down, do you want a man at your back? Or a sniveling boy?


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After their bath, Viserys drags Doreah by her hair through the camp and into Daenerys’ tent.


Viserys Targaryen: You send this whore to give me commands? I should have sent you back her head!

Doreah: Forgive me, Khaleesi. I did as you asked.

Daenerys Targaryen: Hush now. It's all right. Irri, take her and leave us.

Irri: Yes, Khaleesi.

Daenerys Targaryen: Why did you hit her?!

Viserys Targaryen: How many times do I have to tell you? You do not command me.

Daenerys Targaryen: I wasn't commanding you. I just wanted to invite you to supper.

Viserys Targaryen: What's this?

Daenerys Targaryen: It's a gift. I had it made for you.

Viserys Targaryen: Dothraki rags? Are you going to dress me now?

Daenerys Targaryen: Please.

Viserys Targaryen: This stinks of manure. All of it.

Daenerys Targaryen: Stop - stop it.

Viserys Targaryen: You would turn me into one of them, wouldn't you? Next you'll want to braid my hair.

Daenerys Targaryen: You've no right to a braid. You've won no victories yet.

Viserys Targaryen: You do not talk back to me!


Viserys hit Daenerys, as he mounts her to keep hitting her, she fends him off with a chain.


Viserys Targaryen: You are a horselord's slut. And now you've woken the dragon...

Daenerys Targaryen: I am a Khaleesi of the Dothraki! I am the wife of the great Khal and I carry his son inside me. The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands.


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Inside the Castle Black mess hall, cleaning up.


Samwell Tarly: I know for a fact that some of the officers go to that brothel in Mole's Town.

Jon Snow: I wouldn't doubt it.

Samwell Tarly: Don't you think it's a little bit unfair? Making us take our vows while they sneak off for a little sally on the side?

Jon Snow: Sally on the side?

Samwell Tarly:It's silly, isn't it? What, we can't defend the Wall unless we're celibate? It's absurd.

Jon Snow: I didn't think you'd be so upset about it.

Samwell Tarly:Why not? Because I'm fat? But I like girls just as much as you do. They might not like me as much. I've never... been with one. You've probably had hundreds.

Jon Snow: As a matter of fact, I'm the same as you.

Samwell Tarly: I find that hard to believe.

Jon Snow: I came very close once. I was alone in a room with a naked girl, but...

Samwell Tarly:You didn't know where to put it?

Jon Snow: I know where to put it.

Samwell Tarly:Was she... Old and ugly?

Jon Snow: Young and gorgeous. A whore named Ros.

Samwell Tarly: What color hair?

Jon Snow: Red.

Samwell Tarly: I like red hair. And her... Her...

Jon Snow: You don't want to know.

Samwell Tarly: That good?

Jon Snow: Better.

Samwell Tarly: Oh no. So why exactly did you not make love to Ros with the perfect...

Jon Snow: What's my name?

Samwell Tarly: Jon Snow?

Jon Snow: And why is my surname Snow?

Samwell Tarly: Because... You're a bastard from the north.

Jon Snow: I never met my mother. My father wouldn't even tell me her name. I don't know if she's living or dead. I don't know if she's a noblewoman or a fisherman's wife... Or a whore. So I sat there in the brothel as Ros took off her clothes. But I couldn't do it. Because all I could think was what if I got her pregnant and she had a child, another bastard named Snow? It's not a good life for a child.

Samwell Tarly: So... You didn't know where to put it?

Alliser Thorne: Enjoying yourselves? You look cold, boys.

Samwell Tarly: It is a bit nippy.

Alliser Thorne: A bit nippy, yeah, by the fire, indoors. It's still summer. Do you boys even remember the last winter? How long has it been now? What, 10 years? I remember. Was it uncomfortable at Winterfell? Were there days when you just couldn't get warm, never mind how many fires your servants built?

Jon Snow: I build my own fires.

Alliser Thorne: That's admirable. I spent six months out there, beyond the Wall during the last winter. It was supposed to be a two-week mission. We heard a rumor ManceRayder was planning to attack Eastwatch. So we went out to look for some of his men... Capture them, gather some knowledge. The Wildlings who fight for ManceRayder are hard men. Harder than you'll ever be. They know their country better than we do. They knew there was a storm coming in. So they hid in their caves and waited for it to pass. And we got caught in the open. Wind so strong it yanked 100-foot trees straight from the ground, roots and all. If you took your gloves off to find your cock to have a piss, you lost a finger to the frost. And all in darkness. You don't know cold. Neither of you do. The horses died first. We didn't have enough to feed them, to keep them warm. Eating the horses was easy. But later when we started to fall... That wasn't easy. We should have had a couple of boys like you along, shouldn't we? Soft, fat boys like you. We'd have lasted a fortnight on you and still had bones leftover for soup. Soon we'll have new recruits and you lot will be passed along to the Lord Commander for assignment and they will call you men of the Night's Watch, but you'd be fools to believe it. You're boys still. And come the winter you will die... Like flies.


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Inside Daenerys’ tent, speaking privately to Jorah.


Daenerys Targaryen: I hit him. I hit the dragon.

Jorah Mormont: Your brother Rhaegar was the last dragon. Viserys is less than the shadow of a snake.

Daenerys Targaryen: He is still the true King.

Jorah Mormont: The truth now: do you want to see your brother sitting on the Iron Throne?

Daenerys Targaryen: No. But the common people are waiting for him. Illyrio said they're sewing dragon banners and praying for his return.

Jorah Mormont: The common people pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don't care what games the high Lords play.

Daenerys Targaryen:What do you pray for, Ser Jorah?

Jorah Mormont: Home.

Daenerys Targaryen: I pray for home too. My brother will never take back the Seven Kingdoms. He couldn't lead an army even if my husband gave him one. He'll never take us home.


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At the Hand of the King’s tournament. Baelish sees Sansa looking at Joffrey who hides his face from her.


Petyr Baelish: Lover's quarrel?

Sansa Stark: I'm sorry. Do I...?

Septa Mordane: Sansa dear, this is Lord Baelish. He's known...

Petyr Baelish: An old friend of the family. I've known your mother a long long time.

Arya Stark: Why do they call you Littlefinger?

Sansa Stark: Arya!

Septa Mordane: Don't be rude!

Petyr Baelish: No, it's quite all right. When I was a child I was very small and I come from a little spit of land called The Fingers, so you see, it's an exceedingly clever nickname.

Robert Baratheon: I've been sitting here for days! Start the damn joust before I piss myself!


The competitors step forward on their horses, Baelish introduces them to Sansa.


Sansa Stark: Gods, who is that?

Petyr Baelish: SerGregor Clegane. They call him the Mountain. The Hound's older brother.

Sansa Stark: And his opponent?

Petyr Baelish: Ser Hugh of the Vale. He was Jon Arryn's squire. Look how far he's come.

Robert Baratheon: Yes, yes. Enough of the bloody pomp. Have at it!


The joust begins. The first pass takes its course with no contact. On the second pass, the Mountain’s joust strikes Ser Hugh in the neck, causing a massive splinter, and his blood gushing out. This occurs directly in front of where Sansa is sitting.


Petyr Baelish: Not what you were expecting? Has anyone ever told you the story of the Mountain and the Hound? Lovely little tale of brotherly love. The Hound was just a pup, six years old maybe. Gregor a few years older, already a big lad, already getting a bit of a reputation. Some lucky boys just born with a talent for violence. One evening... Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire... Gregor's toy, a wooden knight.Gregor never said a word, he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into the burning coals. Held him there while the boy screamed, while his face melted. There aren't very many people who know that story.

Sansa Stark: I won't tell anyone. I promise.

Petyr Baelish: No, please don't. If the Hound so much as heard you mention it, I'm afraid all the knights in King's Landing would not be able to save you.


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In Eddard’s quarters, Cersei enters.


Jory Cassel: My Lord, Her Grace the Queen.

Eddard Stark: Your Grace.

Cersei Baratheon: You're missing your tournament.

Eddard Stark: Putting my name on it doesn't make it mine.

Cersei Baratheon: I thought we might put what happened on the Kingsroad behind us – the ugliness with the wolves. And forcing you to kill the beast was extreme. Though sometimes we go to extremes where our children are concerned. How is Sansa?

Eddard Stark: She likes it here.

Cersei Baratheon: The only Stark who does. Favors her mother, not much of the north in her.

Eddard Stark: What are you doing here?

Cersei Baratheon: I might ask the same of you. What is it you hope to accomplish?

Eddard Stark: The King called on me to serve him and the realm, and that's what I'll do until he tells me otherwise.

Cersei Baratheon: You can't change him. You can't help him. He'll do what he wants, which is all he's ever done. You'll try your best to pick up the pieces.

Eddard Stark: If that's my job, then so be it.

Cersei Baratheon: You're just a soldier, aren't you? You take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense. Your older brother was trained to lead and you were trained to follow.

Eddard Stark: I was also trained to kill my enemies, Your Grace.

Cersei Baratheon: As was I.


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At an inn along the King’s Road. Catelyn is heading back towards Winterfell.


Marillion: Seven blessings to you, goodfolk!

Catelyn Stark: And to you.

Rodrick Cassel: Boy! Bread, meat and beer, quickly.

Marillion: Good idea, grandfather. I'm starving. A song while we wait or?

Rodrick Cassel: I'd rather throw myself down a well.

Marillion: Grandfather, may be your last chance if you're heading north. The only music the northerners know is the howling of wolves!


Tyrion and Yoren of the Night’s Watch enter the inn. Catelyn attempts to hide herself.


Masha Heddle: I'm sorry, my Lord, we're full up. Every room.

Tyrion Lannister: My men can sleep in the stable. As for myself, I don't require a large room.

Masha Heddle: Truly, my lord, we have nothing.

Tyrion Lannister: Is there nothing I can do... to remedy this?

Bronn: You can have my room.

Tyrion Lannister: There's a clever man. You can manage food, I trust? Yoren, dine with me.

Yoren: Aye, my Lord.

Marillion: My Lord of Lannister! Might I entertain you while you eat? I can sing of your father's victory at King's Landing!

Tyrion Lannister: Nothing would more likely ruin my supper. Lady Stark! What an unexpected pleasure. I was sorry to have missed you at Winterfell.

Masha Heddle: Lady Stark.

Catelyn Stark: I was still Catelyn Tully the last time I stayed here. You, Ser... Is that the black bat of Harrenhal I see embroidered on your coat?

Knight of House Whent: It is, my Lady.

Catelyn Stark: And is Lady Whent a true and honest friend to my father... Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun?

Knight of House Whent: She is.

Catelyn Stark: The red stallion was always a welcome sight at Riverrun. My father counts Jonas Bracken amongst his oldest and most loyal bannermen.

Knight of House Bracken: Our lord is honored by his trust.

Tyrion Lannister: I envy your father all his fine friends, but I don't quite see the purpose of this.

Catelyn Stark:Knight of House Frey: Lord Walder is well, my Lady. He has asked your father for the honor of his presence on his 90th nameday. He plans to take another wife.

Catelyn Stark: This man... Came into my house as a guest and there conspired to murder my son, a boy of 10. In the name of King Robert and the good Lords you serve, I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the king's justice.


All of the knights draw their swords towards Tyrion.
